The EF Mailbag! Travilla & Errol Flynn!

05 Dec

I just thought you might be interested in this article if you haven’t seen it already.


Costume Designer William “Billy” Travilla & Errol Flynn

— David DeWitt


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  1. Tim

    December 6, 2013 at 2:06 am

    What a terrific telegram from Errol – championing young Billy Travilla’s great costume work, the spring before he (Travilla) won his Academy Award for Don Juan. What a shame The Academy never even nominated, nevermind awarded, the most convincing, exciting, and popular, costume actor of all time – Errol Flynn – the man who made these pictures work, at a level no one else has ever approached.

    Blood – Charge – Essex – Robin Hood – Sea Hawk – Boots – Don Juan.. What actor other than Errol Flynn could have been/would have been as fantastic in such costume films? No one. Not even with Mr. Travilla. …. Like Warner realized: There’s never been anyone half as good as Flynn in such pictures. … The Academy should get over their absurd prejudices and finally recognize the most exciting star in Hollywood history – Errol Flynn.