Author Archive

The Prince and the Pauper!

11 Feb

The Prince and the Pauper (1937) Official Trailer – Errol Flynn, Claude …



— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Paula Guthat to The Errol Flynn Blog!

11 Feb

Paula, we are pleased to have you as our newest Author on The Errol Flynn Blog!


— David DeWitt


MGM’s 25th Anniversary 1949!

10 Feb

1949, MGM’S 25th Anniversary dinner featuring dozens of the studio’s major stars, including Clark Gable, Errol Flynn, Greer Garson, and many others. You see Errol misplaced in line as the stars are announced and his name is never called so he simply enters, anyway … And sitting having a meal next to Greer Garson. Several stars are unaware of a passing camera, and Gable has some kind of hilarious complaint to make but there is only one sound portion in this video.



— David DeWitt


Special Announcement! New Errol Flynn Blog Authors!

04 Feb

We have a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT today on The Errol Flynn Blog! Two new Author accounts have been created to bring News and Information to our members and readers about exciting events taking place here in the US, and around the world in 2015 to honor Errol Flynn!

We Welcome Captain Blood Brotherhood!


We Welcome The Sea Hawk Society


— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn & Captain Blood

17 Jan

This comes from the Errol Flynn Mailbag: Captain Bood by Rafael Sabatini, discussed at Tom McNulty’s fine blog Dispatches from the Last Outlaw. Do check it out!



— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland Immigration forms!

12 Jan

Interesting Immigration forms for Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland:

immigration form FLYNN

immigration form DeHav

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Benjamin S. Johnson!

10 Jan

We’re pleased to announce new Author Benjamin S. Johnson to The Errol Flynn Blog! Welcome, Ben! We look forward to your posts and comments!


— David DeWitt


Robert Florczak’s Errol Flynn Life Chronology!

10 Jan

An update on Robert Florczak’s monumental work of research: Robert reports his book has advanced to 1,317 pages, 150,030 words, and approximately 6,500 images with the years 1909 up to 1954 covered so far. No date for the completion of the remaining five years yet, or a publication date. Well done, Robert! We will keep an eye on your progress!


— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


5 Minute Captain Blood!

09 Jan

Yep, the Five Minute Captain Blood!

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


Rarest copy of Showdown by Errol Flynn!

08 Jan

Recently collector Ben Johnson of Ohio, USA claimed possibly the rarest of copies of Showdown signed by Errol to his parents! Ben added it to a fine looking display he’s created and allows us to show it on the EFB!

ben johnson columbus ohio

ben johnson columbus ohio2

Dennis Mullen, editor and ghostwriter and personal tour guide to Flynn haunts Port Antonio, Jamaica, and Havana, Cuba, arranged the sale and told me he is sending an Errol Flynn marina brochure and a vial of sand from Navy Island to Ben for his display case, as well. (You can check out Dennis’s Flynn ebay items by searching for seller: HavannaArchives.)

The dedication reads:

Thanks, Ben and Dennis!

— David DeWitt