Author Archive

Help Rory Flynn Bring Sean Flynn & the Missing Back Home!

10 Nov

Rory Flynn, Mike Luehring and Dave MacMillan have created a GoFundeMe to help bring Sean Flynn, Dana Stone and the other missing journalists home … many efforts over the decades have been undertaken and now it is felt that the answers are close to hand. It will take a financial commitment beyond what has already been made, as well as the emotional cost already spent to bring Sean, and other still missing home again. This is our chance to help make it happen, those who have respect and love for all of them. It is a chance to share in the effort, and the accomplishment of what has been a very long struggle …

You can donate any amount you like, however small, it will become a river ..

Please visit the funding page to see a special video Rory has made to help us understand what is at stake …

Sean Flynn

Dana Stone

Errol & Sean

— David DeWitt


Happy Halloween …. All Errol Flynn Fans!

01 Nov

— David DeWitt

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Posted in Promo


Errol Flynn’s Other Jamaica Vanity Fair

27 Oct

— David DeWitt


Nice Collection & Errol Flynn Photo from Marilyn Hunte!

27 Oct

Thanks for sharing, Marilyn …

— David DeWitt


Deep Sea Fishing Puzzler? Errol Flynn, or Howard Hill?

26 Oct

The Mail Bag brings this puzzler???

This picture, and a few others, have been linked to the 11-minute film, Deep Sea Fishing, with dates of the release of this short subject, anywhere from 1946 to 1954. There are supposedly some newspaper ads for the picture that listed, “starring Howard Hill,” not Errol Flynn.

Is there any information on the actual film, showing a correct year?  How about a date and place of it’s showing?

I leave this you Flynn Detectives out there …

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Closer look at Robert de Cantelar’s Zaca Model!

22 Oct

Some closeups of the wood Robert de Cantelar’s Zaca Model is made of. It was made from wood taken from the Main Boom of the original Zaca …

Thanks, Robert!

— David DeWitt


Need Some Time Off To Run To The Bahamas … Errol Flynn!

22 Oct

Excuse me, I have to go …

Nautilus Hotel: Miami Beach

Hotel Windsor, Nassau, Bahamas:

— David DeWitt

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Errol Flynn Signs on the Dotted Line!

22 Oct

— David DeWitt


Zaca Haul Out, Exterior and Interior of Abandoned Zaca!

22 Oct

Here is a series of extraordinary photos taken of the abandoned Zaca sitting in the port of Villafrance by our correspondent Robert de Calendar:

State of the bow:

Details of Deck:

Details at Stern:

Bridge and Superstructure:


We thank Robert so much for these special photos, and remember, if you are interested in the bollard from the Zaca, you can contact Robert via the blog at zacapublishing at gmail dot com …

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Zaca Model made from Main Boom of Flynn’s Original Zaca!

21 Oct

Robert writes again with photos of the model of the Zaca he constructed from wood of the Main Mast of the original Zaca. Of the model he says:

“All the masts and the support are in Oregon pine, but this wood is that of the principal boom of ZACA that I bought to the shipyard keeping the complete masts and cut it in planks of 3 centimeters thick, under report of Usher. This model is unique in the world because it is manufactured with the original hull and masts plans and the wood originating from the ZACA is an integral part of the ship. A historical model in various aspects.

I still have some boards of this wood of which I made 80 ZACA half-hull. It measures Length : 151 Cm – Width : 22 Cm – Height : 125 Cm.

The bollard is from the Zaca, and is for sale. You can inquire through this blog, by contacting Robert via our email address: zacapublishing at gmail dot com …

Robert, thanks so much for sharing your photos with us!

— David DeWitt