Author Archive

How to Login to this Blog!

24 Sep

For those of you new to the blog, I have made a video showing how to login to the blog which entails the WordPress security popup, and the purpose of this short little video is to make clear that the popup is not the place to enter your Personal Login details. It’s sole purpose is to discourage robots from logging into our blog, and it’s WordPress’s idea not mine.

So to when you see it (it doesn’t show up on some browsers or looks slightly different) you enter the preset username errolflynn (all lower case) and password efb (all lower case) and set the popup to “Remember me” so you won’t have to enter the preset details every time you login.

After you click ok, you are taken to the normal WordPress login page for our blog and there you enter your Personal Login details.

The video shows a remembered Username “Boss Boy”. You will be entering your own Personal Username used when you registered.

That’s it!

I hope it clears up how to login for new members!

Click the screen anywhere to start in Firefox. Other browsers may display play buttons.

— David DeWitt


Rory Flynn Speaks … Bridgewater College, Sept. 25, 2015

14 Sep


— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


September 2015 Rocket Magazine now Online!

06 Sep

The latest September issue of The Rock-itt Magazine is now available online featuring it’s ongoing serial From Hobart to Hollywwod about our Man Flynn …


— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Mailbag! Rory Flynn Speaks!

31 Aug

Hi, David,

Just wanted to let you know that Rory Flynn is going to be our guest speaker here at Bridgewater College (Bridgewater, Va.) on Sept. 25, as part of our Errol Flynn Day. Rory will speak at 7:30 p.m. in Cole Hall, after which we will show “Captain Blood” (this is the 80th anniversary of the film). Earlier in the day we will show “The Sea Hawk,” with an introductory commentary by one of our film professors.

Could you post something about this on the blog? For readers close to us, it might be something they’d want to attend. Or even to travel to.

Thanks so much, David.



Charles Culbertson | Office of Marketing & Communications | Director of Media Relations | online:…


— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


We Welcome New Author Bob Shaffer to The Errol Flynn Blog!

22 Aug

I’m pleased to announce our newest Author Bob Shaffer to The Errol Flynn Blog! Welcome aboard, Bob! We look forward to your posts and comments!

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Mailbag! Dean Stockwell recalls Errol Flynn!

21 Aug

Got a nice link to the following quote about Errol Flynn from actor Dean Stocvkwell’s imdb page:

(In a 1984 interview) There were uglies and there were beauties. For me, Errol Flynn was the best. I didn’t know anything about sex or what manhood was – and he opened that door for me.
[In a 1984 interview] Dick Widmark… I remember him with such fondness. He and Errol had something in common. They didn’t have a condescending attitude. Being human and honest in a relationship seemed to mean more to them than anything else. It meant a great deal to me. I don’t know if Widmark is aware of that. They were straight with me – like, I would imagine, a father would be to a son… if he loved and respected him. And I didn’t have a father with me.

Thanks to: bob schaffer


— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn Mailbag! George Oppenheimer

13 Aug

From Karl Holmberg:

The BRILLIANT comedy writer for the 50’s TV show Topper… had a Flynn tie-in:

George Oppenheimer had a prolific career as a critic, playwright, screenwriter and publisher. A graduate of Williams College, he was first engaged as an advertising publications manager by Alfred A. Knopf, before venturing into the publishing business as co-founder of Viking Press (with Harold Guinzburg) in 1925. Eight years later, Oppenheimer moved to Hollywood, contracted by the writing team of George S. Kaufmanand Robert E. Sherwood to complete the screenplay of Samuel Goldwyn’s spoof comedy Roman Scandals (1933). Kaufman and Sherwood had concocted the original story, but decided to leave the project because of star Eddie Cantor’s continued micro-management of their script. For the remainder of the decade, Oppenheimer worked at MGM, where he was often employed as a script doctor, ironing out incongruities and improving the work of his fellow writers. He had a hand in several major box-office hits, including Libeled Lady(1936), A Day at the Races (1937) and A Yank at Oxford (1938).

After wartime service with South-East Asia Command (First Motion Picture Unit) in India as writer, producer and director of training films and documentaries, Oppenheimer resumed his work in Hollywood, co-writing Adventures of Don Juan (1948) and scripting twenty-five episodes of the popular comedy series Topper (1953). In 1955, he forsook the screen for a position as drama critic for Newsday, based in New York. From 1970 to 1972, he held a position as president of the New York Drama Critics Circle.

Thanks, Karl!


— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Suzanne Issa to The Errol Flynn Blog!

08 Aug

I’m very happy to announce our newest Author on The Errol Flynn Blog, Suzanne Issa! Her mother and father knew Errol well, and Suzanne tells me:

Yes, as a child we used to spend our holidays at Tower Isle and I remember Errol Flynn walking through the hotel, dressed in white slacks and and white shirt opened to the waist, looking very tanned and very handsome. I had a childhood crush on him.
He also was a frequent visitor at my father’s hotel in Kingston, The Myrtle Bank Hotel.

Another childhood Memory was, very late one night, a car was honking in our driveway at our Kingston home and it was Errol Flynn calling out to my father that he had broken his leg and asking if he could spend the night. I was thrilled to say the least.
His third and last wife, Patrice Wymore who passed away last year was also a great friend and continued to make Jamaica her home she lived and owned a large estate in Port Antonio with cattle. Her grandson, Luke inherited the property after her death and I believe it is now for sale.
If I come across any more recollections, I will send them to you, along with any photos I may find.

Best Regards,

Suzanne, we look forward to your posts and comments!

Welcome aboard …

— David DeWitt


Remembering Patrice Wymore

08 Aug

Thanks to Suzanne Issa for pointing bus towards this article remembering actress and Rancher Patrice Wymore.


— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Who is that Mystery Woman with Errol Flynn?

08 Aug

We received a nice email today referring to a photo published on the blog with the question Who is the lady? Although our Author Mary Ann discovered the answer, this, too, confirms the facts from a great source.


The  mystery woman is my mother, Lorraine Issa and that photo was taken at The Tower Isle Hotel which was built and owned by My father, Abe Issa (Jamaica’s Father Of Tourism). It opened in 1949 and hosted many celebrities from around the world.  Errol Flynn was A friend of both my parents and was a frequent visitor to the hotel.  In 1978, the hotel became the worlds 1st all-inclusive hotel for couples only. It was called Couples Ocho Rios but after an extensive renovation years later, changed the name to Couples Tower Isle which it is now called.

Suzanne Issa

Thanks, Suzanne!

— David DeWitt