Tiger Tale: Film of the Flynn Family Tiger?

06 Aug

In Wicked, Wicked Ways, Errol tells of T.T.’s Tasmanian Tiger, caged on a courtyard behind his childhood Hobart home. According to leading Aussie Flynn Scholar, Robert de Young, the Flynn’s Taz Tiger may be the very one featured in “The Hunter”, the 2012 filmed-in-Tasmania movie starring Willem Dafoe. Looks like the some of the spectacular locations featured in the film may also well be the very wondrous land Errol speaks of adventuring through with his father in search of the Thylacine and other extremely rare mostly-marsupial Down Under species.

Here is an official trailer of The Hunter, with clips of what may have been Errol’s “pet” “tiger” and old childhood stomping in Tasmania:

The Hunter Official Trailer #1 – Willem Dafoe:

And here’s more extended, original live footage of the Thylacine in question, filmed at the Hobart Zoo:…

Was this Errol’s “pet” Tasmania Tiger??

Errol Flynn: A Life at Sea


— Tim


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  1. Lollie

    August 6, 2014 at 11:51 am

    Very interesting.The tasmanian Tiger always looks so sweet,I really hope there are some left in some remote part of Tasmania,some people swear there are some.I hope so.We saw one once at the museum in Sydney and I was so surprised at how big they were,about the size of a Great Dane dog. :)

    • Gentleman Tim

      August 7, 2014 at 1:01 am

      So cool you’ve seen a Taz Tiger, Lollie! I wonder if it’s the one shown in the video linked below, being used to obtain DNA for potential cloning? Fascinating that, despite how the Tiger looks much like a dog, it moves and hunts like a cat – yet it’s a marsupial!

      More video of might have been the Flynn Family Tiger (the Taz Tiger, that is – not Errol, who was also sometimes quite a tiger.)

      Thylacine HD Version:

    • Gentleman Tim

      August 7, 2014 at 1:30 am

      Amazingly, Lollie, when I was a kid in Brooklyn, there used to be Taz Tigers only about a mile away, at Coney Island! Or, at least, that’s what we thought! They were also called Zebra Dogs. Brooklyn & especially Coney Island were so very unique and incredible, it may well have been true, though I can’t personally attest so. Brooklyn being Brooklyn, someone might have painted stripes on some junkyard mutts!! I think the evidence is substantial, however, that there were thlyacines in Brooklyn!

      Here’s the old Zoo at Coney Island where the Taz Tigers were said to live:


      • Gentleman Tim

        August 7, 2014 at 1:48 am

        Coney Island Babies?…

      • Lollie

        August 7, 2014 at 11:11 am

        lol,That is terrific Tim! How great would it be if Errol somehow brought a couple over to the US,they bred,escaped and now (or were) some offspring around Brooklyn?!
        hee hee,yes Errol the Taz Tiger for sure.
        Every now & then there are reports in country areas of Australia of giant black panthers that are seen in the bush.They think some possibly escaped from a circus or something years ago and they are seen now & then.Some people believe it,others say they are just really big feral cats,that get HUGE here & cause bad problems to native animals.

  2. David DeWitt

    August 11, 2014 at 1:42 pm

    From the mailbag, a comment:

    Who, what and who?  would be the film “Robin Hood”.
    Thank you for the Photoplay article with photos – of course Errol won!
    As for the Tasmanian Tiger – thylacine – it has been extinct for manyyears, and the last one died in the zoo.  This can be confirmed on

    Liz Bentley
    Victoria, Australia