Shop@CoffeeWithDavid… for Flynn items!

13 Mar

Now you can shop for Errol Flynn items at my new Errol Flynn related store in association with…! My online store features Flynn movies, documentaries and books with more Flynn merchandise coming soon!

Other categories will be added to the store in the coming weeks, as well. I am adding an OTR (Old Time Radio) category, for example.

Many of the Golden Age Movies stars worked in radio as well as on the Silver Screen, and you can find Errol and his many co-stars and contemporaries in these productions which often were radio versions of their films–but not always starring the same actors. Original radio dramas were on every week and starred future stars, too. Dramas, Comedies, Sports, and Variety Shows filled the airwaves each night for many years before Television finally brought and end to this artful. The good news is that most of it still exists!

You will soon be able to buy these wonderfully entertaining shows from my store, or direct from my… website. Some shows will be available as instant downloads when you pay with Paypal–and naturally, there will be FREE downloads, too!

I have nearly every Lux Radio Theatre show ever made along with other collections and will be offering you these hugely entertaining shows on DVD or CD in the near future. Profits from the store and the website will offset, I hope! the costs of keeping the blog up, and in my dreams… that little trip to Jamaica!

Well… I can dream can't I?


— David DeWitt


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