hollywood phone numbers

14 Sep

To Robert Florczak:

Bob, I got a kick out of the phone numbers in the late 50s you displayed.  By coincidence I still have four numbers that I obviously called constantly.  Googie's, Sherry's, Frascati's (Villa Frascati, actually) and Schwab's (for Sidney Skolsky).

All correspond to the ones in your blog. Talk about 52 years disappearing in a flash!

Keep up the good work, pal


— ivan6gold

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  1. Anonymous

    September 14, 2008 at 9:25 pm

    Thanks, Steve. This raises a curious question I've pondered for some time. In my years of searching out all things Flynn, one of my targets was the Frascati. Armed with a few photos from his night there on his last L.A. trip, I set about back in '82 to locate the restaurant. Various sources led me to different addresses, some in the location of the Crescent Heights area listed in that phonebook page, but nothing seemed to turn up. Finally, I was guided to a restaurant on the north side of Sunset, near Gil Turner's Liquors. Inside were the very booths shown in the photos, right down to the identifiable wooden carvings above the seats that one sees in the photos. I still know which building it was (it's now a Thai restaurant) but haven't been inside since; perhaps I should revisit it. In any case, does any of this make any sense to you? Could it be that the Frascati was always at its original location but sold off its furnishings upon closing? But then why would someone (and I wish I now remember who!) have sent me to a location said to be the Frascati and in fact turn out to house the Frascati furniture? I'm stumped, Steve, and hoping for a solution! Time to put your thinking cap on?!