The Errol Flynn Mailbag! April 2014

19 Apr

As most of you know, The Errol Flynn Blog migrated from another host that called it quits. During the migation we lost most of our author and comment attributions, and many attachments. Jan, one of our authors, wrote to tell me of an older posting no longer had two images showing how Errol signed the guestbook at the Rock Hotel, in Gibraltar, in 1951. He was able to aquire them again, and now shares them with us:



– thanks, Jan!

— David DeWitt


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  1. Tim

    April 19, 2014 at 5:32 am

    VERY Cool, Jan! Thanks!! And thanks, David!

    Eighteen years after “The Pretender” stayed there, “The Walrus” very
    famously married there with Joko Ono, the two of whom subsequent Mulholland Farm resident Ricky Nelson sang about in his sensational masterpiece, “Garden Party”.

    “The Ballad of John & Yoko” references their marriage in Gibralter, where they are said to have also visited at The Rock Hotel bar.The picture below is from the hotel bar, which can also be seen in the excellent music video linked below.

    Maybe someone should write “The Ballad of Flynn & Lili”! (… Or is that already a part of MWWW?)

    [img][/img]… (Errol gets billing over Churchhill!)


    • Tim

      April 19, 2014 at 9:15 am

      How’s this for a first draft?

      “The Ballad of Flynn & Lili”

      Acting on a stage in Northhampton
      Trying to be a star in The States
      Rendevoused on a cruise
      With a Dame who said I had what it takes!

      Ooh la la, she’s a beauty
      But, oh, how hard it can be (yeah)
      My little French Tiger
      Is gonna Parlay Vous me!

      Built a little place up on Mulholland
      Trying to get me some peace
      Oh, but the first Mrs. Flynn got herself in
      And began working away on my fleece!

      Ooh la la, she was a beauty
      Like no other I’ve ever seen (yeah)
      Oh, my Miss Dynamita
      Madame Lilianne Fleen!

      et cetera, et cetera, et cetera


  2. Lollie

    The Real Person!

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    April 19, 2014 at 12:23 pm

    That is wonderful! Thank you David & Jan for posting. :)
    I have an Errol autograph (a little card he signed for a collector) which is very beautiful & was also signed in the 1950’s. :D


    I like ‘The Ballad Of Flynn & Lili’ Tim.Very good! :)
