Author Archive

On Catalina Island with Lili Damita and Friends!

05 Apr

A nice day on the Sirocco with some pals! Looks a bit crowded! Errol took the photo?

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Jack Marino interviews Richard Erdman!

20 Mar

Here is the wonderful Richard Erdman interview from Jack Marino’s Warrior Filmmaker Show on LA Talk Raidio: Thanks, Jack for letting us post it!

Richard Erdman appeared in Objective Burma!

Forgotten Heroes the Movie

— David DeWitt


Mailbag! Zaca Rotting Away in Villefranche circa 1979!

10 Mar

Tip o’ the hat to Karl Holmberg for pointing them out

— David DeWitt


Olivia looks slightly bored … Robin Hood Candid!

08 Mar

Olivia looks just slightly bored in this great Robin Hood candid …

— David DeWitt


Jim Turriello’s The Quest for the Oscar!

25 Feb

The mailbag rings news that Jim Turriello’s book The Quest for the Oscar is now out in Hardback. And, he notes, his idea for a museum dedicated to Oscar films and related material such as costumes and props is basically being built now dedicted to all films produced by Hollywood. His main concern was, is, and always will be their policy about awarding deceased actors Oscar recognition. The Academy said it would be immposdible to fund such a Museum. Jim’s idea was to award actor an honorary Oscar on the tv show and display it the next day in the Museum avoiding their concern that the family might sell off the Oscar to a collector. He was surprised to hear actress Laura Dern announce the construction of a big new movie museum!…

— David DeWitt


Jan van der Vliet notices Errol Says MARVELOUS!

13 Feb

Jan says in the Adventures of Robin Hood, he notices Errol says MARVELOUS! And notes this is a word stemming from the 1300’s and not from 100 years or so previously (Robin Hood is said to have been born in 1160 …) And the word did not mean “splendid, very nice” (beginning in 1924 onward) but meant “causing wonder” as in a miraculous event. I am sure there are many other incidents like this in other films where the language used did not exist, but is used, and this one is caught by the eagle “ear” of our own Jan van der Vliet!

— David DeWitt


Robin Hood Hat! And Rory Flynn!

10 Feb

Rory Flynn showed me a hat that her father had given to her from the film Robin Hood, and has told me that the costume department had made two of them. Errol gave one to her and her sister, Deirdre, and Rory still has hers. Sitting on the couch in her office area at her home in North Carolina, she brought it out and let me try it on … The feather is long gone, but the hat fit us both! Here it is on Flynn’s head in this great looking candid …

— David DeWitt


Posted in Candids, Films


Don Juan Flynn & Nice Candid!

09 Feb

— David DeWitt


At the Del with Pat Wymore!

27 Jan

— David DeWitt


Ready for Anything! Olivia de Havilland, Pirate!

25 Jan

— David DeWitt