Mulholland Farm, R.I.P.

09 Sep

Here are three photos I took of Mulholland Farm on April 10, 1981 (before my October, 1983 tour of the house when Rick Nelson lived there). The first photo shows the house from Mulholland Drive, the second photo shows the stable and part of the casino, which is shown fully in the third photo. How sad the house no longer exists.



— Robert


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  1. Anonymous

    July 17, 2008 at 7:49 pm

    Hello Bob, Greetings from Ohio~~~
    Thanks so much for sharing the photos of Muholland, it was
    great to see photos of the house from a different perspective
    than others I've seen.

  2. Anonymous

    July 18, 2008 at 1:03 am

    Hallo, Robert! Rare shots indeed of Mulholland Farm! Much appreciated. These are new angles to me, too. What a shame some idiot decided to destroy a bit of Flynniana for us all… I believe Jack Marino, Deirdre Flynn and Tony Thomas were there the day it was torn down…