For Errol its Suits and Girls

25 Feb

from THE PROVINCE – Friday, October 9, 1959By JOHN ARNETT, Province Staff Reporter

“My future is dedicated to two things—women and litigation,” movie star Errol Flynn said at Vancouver airport Thursday evening.
“Women—well that speaks for itself, but I have been sued so often that I think I should start suing somebody else, and perhaps I should make a start with some of those scandal magazines.”
Flynn, a paunchy, greying edition of the debonair hero of Hollywood movies, was accompanied by 17-year-old Hollywood starlet Beverley Addland.

He is in Vancouver to complete the sale of his schooner “Zaca” to George Caldough, 1026 Eyremont, West Vancouver.
The actor put on spontaneous show for newsmen and some pop-eyed employees at the airport terminal. He clowned with a bowler hat for photographers and graciously kissed the hand of a woman reporter.
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Asked if he ever watched for old movies of his now enjoying a strong rebirth on late shows on television, Flynn replied:

“It just makes me feel faint to see how energetic I used to be in those days. No, I don’t often look at them.”
Chimed in his travelling companion: “Oh yes you do, and I’ve often heard you say ‘my, I used to be good looking.'”
George Caldough, with whom Flynn will be staying until early next week, will pay more than $100,000 for Flynn’s 116-foot schooner.

“It’s strictly a business deal,” explained Mr. Caldough, who has sailed nothing larger than a dinghy. “I think it is a good investment.”
The schooner, reported to be the second largest privately-owned sailing boat afloat—there’s one owned by a member of the Spalding sporting goods family which is 22 feet longer, is currently moored at Majorca, a Spanish island in the Mediterranean.

— David DeWitt


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  1. John Hardman

    September 29, 2022 at 1:28 am

    As I understand it, George Caldough was jailed in the early ’60s for fraud (or something akin to it) and was described in one contemporary Canadian newspaper report as being ” in his thirties”, which doesn’t tie in with the photo of Errol and Beverley meeting a middle-aged couple in what must have been a reception area at the airport: was it Caldough and wife ?