Author Archive

How to Post Articles!

04 Feb

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Kevin Wedman to The Errol Flynn Blog!

04 Feb

I am happy to announce New Author Kevin Wedman has joined us on The Errol Flynn Blog! Kevin we look forward to your thoughts and posts! Welcome Aboard!


— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Rory Flynn and Crossed Swords!

28 Jan

Here is a note sent to me from Rory who asks that we on the blog may be able to offer this writer some help with his book project:

Hello Rory,
I am writing a book about the movie “Crossed Swords” ( 1953) by Milton Krims shot in Cinecittà in Rome and Castle Lancellotti of Lauro (my hometown) with Errol Flynn and Gina Lollobrigida. I would like to know if you have information , documents and photos d’archive useful for reconstructing history .
Waiting for an answer, i send heartfelt greetings.

Vincenzo Castaldo (journalist)

If you have any info, sources, or other helpful information for this author please let me know via the blog’s email address, or publish it here in a reply and I will forward it to Vincenzo!

You may rate a mention in the book’s credits for your contribution …

— David DeWitt


MailBag! Robin Hood Autographs at Auction!

27 Jan

Our good friend Karl Holmberg sends us this today:

Autograph Auction TV Sport Historic Military Music
by Chaucer Covers & Auctions

05 February 2016, 10:00 GMT

Folkestone, United Kingdom
Live Auction
Lot 190: Olivia de Havilland and Errol Flynn autographed vintage photograph. Vintage magazine photo still from The Adventures of Robin Hood, 1938, signed by the two stars Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland. Very, very rare. Dedicated. Small tear to the top left which would disappear if mounted well. Signatures are not affected. Good condition. All signed items come with Certificate of Authenticity. Can be shipped worldwide.

Robin Hood Autographs

Thanks, Karl!

— David DeWitt


How to Subscriber Login and Comment

20 Jan


— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Captain Blood and Elvis!

19 Jan

John and Tom Theiman are twins and both a big Errol Flynn fans and John sendsus this note. English is not his first language:

I’ve got more Flynn news.In Captain Blood when Captain Blood signs Articles of Agreement with his crew the date is June 20th
1687. June 20th. Movie score for Captain Blood is great. Composer
is Korngold. He also does Robin Hood. Robin Hood ranked number 
11 movie score all time. But I believe Blood score is better. Blood is
a great movie, it holds up even today.

Elvis and Errol news. When Hal Wallis ran film test of Elvis he experienced the same thrill when he first saw Errol Flynn on the screen. Hal Wallis,Starmaker. Flynn lives in all of us who love him.
One of my two best friends loves Flynn, too!

See you later.

From Kentucky With Love, John and Tom

Thanks so much,John!

— David DeWitt


Dennis Mullen has a few words to say …

13 Jan

As you know, our chum and fellow Flynn aficionado Dennis Mullen is fighting cancer and has a GoFundMe Campaign sponsored by this blog. He today gave us an update and a few words of thanks for all those who care about his condition and are helping him to fight and win:

“Feels strange being a ghostwriter and copy editor while simultaneously being at a loss for words. I can’t thank all of you enough–or to my satisfaction at least–for not only your generosity, but also for your genuine empathy and compassion.

One of my goals is to properly correspond with you all once I am firmly in the recovery lane and we can chat about…..Caribbean adventure and/or Old Hollywood perhaps. Until then I’m not typing or reading so good due to severe rolling stomach pain, nausea, and blurry vision.

I’ve been day-dreaming about a “fair day in the tropics” these last few weeks. A simple line, yet full of promise and intrigue–two Errol Flynn attributes! I hope I can feel good again as this journey has been day-to-day hell for me and I am having a hard time coping both physically and psychologically. Thank-you everyone for thinking of me and helping me. I won’t ever forget it.”

Dennis Mullen, January 12th 2016

If you would like to help in your own area you can do so by downloading the poster below as a pdf, printing it and putting it up in your local community centers, library, or church. A little effort by a lot of people can make a hell of a difference.


