Author Archive

Errol Flynn AFTRA Contract, 1957 …

04 Aug

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Personal Address Book!

03 Aug

— David DeWitt


Master of Ballantrae at the Paramount Theatre NYC!

03 Aug

One of my favorites!

And in 2019 …

— David DeWitt


Posted in Films


Errol Flynn and Princess Ghika Wardrobe for Rocky Mountain!

02 Aug

Errol and Princess Ghika selecting his wardrobe for Rocky Mountain. Her expression says: Did you see that actress Pat Wymore looking at you?

— David DeWitt


Errol Signing a Letter!

01 Aug

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! King & Queen Meet the Stars!

31 Jul
Hello David,
Here’s another video with my favorite actor…
Thanks to: Carol Kramer

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn’s Contract for Robin Hood!

31 Jul

He was paid $50,000 … equal to about $890, 000 dollars in 2018 dollars!

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! John Decker Death Certificate!

30 Jul

Special thanks to Robert Peckinpaugh for this rare item!

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Something for You to See! Errol Flynn Tribute!

28 Jul
I am having the best time wandering around your Errol Flynn Blog.
Came across this Flynn Tribute video.  WOW!  Take a look

Thanks, Carol Kramer …

Thank you, Carol!

— David DeWitt

1 Comment

Posted in Mail Bag


Mail Bag! Olivia deHavilland PRINCESS O’ROURKE!

25 Jul

From Karl Holmberg:

“Generally considered the film that caused Olivia de Havilland to sue Warner Brothers over contract rights. She won the lawsuit, resulting in California Labor Code Section 2855, informally known as the “De Havilland Law”.”

Gotta wonder if “Chas” (an Oscar winner for that year!) didn’t also help that along a little…

(According to Piper Laurie in her memoirs (Learning To Love Out Loud), Charles Coburn loved pinching women’s bottoms. It was for him like a tic. Every female under one hundred and five had to move fast around.)

PRINCESS O’ROURKE, Olivia de Havilland, 1943

— David DeWitt