Author Archive

Please Help Find and Bring Sean Leslie Flynn Home!

15 Jan

Rory Flynn:

As most of my friends know I have been searching for my brother for years. My step mother spent her last years searching but to no avail. Now there are some people trying to find his remains and bring him home. Please click on the link to find out more.

Mike Luehring:
Its been almost 50 years since photojournalist Sean Flynn went missing in Cambodia covering the Vietnam Conflict spilling into Cambodia. After many efforts made by the US Government, and private individuals no data has lead to locating his remains. Please assist Rory Flynn (Sean’s sister) and her team’s efforts to bring Ground Penetrating Radar into Cambodia to locate Sean’s remains.

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Errol Flynn in Spain, Fighting for Justice and Freedom!

12 Jan

Please find attached my contribution to the official memory of Errol Flynn and the Spanish Civil War. If you want , you may print the essay free of charge on you splendid blog.


Tedd Urnes/Oslo, Norway



The venue was Spain. The Spanish Civil War engaged many celebrities worldwide. The famous actor Errol Flynn( 1909-1959) was one of many who sided with the fight of the Spanish people against the Fascist regime of Franco. The main question asked by many was how dedicated was Errol Flynn fighting the fascists in Spain? Errol Flynn was a rebel all his life. He hated being dominated by authorities, bosses and above all: His mother. Did he left USA bound for Spain because of his private conflicts with his wife actress Lili Damita? The visit to Spain was just one of his many public arrangements to get public attentions- some of his enemies are of the opinion that he did not care much for the fight at all. Let me make a person statement: I disagree with the opinions of his enemies. Errol Flynn loved danger, conflicts, challenges and he was political radical all his life. In 1959 he published his  biography about his life, work and career as an actor. The title of the book is: « My Wicked,Wicked Ways». As a source for his political actions and opinions, like any other biographies the facts presented have to be evaluated in a critical way. Anyway, Spain is mentioned in his book. From page 193 to page 201 he gives the reader a vivid description about this experience and stay in Spain. Errol Flynn went to Spain together with his friend Dr.Herman F. Erben (1897-1985). The Government’s Propaganda Office wanted to make use of his visit for propaganda purposes to get support from the United States. Errol Flynn wrote in his dairy about his experiences in Spain. The result of his travelling resulted in an article for the magazine « Photoplay» published in 1937. He also paid a visit to the International Brigades. Dr. Herman F. Erben was a close friend of Errol Flynn but his friend exploited the friendship to get in contact with Spanish officers fighting the Fascists. Without any knowledge of the matter, his friend had promised  the Spanish elected government economic support from Americans. Fake news. He had no money for the Spanish fight. The Spanish government was disappointed and annoyed.Later on when Americans were asked for money to support the Spanish Loyalist government, Errol Flynn was not on the list of those who donated money fighting the Fascists. Even if he was exploited making the world know about the Spanish Civil War, his contribution was not in vain. Errol Flynn was one of the most famous actors of the time. 

The dairy of Errol Flynn written during his stay in Spain has been found. The content of the diary reveals that he supported the fight against th Fascists.


Lord Byron was an English poet, peer, and politician who became a revolutionary in the Greek War of Independence.

Why do I mention the late British poet at all? The main reason is that Errol Flynn and Lord Byron had a lot in common. They were both public known. Both were rebels. Both were political radicals and both got engaged in political matters of the time. The main difference is easy to observe. Errol Flynn did not sell his house and private estates in support for the Spanish government. Not all. But Lord Byron did it. Lord Byron joined the Greek War of Independence fighting the Ottoman Empire in 1824. To raise money for the revolution, he sold his estate Roch Manor in England.Lord Byron took active part in the fighting himself even if he had no military experience – only personal courage. He fell ill and died in Missolonghi on April 19, 1824. The famous Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen resculpted his earlier bust of Byron in Greek marble. 


Information about military conflicts and wars is limited during the conflicts. The mission and actions of celebrities  like those of Errol Flynn and Lord Byron in international conflics must not be underestimated. Private reasons for taking part in the conflicts are not easy to see. But they all put their lives at risk by paying a visit to the sites of conflicts. Thank you, Errol Flynn and Lord Byron. We miss you all. I hope some  can show the same courage you both showed?


Thanks, Tedd!

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Rory Flynn & Sean Rio Flynn’s Donatello Arm!

06 Jan

Rory Flynn sends us this interesting news about her son (Sean Rio Flynn)’s business!

Hello, friends of Errol! I know for a fact that Errol Flynn, my father, would have wanted everyone to know what his Grandson is up to!
My Son Rio (actor Sean Flynn) is running a new and exciting company in Atlanta GA: “Donatello Arm”!
They use a state-of-the-art robotic motion control system to shoot high end photography for the web geared mostly toward social media, especially on mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc.)
It’s a very exciting way of showing off a new product for a very affordable cost! And Rio runs the studio! So feel free to reach out to him directly at: ra***@do**********.com if you have any questions!
Check out his website for examples of how this looks:
Rio Amir
Coordinating Producer
Cell: 213.399.1092
All my best, Rory Flynn

— David DeWitt


Dr. Hermann F. Erben – Errol Flynn: A Friendship of Two Adventurers 1933-1940 for Sale!