— David DeWitt


Mailbag! TCM’s Welcome to Sherwood …

12 Jan

Hello! If you didn’t know, “Welcome to sherwood:the story of the Adventures of Robin Hood” (2003) is on TCM wednesday morning. 1/13/2016
at 2:30 am – hope you’re doing well!
                                           tom and john thieman

I am doing well, Gents, and thanks for the tip!

— David DeWitt


Dennis Mullen’s Beat Cancer Friends!

09 Jan


Please take a moment to go read my campaign to help Dennis Mullen fight his recent diagnosis of cancer and donate something if you can to help him get through to a hopeful recovery. He has been diagnosed with a serious form of cancer and I’d like to call on all of our Flynn family to help him. He has been a tireless Flynn supporter and researcher. He’s walked literally in Flynn’s footsteps in Jamaica on Navy Island, was allowed to enter the closed military base where the Titchfield Hotel stood not once but three times (something only someone with the charm of Flynn himself could accomplish) and has traveled to Havana 12 times to give his famous Havana Writer’s Retreat to lucky writers from around the world. He knows every footstep Flynn made in Havana. He lives in Canada so his major medical expenses are going to be covered but we all know that it is worry about the daily expenses, bills not paid because employer benefits are thin and run out and we know that being able to afford the right foods and vitamins to help him fight cancer can make all the difference in a positive attitude and a good fight against cancer.

I don’t want our dear friend to stress over not having the funds to make a good fight of this, or worry about things that he can’t afford while undergoing chemo that is going to start almost immediately. If there are generous hearts among you, I know you will find a way to donate something toward making our Flynn friend comfortable and ease his mind about being safe and able to fight as hard as he can to save his life. Those who know him have experienced his generosity and kindness over and over again and his great sense of humor, his abilities as an editor and creative. I think if anybody deserves a bit of support it is Dennis Mullen …

I thank you all personally for reading this and for anything you may be able to do to help. Please share the following link in your social medias and send it to people who you think would like to help, too.…

These campaigns succeed or fail based on how many people share these links. It’s very important to spread them around and let people know about this. A ten dollar donation or more will make an incredible difference!


— David DeWitt


James Turiello, Marylin Monroe & Errol Flynn!

29 Dec

We’re always happy to hear from our absent Author’s and news of what they are doing! James Turiello writes that he has a new book about Marylin Monroe coming out with a chapter about Errol Flynn:


A picture is worth a thousand words, sometimes that’s true. However in the case of Marilyn Monroe it was always the relevant. Each and every photograph or piece of artwork depicting her image was unrivaled in its beauty. The movies Marilyn starred in are all unique simply because she was in them. From her first image on the big screen as a mere walk on extra to the last image she gave us from her unreleased movie, Marilyn glowed. This book will take you on a special journey along with Marilyn as she always gave 100% to her legions of fans all the while without knowing how great a movie star she truly was. The journey is filled with facts and nuances that will help to convince you if you are not already convinced that Marilyn’s body of work in motion pictures must be recognized with an Oscar.The journey will uncover how Marilyn approached the challenges of her profession and those actors and actresses that share her quest. The journey is filled with hundreds of photographs, artwork and images from around the world, some which you will see for the very first time. There is even a section of Marilyn on postage stamps from not only the United States but from far away places that she never visited. Also included is a complete filmography which includes the cast an reviews. When the journey is over you will be convinced that Marilyn most definitely deserves her Oscar.

  The book even has a chapter about Errol Flynn and how he too was completely overlooked by Hollywood in regard to the Oscar. In 2012 the author released Errol Flynn:

The Quest for an Oscar, and has been campaigning to somehow get The Academy to honor Errol and Marilyn when they open the Academy Award museum in the near future. This idea of the museum was suggested by the author several years ago but they said it wasn’t feasible. It is important that all of Errol’s fans contact them regarding your desire to have him recognized. 

James Turiello will appear on Jack Marino’s Warrior Filmmaker Show Jan 10, 2015.

— David DeWitt