Author Archive

The Search for Sean Flynn & Dana Stone Ends …

25 Dec

I was contacted by Dave Hope this afternoon with some startling information: Sean Flynn and Dana Stone were executed within hours of their capture at dusk on April 6th, 1970. And he knows where they are buried.


To understand the full story you must read the full history of the event that took their lives, and the notes Dave provides. Click the image above for Dave’s detailed Facebook account. And the image below for his detailed notes.


Dave Hope tells me when the dry season comes around again he and his team will go to the location they have found for a very detailed examination of the burial area. This search has been an unending one for Rory Flynn and her family and Dave Hope has been tirelessly and patiently pursuing answers that have eluded others, most notably Tim Page, for decades.

Thank you Dave for your dedication and determination to get to the end of this decade’s long mystery …


Dave Hope points to the area where Sean Flynn & Dana Stone were executed just a few kilometers from where they were captured.

— David DeWitt


Titchfield Hotel & Navy Island Memories!

17 Dec

Laura Barre writes us via the Mail Bag!

I was at the Titchfield in the early 60’s when Rex Rand bought it, and it was called “Jamaica Reef hotel”. The natives were all still talking about Erroll and how he won that island across from the hotel in a card game. The hotel was run down, but beautiful, and the breezes felt like soft, wet silk against your skin. I must have been one of the first people there after he bought it, because the parties had not yet started, and it wasn’t organized at all. I do recall getting really dressed for dinner in a chiffon gown, and thinking the surroundings were those of the most lush, tropical paradise I could imagine. I so want to return for nostalgia purposes. How lovely that some of it is still there.


Laura, thanks so much for writing! I love the Titchfield Hotel (Jamaica Reef) as it became known. And all of Error’s time there. My friend Dennis Mullen was able to get onto the restricted military base where the hotel stood and to see the remains of the 3 pools, part of the floor of the ballroom and the path through the lush greens that he was told everybody used. Do you have any photos of the hotel?

I’d like to put up your comments to me as a Mail Bag item on the blog if you don’t mind? It would be fascinating for the blog to read what you said …

Here are some of Dennis’s photos. Two are from the resort on Navy Island. That is Dennis in the photos.


David DeWitt/Admin/The Errol Flynn Blog
Sent from Myrtle Beach, SC, USA

Wish I had taken photos! I remember the paths well, as I was worried about tripping in heels. I remember going on a long path of steps to then where we dined, in a circle, surrounded by these tall trees, all seeming very overgrown. I was staying in a little cottage which only had a ceiling fan to cool off, and my hair continued to never really “dry”. There were night blooming bushes outside my door that were like perfume. Go ahead if you like and upload my comments. What’s going on with Navy Island now? I’m intending to go back up there. Rex had sent a car for me that picked me up in Kingston, and I’ll never forget those scary winding mountain roads, and going through Kingston with lots of people in the roads carrying on. A novel experience for a young woman. I ‘ll bet they are still telling stories about Erroll around there!


Thanks, Laura!


jamaican-blue-mountain-coffee-label-copy  img_1154





Photos show the late Dennis Mullen, Flynn aficionado and Travel Adventurer in the footsteps of Errol Flynn. Dennis walked in Errol’s footsteps both in Jamaica and Cuba. His design work seen above for Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee was as lyrical as the winds of adventure itself. He visited Jamaica doing some promotional work for The Errol Flynn Marina and attended Pat Wymore’s 85th birthday party as a guest at her table. He was so charming he was able to enter the restricted military base not once but three times (to the amazement if Dale Weston, manager of the marina) to view and photograph the remains of The Titchfield Hotel pools and Navy Island. These are not his Navy Island photos. More will be forthcoming about Dennis Mullen.

— David DeWitt


Rory Flynn aboard Zaca in Monaco, 2014!

14 Dec


Thanks, Rory!

— David DeWitt


Mailbag! He Asked; She Said … Diana Barrymore!

08 Dec

Our great friend and tireless researcher Karl Holmberg sends us this fascinating Mike Wallace interview with John Barrymore’s daughter Diana and it’s fascinating …


Thanks, Karl!

— David DeWitt


Mailbag! The Making of Objective Burma!

01 Dec

Jan Vandervliet writes us with a recording site link to Objective Berma! And a detailed description of the recording and how the film was made. Click the image for the description!

Thanks, Jan!


— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Adventures! The Board Game!

25 Nov

Rory Flynn tells me she just signed a contract to allow a new board game to be produced based on movie adventures of her father Errol Flynn! She sends us a copy of the proposal ad … No idea when the game would be available as yet but how exciting is this?

Thanks, Rory!


— David DeWitt


Pat Wymore’s Grave Marker!

12 Nov

Our brother-in-Arms Jack Marino sends these photos of Pat Wymore’s grave marker next to Flynn’s!



Jack, we tip our hat to you …


— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Who is who with Tiger Lil?

01 Oct

Ada here,

I am sending along the first of two pix of, I assume, one of your favorites, Lily Damita.

This one, I am not positive about.  I believe it was  taken by Errol during a trip to Catalina Island approx July 7th, 1938, during the holiday week when Errol was off.  I can identify no one except Lily. Do you have any info on this shot?


I’ll toss it out to the world, Ada! Very nice, rare candid …

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Pirate Party!

25 Sep

We received in the Mail Bag this great photo of Bob Peckinpaugh at a Pirate Party visit from Tom McNulty (and Jan, Queen of the Pirates!) Both old Pirates were original founding members of The Errol Flynn Blog …


Thanks, Mates!

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Lili Damita & Friend!

19 Sep

Our esteemed friend and Flynnophile Karl Holmberg sends us this from t the wilds of the Internet:

Polly want a … Parrot?


From the Samuel Goldwyn production “The Rescue” … 1929, directed by Herbert Brenon. Stars Ronald Coleman and Lily Damita in her first American film. Santa Cruz Island.

Special Thanks, Karl!


— David DeWitt