This group has brought so much pleasure to this blog in 2012 and I have merely been a beneficiary. Thank you for the magnificent contributions. May you all have a fantastic 2013!!
I am putting a link here since the YouTube date is from last December. I did not know of this program so was glad to find it. I just started watching it and thought I would link it up here so you can do a proper announcement yourself David.
Narrated by Christopher Lee and no, this is only a few years old. The Fast And Furious Life Of Errol Flynn.
My wife and I watched this last night after I posted the link and I saw many films and photos I have never seen before and let me tell you that is saying alot since I have been a Flynn fan since my father introduced me to him in the 1960’s. I have been surfing the net ever since it has been available and many photos are new to me. Jack Marino and Lincoln Hurst among others are interiewed as well as Christopher Lee showing his Flynn war wound. I think this was a BBC Austrailia broadcast but should be shown here in the States.
I think you can also get it on DVD, it’s a good documentary, but strangely enough, it’s completely leaving out the Northampton period! You are right about the rare pictures and partly footage (although, I think, the stuff in “Adventures of Errol Flynn” is even more spectacular), and I LOVE the music by Pink Martini!
January 1, 2013 at 7:17 am
Happy New Year to All, may it be a prosperous and healthy one!
January 1, 2013 at 4:53 pm
Happy New Year and may it be to all of you a healthy, lucky and a happy one!
David DeWitt
January 1, 2013 at 5:02 pm
Bless your hearts! Happy New Year to you, and all of us at The Errol Flynn Blog!
Maria Romano
January 1, 2013 at 5:39 pm
This group has brought so much pleasure to this blog in 2012 and I have merely been a beneficiary. Thank you for the magnificent contributions. May you all have a fantastic 2013!!
David DeWitt
January 2, 2013 at 1:44 am
Maria! Thanks so much! I am happy you enjoy the blog and look forward to a great year in 2013! Happy New Year to you, too!
March 14, 2013 at 12:22 am
I am putting a link here since the YouTube date is from last December. I did not know of this program so was glad to find it. I just started watching it and thought I would link it up here so you can do a proper announcement yourself David.
Narrated by Christopher Lee and no, this is only a few years old. The Fast And Furious Life Of Errol Flynn.…
March 14, 2013 at 6:42 pm
My wife and I watched this last night after I posted the link and I saw many films and photos I have never seen before and let me tell you that is saying alot since I have been a Flynn fan since my father introduced me to him in the 1960’s. I have been surfing the net ever since it has been available and many photos are new to me. Jack Marino and Lincoln Hurst among others are interiewed as well as Christopher Lee showing his Flynn war wound. I think this was a BBC Austrailia broadcast but should be shown here in the States.
March 14, 2013 at 8:22 pm
I think you can also get it on DVD, it’s a good documentary, but strangely enough, it’s completely leaving out the Northampton period! You are right about the rare pictures and partly footage (although, I think, the stuff in “Adventures of Errol Flynn” is even more spectacular), and I LOVE the music by Pink Martini!