John Hammod Moore to guest on Jack Marino Warrior Filmmaker Radio Show!

04 Oct

On October 11th, John Hammond Moore, author of The Young Errol: Flynn Before Hollywood will be a guest on the Jack Marino Warrior Filmmakers Radio Show on L.A. Talk Radio.  Jack has agreed to review questions from Flynn fans to ask Mr. Moore during this exclusive and rare interview. You can place your questions here as comments and Jack will select a few to ask during his interview of John Hammond Moore.

Flynn Before Hollywood

— David DeWitt


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  1. Tim

    October 6, 2013 at 12:26 am

    Thank you Jack & John for this great opportunity. Very much appreciated!!

    John, thanks so much for your magnificent research & book, which sheds so much light on Errol’s life and has so successfully paved the way for other researchers and authors.

    I have three questions, if you have the time to address (any of) them:

    1) [First, this being the 75th Anniversary of Errol’s most famous masterpiece!]

    It’s been said that Errol was born to play Robin Hood. In your book, there is some evidence that may have been true.* How much of Robin Hood do you believe Errol was born with or developed in his youth?

    *This evidence includes, in part, your passages regarding recollections of his classmate Bill Penfold at Shore (Sidney Church of England Grammar School) and Errol’s own account of having a “knockdown brawl” with a school bully he called “Lindsey” in My Wicked, Wicked Ways.

    2) If you were to write or recommend a script or screenplay focusing on any one particular part of Errol’s pre-Hollywood youth – such as his voyage on the Sirocco, his days in New Guinea, or his final departure from Down Under for England, et cetera – which part would that be, and why?

    3) Errol’s writings from his days in New Guinea reveal a remarkable young man – one with a truly unique sense of introspection, philosophy of life, and desire to find “the essence of life” and “live deeply”. If Errol was able to look back on it all now – from this distance – how do you think he’d regard it all? Would he now recognize – as so many of us do – how wondrously inspiring and important his life was? Was his life anything like he hoped or envisioned it as a young man?

    Thank You, Jack & John!!

  2. timerider

    The Real Person!

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    October 7, 2013 at 2:43 pm

    I wonder if ya’ll have seen this webcam in Hobart?…

    I wish I was there with winter coming on here! spring time in OZ! Oh well…….. I’m not a winter boy, just a BeachBum at heart!

    • timerider

      The Real Person!

      Author timerider acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      October 7, 2013 at 6:26 pm

      And furthermore, I must get this book and squeeze in time to read it all! I’m hooked from just the first chapter! I guess Tim’s questions are very relevant and I would like to hear the answers. Also, Mr Moore, how long did it take you to research all the great dities on the life of young Errol Leslie?

  3. Harry

    October 8, 2013 at 6:04 am

    Thanks for this opportunity. My question is in regard to “Madge Parks”, the wealthy married woman with whom Errol had an affair in late 1932, in Sydney. He described this affair in his book My Wicked, Wicked Ways.

    Errol’s co-star from the film “In the Wake of the Bounty” – John Warwick, appears to have provided you with information for your book. Did John tell you the identity of “Madge”? If so, are you willing to share now as this was many decades ago. I am curious to know whether this or not was disclosed to you, even if you are not willing to make this public at present.

    Thanks again,

  4. Inga

    October 11, 2013 at 2:57 pm

    I’d like to thank you, Mr Hammond Moore, for re-publishing the book and thus giving younger generations of fans the chance to purchase it – impossible with the prices demanded for the first edition. [I think it’s just so unfair that the dealers demanding hundreds of dollars for the 1st edition are making a fortune based on your work, Mr Hammond Moore!!!] Anyway, my question:
    Would you tell us what happened to the New Guinea notebook, in whose possession it is today? You wrote the Mrs Innes did not succeed in giving it back to EF and that part of it have been published. Would you tell us where it is now? Thanks!