The Fleens in Florida, on the Sirocci

22 Mar

Continuing the Flynn in Florida Tour:

Commencing in the late Thirties, Errol began to visit Miami. Here’s an account of what I believe was his first visit with Lili, in 1938, not too long after purchasing the “Sirocci” in Boston:…

Because of Westinghouse, this visit to Miami may prove, in a thousand years, to be Errol’s most well known appearance:

P.S. How about this wonderful shot of Lili and her “Glamor Boy” in the Bitly link below!:…



Time Capsule

— Tim


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  1. Tim

    March 23, 2014 at 2:47 am

    Errol & Lili in Miami – and World’s Fair Time Capsule:……

  2. Lollie

    The Real Person!

    Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    March 23, 2014 at 10:27 am

    Great post Tim.How terrific is that about Errol’s mag cover going into the time capsule.Maybe in 1000 years time they will have invented a time machine & could go back & visit Mr Flynn in person?!? Imagine that! :)

    I was just recently was able to buy a copy of that magazine with Errol on the cover & it looks almost brand new,it really is amazing (and wonderful) what people keep over the years.That photo of Errol & Lili is a lovely one.He looks very posh on the cover too. :D

    • Tim

      March 24, 2014 at 3:02 am

      Thank you so much, Lollie. It’s so kind of you to compliment other people’s work & contributions,,as you so often do. It’s such a great trait, and one I believe you share with Errol himself. … I noticed & greatly admired the first time I read his Wicked, Wicked Ways, and many times since, how very complimentary Errol was of other people’s talents & achievements, even people he may not have held in high regard for other reasons. Thanks, Lollie.

      Here’s some more on Mr. Flynn in Miami. Soon, I hope to post some info & imagery connecting him to the Florida Keys, from where I have just returned.…

      And, as always the case, a superbly authoritative account from Tom McNulty:…

      • Lollie

        The Real Person!

        Author Lollie acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
        Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

        March 24, 2014 at 9:57 am

        Wow thank you Tim,what a lovely compliment,I really appreciate that. :)

        I am sure Errol is with you in Spirit on your ‘Flynn Travels’,I bet he would love that such a true admirer of his is doing that too. :)

  3. Tim

    March 25, 2014 at 1:23 am

    Flynn a’Flyin’ In to Fish in F.L.A.:……

    This trip put Errol & Lili in the company of one of the greatest fisherman of all time. A photo is said to exist, but not apparently published. I have a great one with Errol from a different trip, which I will post on a non-yet-created tab dedicated to Errol’s time in, on, and off the Florida Keys.