The Missing Swashbucklers

21 Nov

From 1940’s “The Sea Hawk” until 1949’s “Adventures of Don Juan”, Errol Flynn did not make a swashbuckler. That’s like saying John Wayne did not make a western for 9 years. Or Laurel & Hardy did not make a comedy. The possibilities for Flynn swashbucklers during those  years are endless. So here’s my first imaginary Flynn swashbuckler; “The Adventures of Sir Francis Drake” which, in a better world, might have debuted at Christmas of 1943. Flynn-Poster2

— zacal

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  1. Tim

    November 22, 2013 at 9:15 am

    One Man ~~ Against an Armada! Great concept & work, zacal – as always!!

    Perhaps this film could have/would have gone beyond his role as Geoffrey Thorpe, to include Drake’s circumnavigation of the world and discoveries in California, mirroring Errol’s own adventures somewhat.

    For EF’s next adventure film that never was, how about one about that early “swashbuckler” Odyssius? Wouldn’t Errol have been amazing in The Odyssey?’

    Love that you’ve included Olivia. And hopefully another masterpiece Korngold score – resisting the temptation to hip up the movie with a rap-track by Drake!