Author Archive

Jack Marino’s Homage to the Fabulous Flynn!

14 Jul

Jack Marino got ahold of me today to let me know his homage to Errol Flynn’s Mulolland Farm house continues with the addition of a replica of the bookshelf above which hung one of Gaugan’s paintings in Errol’s living-room. Jack had the bookshelf hand made from the same wood as Errol’s and sits in the same position relative to all of the other furniture in the room which is intended to give the visitor the feeling you are in Flynn’s livingroom. He stresses that the room is smaller than Errol’s by ten feet all around but there are enough similarities to create the feeling he is looking for … And he succeeds!

There is more to do, he says, but he’s in no hurry.

Thanks for the update, and sharing your fabulous tribute to the old rascal, Errol Flynn, with the rest of us!





— David DeWitt

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Thank You, PressHarbor!

13 Jul


John keegan, Founder of PressHarbor, our hosting providers for The Errol Flynn Blog for the last 9 years tells us there is a major upgrade to his platform going on and as a long time user of his services I’d like to take a moment to thank him personally for the excellence of his support team, fast response time, and detailed communication. There have been times when in an effort to improve things I have actually shut down the blog! Talk me off the cliff! I implored. And very soon John had pinpointed the conflict and got us up and running again. To my great relief PressHarbor Support has been consistently able to quickly answer all of my questions and concerns with professionalism but also a personal touch that makes me feel part of the PressHarbor family. I look forward to many more years with John and PressHarbor.

Thanks, John!

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


July 2016 Rockitt Magazine ready for viewing!

08 Jul


July 2016 Rockitt Magazine

— David DeWitt


Happy 100th Birthday, Olivia deHavilland!

01 Jul

Born on this day, July 1, 1916!


We wish you the most wonderful 100th Birthday!…


— David DeWitt


Happy Birthday Errol Flynn!

20 Jun

June 20, 1909 …Friend1

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Robert de Cantelar!

18 Jun

We welcomeour new Author Robert de Cantelar to the Errol Flynn blog and look forward to all of your posts and comment!


— David DeWitt

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Posted in Main Page


Mail Bag! Zaca Models and a bit of History

14 Jun
Robert de Cantelar writes to us:

To whom it may concern…..

The first time I saw her was during summer 1964, in Villefranche, so alone…..already careless !

I’m and I was the first expert and master who has studied and carry out the file for the first restoration of ZACA for a well known French financier, aborted the day of signing the final contract because of an indiscretion of Camper & Nicholson in Cannes.

It was in 1988.

The manager of Villefranche Shipyard was Mr. Lagarrigue and we had a great team together, in vain ….

Part of the funding for the study was provided by a series of 92 half-hull of ZACA carved in the wood of the main boom of the boat we had cut up in the presence of a bailiff.

I carved them. The Nr 0 is home. (Pict)

I also made a model, flush deck, complete with masts to show to our customers the beauty of the restored boat lines. (Some pict)

Masts, booms, pole are made with original ZACA main boom wood, the stand too. Oregon pine.

I still have some plank of this wood that I use with the respect due to a relic ….

I carved too, a half-hull 103 Cm long in Teak, Azobe, Wengé, Bronze and Cuba Mahogany. (Pict)

Because of lack of space I sell my two collections of models and half-hull, so, it is normal that I propose to you in priority those of ZACA.

All these pieces have a story linked to this exceptional boat, even their material, many pictures as she was when near to sink, almost abandoned.

Some more things at home.

Are following some pictures and my address.

Best regards,

R de Cantelar.

Capitaine Marine Marchande.
Ingénieur mécanicien MTU – MAN – Cat.
Expert en moteurs Diesel marins – Survey.
Agent exclusif “Rémora 2000” COMEX
1003 Rte de St Jacques – 06810
Auribeau sur Siagne.

+33 (0)4 93 609 189 et +33 (0)6 03 783 713


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— David DeWitt


Rory Flynn has Spoken!

10 Jun

Park Ridge Herald-Advocate: Thursday, June 2, 2016


— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Errol Reichow for Gentleman Tim!

07 Jun

Something I have been wanting to post for one of your most devoted bloggers, Gentleman Tim. I am sure it will take a millisecond to identify the role and the picture but what fun that it is an autographed picture from one actor to another but more likely a friend to a friend.

There are two autographed pictures from Flynn to my father and they now bookend my bar on the top shelf as they once adorned the walls of my father’s house. You don’t need a spirit to watch over in so much as you need the spirit within to live with passion, with poise, and with an appetite that this may be the only chance you get so why not make the most of it, sound vaguely familiar? So, whatever lights that flame keep it burning bright as long as you can but if you ever feel the clouds are moving in look back as a reminder to those who have weathered the storms before you, set your compass, and chose a path that you believe in.

Unfortunately, it is not always wine. women, and song but what a wonderful world it would be if it was. Keep your eyes clear and ready for a fight but better a lover not a fighter yet if you do it right you can do both, and maybe even at the same time.
All the best me boy, ( I know I took that from someone else but come on it’s worth taking)

Errol Reichow


Thanks, Errol!

— David DeWitt


The June 2016 The Rock-itt Magazine is online!

07 Jun

Featuring Hobart to Hollywood: Beverly Aadland and The Big Boodle!


— David DeWitt