Author Archive

Mail Bag! More on Sadakichi Hartman!

01 Sep

Hope you had fun reading the book on the Bundy Drive Boys. Here’s the cover and a sketch by Decker, in case you don’t have it.

Enjoy, Ada



Born Nov. 8, 1967, this half-German and half-Japanese scholar was also an author, critic, poet and actor.

He would later be known as the “King of Bohemia” and “The First Hippie” after his death on November

22, 1944.  Truly, one of a kind.


— David DeWitt

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Mailbag! Sadakichi Hartman Remembered!

31 Aug

Thanks Bob Peckinpaugh!


— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Sean Flynn’s Flute!

30 Aug


Thanks to Karl Holmberg!

— David DeWitt


Mailbag! New! Restored Version of Santa fe Trail!

17 Aug
Our chum Karl Holmberg writes in:…


People who positively review (on Amazon) don’t appear to be Flynnophiles, nor film buffs in general but…
STILL~ it ain’t cheap!

Read the rest of this entry »

— David DeWitt


30 Top Errol Flynn Films with Posters & Ratings!

13 Aug

Hey David….A friend of mine from London….did a Top 30 rated Errol Flynn You Tube video….figured you would enjoy it. Lots of great Flynn posters in the video.

Hope all is well!


Cogerson Movie Score…

Thanks so much!

— David DeWitt


August 2016 Rockitt Magazine!

06 Aug

Featuring our Man Flynn!



— David DeWitt


Reagan’s most difficult dialogue … Mailbag!

29 Jul

Our dear friend Karl Holmberg writes to us:

… from Desparate Journey, 1942, and this is the film he was referencing during a news reporter’s question:

Gorbachev was a media celebrity in the United States, and the crowds cheered when he jumped out of his limousine and shook hands with people on the street. Reagan was out of the limelight, and it didn’t seem to bother him. Asked by a reporter whether he felt overshadowed by Gorbachev, Reagan replied: ‘I don’t resent his popularity. Good Lord, I once co-starred * with Errol Flynn.’
* meaning that the credit read: “starring Errol Flynn and Ronald Reagan




Thanks, Karl!

— David DeWitt


Master of Thornfield! Errol Flynn!

26 Jul


— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Early Adventures!

26 Jul

… in the Australian Press:


— David DeWitt


Beverly Aadland Facebook Page & Who is Ida Carlini?

22 Jul

I was chatting with Jennifer Davis on Facebook Messenger and she mentioned her friendship with Beverly Aadland’s daughter, Aadlanda. They run a page together dedicated to her mother. She also mentioned Ida Carlini Lynn’s Cuban friend who owned a club in NYC Errol frequented and often hung out with Errol in Cuban casino’s as seen in this shot from Cuban Story. That is Ida Carlini far right at the gambling table with Errol & Beverly Aadland.



Idea Carlini far fright.


Ida Carlini.


Ida Carling far right.


Idea Carlini far left with Sammy Davis and friends.

Thanks Jennifer!

Jennifer Davis

Jennifer Davis

— David DeWitt


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