28 Dec

A friend of mine who lives in Spain has a pristine copy of Josef Fegerl’s book  Dr. Hermann F. Erben: A Friendship of Two Adventurers 1933-1940 for sale … if interested please leave comments!

— David DeWitt

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Jack Marino’s Homage to Mulholland!

28 Dec

Jack Marino has created a special category for his Homage to Mulholland … he has created his version of Errol Flynn’s famous living room in his own home and everybody who has seen it is amazed and feels like they are walking into the old boy’s living room at Mulholland Farm. He had the bookcase custom made to be a duplicate of Flynn’s. It is a wonderful homage to our man Flynn, and he has taken some time to get it the way he wants it – with some more details to be added, he says …

Thanks, Jack!

— David DeWitt


Jack Marino’s Homage to Mulholland Farm, and Errol Flynn!

28 Dec

Our dear friend, and fellow blog member, Jack Marino, sends us three photos of his remodeled livingroom today at his beautiful home somewhere below the Hollywood hills in Los Angeles and there is something familiar about what he has done for all Flynn aficionados … it is a “time machined experience” as my good friend Dennis Mullen would say … Jack’s wife Louise loves the idea and is pleased with the results including the authentic green paint Jack added as a reminder of one of the other rooms in Flynn’s famous Mulholland Farm home that Jack visited often when it was abandoned for several years before it was torn down. Jack, his friend author Tony Thomas and Deirdre Flynn were there the day the home was torn down and Jack contributed rare photos from the Jack Marino Collection to the book ERROL FLYNN SLEPT HERE by Robert Matzen and Michael Mazzone. The livingroom of Mulholland Farm always fascinated Jack and he wondered what it would have been like to see it filled with furniture during his many visits to the house as he wandered the empty rooms showing the house to his visitors who made the pilgrimage to the property with him. Today, he finished a homage to Flynn’s storied home by recreating the basic design elements that were in Flynn’s comfortable livingroom. Jack’s space is not as large as Flynn’s but he made the most of the space he has which by most standards isn’t small …







Jack tells me that his table was made to fit against the same kind of  wide windows that Flynn had facing the back yard and pool area of his home. Jack’s windows face his front yard but the amount of sun is the same. Jack’s table was made two feet wide to fit in the space in proportion to the furniture and he believes Flynn’s table was at least three feet wide. While everything in the room is not identical, Jack says, the placement is the same and the feeling you have walking into this room is the same he remembers from being in Errol’s livingroom and closing his eyes to imagine the furniture being there all of those years ago …  a table sized radio for the far corner of the room (looking toward the open front door in Jack’s photo above) would top off the whole recreation I think, Jack! I can’t wait to stop by and sit in that comfortable livingroom with you over a cup of Dennis Mullen’s Zaca Tea …

Well done, old boy …

Here is an UPDATE (December 2019): Jack added a bookshelf to the room with the same shelving that Errol had to the room and it has been in place for about a year and a half …


— David DeWitt


The Errol Flynn Blog Theme Change is coming!

23 Dec

I have tried to avoid this for several years … but we are going to have to change our theme because the current one has not been updated in far too long, and our PHP is out of date for running on WordPress … attempts to find something similar have been fruitless but we are going to have to make some kind of change or the site will just not function, anymore …

Will keep looking for something suitable but the search has been frustrating! There is just nothing out there that looks appropriate to me …

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Where the Boys Are! Sean Flynn (Uncredited!)

09 Dec

The Mail Bag brings a nice nugget about the film appearances of Sean Flynn (son of Errol Flynn and Lili Damita …)

I was looking at the filmography of George Hamilton and knew he was in that movie but was not listed as being in it on a particular website, looked further and also found THIS…. Guess who?
You have to look for “full cast &  crew” to find him. I tried to copy that link to tiny URL but no dice.
How about that!
GREAT Find … Thanks so much!

— David DeWitt


Don’t Forget Thomas McNulty’s The Adventures of Captain Graves!

26 Nov

Now  an  Adiobook!  Click  the  Image  to  learn  more …

— David DeWitt


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Broderick Crawford Starring in Highway Patrol!

25 Nov

Our friend, Ralph Schiller, has partnered with author Gary Golts on a wonderfully good read called Doderick Crawford starring in Highway Patrol … (CP Entertainment Books 2019) a oversized softcover book full of amazing photos and script samples (complete list of shows), call sheets, toys, and 0ther memorabilia, even a replica car Gary Goltz created that he allows to appear in car shows across the country. The book has the complete history of the show, and other shows Broaderick Crawford appeared in after the show ended … it is one of those books you really get lost in once you open the pages!

Thanks, Ralph!

— David DeWitt

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