Author Archive

I will be in the neighborhood? Olivia deHavilland!

09 Sep

Jan van der Vliet shares a note he got from Olivia deHavilland’s secretary back in 2010 when he was going to Paris on a trip and thought: why not write to Olivia and see if he could stop by … knowing his chance were slim to none she would say yes, he wrote a nice letter and received this reply:


Thanks for sharing, Jan!

— David DeWitt


Lucinda Hollingsworth, Zaca, Spain, 1958!

04 Sep

— David DeWitt


The Red Skeleton Show with Errol Flynn & Beverly Audland!

30 Aug

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! A few Words from TJR McDowell!

26 Aug

Got this nice message from TJR McDowell:

Sean Flynn with Errol …

David: I spent some time today looking over your Flynn Blog. It really is extraordinary, the best blog on the internet. I’ve been fortunate enough to be allowed to post a few things about Flynn, and it’s been very gratifying. Flynn has popped up in my life at the oddest times.

I went to a school named Lawrenceville in NJ, and my math teacher, Mr. Parks, an old fossil but nice guy, occasionally would talk about Sean Flynn who he’d also taught at Lawrenceville. Errol visited once on parents day, and Mr. Parks met him and said he was friendly and proud of Sean. We were asked to pray for Sean at chapel (this was in 1972, my 8th grade year), as I think it was his birthday, and he was still missing in Cambodia.

I know a guy from Sean’s class who said Sean was a nice low key guy, who struggled (like everyone there) in class, but excelled on the swim team..I knew another fellow in London name Colin Crewe who told me he spent a day with Errol in the late 1950’s when he worked for Lloyds of London and was insuring Errol for a film and assigned to tag along with him for a day, and that Flynn wore this beautiful blue wool suit and Colin went out the next day and bought one.

Then there was Robin Moore whom I knew slightly, wrote French Connection, and he told me about hanging out with Flynn in Jamaica, teasing the native dogs and hitting on the native women, and how Flynn once fought with a young Chris Blackwell, the record magnate, whose family lived in Jamaica. Then there was an in depth article I wrote for Premiere Magazine all about the Garden of Allah, and there were sundry Flynn stories here; I interviewed everyone from Hal Roach to Cesar Romero to Billy Wilder to Glen Ford who had me over and we talked for hours and he thought Flynn was a man’s man but basically a sad guy.

Lastly, I once interviewed Charles Higham, who wrote the untold story, the weirdest most dysfunctional misanthropic con man I’ve ever spoken with, a sick guy who was into exploiting everyone to make a living; his book was sheer invention calculated to get on best seller lists everywhere, which it did.

That’s my two cents!

All best, Rider

Thanks, TJR …

— David DeWitt


Posted in Mail Bag


I’ll Take Your Photo, Now!

25 Aug

— David DeWitt

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Posted in Candids


US Navy Fight Team! Gentleman Jim!

25 Aug

— David DeWitt


Misadventures of Captain Fabian

22 Aug

November 8, 1950

— David DeWitt


Thomas McNulty and the Wild West …

16 Aug

If you know Errol Flynn, you know his great book The Life and Career, Errol Flynn … but he is also a prolific Western and Pulp fiction writer!

— David DeWitt


Posted in Promo


Writer Louis Kraft’s New Book Coming Along …

11 Aug

If you love Errol Flynn, you should know that writer Louis Kraft is planning new books on Flynn … his plate is full but he has a new book coming down the pipeline first and this is a peak at its cover artwork …

Louis says:

More’s a comin’ … and this has been a comin’ for a long-long time. Sand Creek and the Tragic End of a Lifeway will be published in spring 2020 (University of Oklahoma Press). The book cover design has been completed, and the art is the only image I considered for the dust jacket. In 1999 I met Cheyenne chief Gordon Yellowman, when we both spoke at a major event at the Fort Larned NHS, Kansas. During the conference Gordon and Cheyenne chief Lawrence Hart blessed the Cheyenne-Dog Man-Lakota village, which is some 30 miles to the west of the fort (it is a major historic site that has been protected due to a lot of people’s efforts over the years). During the day of the talks, Gordon was selling prints of his painting, “Sand Creek.” I bought one, framed it, and it has been displayed at Tujunga House ever since. He was thrilled when I called him to ask if I could use his art on the cover. When he said, “yes,” I was more thrilled. … Sometime in September I’ll post a blog that details the Sand Creek book’s progress in detail.


— David DeWitt

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Zaca Goes to War!

10 Aug…


— David DeWitt