25 Feb

Errol went home often—got away from it all

from THE PROVINCE Newspaper – Friday, October 16, 1959

LONDON (Reuters) – Zoologist Theodore Flynn, 74, father of movie star Errol Flynn, said in an interview Thursday his son's biography “My Wicked, Wicked, Wicked Ways,” will be published despite Errol's death.


The 28,000-word manuscript purports to tell the true story of Flynn's love life.

Prof. Flynn said: “Publication will go on. The truth will be told. There is no reason now to hold anything back.”

Flynn's father said, “the world seems to have got a fantastic picture of my son. But the real truth is in this house—where he was coming inside a fortnight.

“He came here more often than people ever knew to get away from that life outside.

He would telephone, talk to his mother, and say he was coming. And he would be quiet with us—chatting to his mother and resting from the rush of his public life.

“We would try to give him the orderly regular life of a small household. He loved it so that he hardly ever went out.

“Now it's over—and I can not even go to the funeral. It's so far and I am only a professor, I cannot afford it.”

— David DeWitt


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