Author Archive

January 2015 Rockitt Magazine!

08 Jan

As always, we bring you Pete Johnson’s The Rockitt Magazine because of it’s Errol Flynn pages and the dedication to Flynn’s memory of its editor:

Dear Rock-itt Readers

The January issue of The Rock-itt Magazine is now online. Please click on the link to read the first issue for 2015.





— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Alina Durand to The Errol Flynn Blog!

27 Dec

We’re happy to announce New Author Alina Durand of France to The Errol Flynn Blog! Alina is busy with other things just now, but is happy to join us and we look forward to her presence on the blog!

Errol Flynn as he appears in THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD, 1938. This image is from an advertisement for the film that appeared in the trade papers.


— David DeWitt


Mystery Woman?

13 Dec

Can anybody identify the lady standing beside James Stewart and holding onto Errrol Flynn’s arm, with Nora Flynn on the left of Errol? I don’t know the answer but can say it is is not Marge Eddington …












— David DeWitt


Artist David Trioux’s Errol Flynn Gallery!

13 Dec

French Artist David Trioux gives us permission to show some of his Errol Flynn biographical artworks on The Errol Flynn Blog! Thanks, David!

[flagallery gid=24]

— David DeWitt


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TCM Show Lineup, with Rory Flynn!

09 Dec

Tonight, in Prime Time on TCM:



— David DeWitt


Rory Flynn Interviewed by Robert Osborne!

08 Dec

As some of you may know, Rory Flynn was a featured Guest Speaker on the latest TCM Movie Cruise! Her interview with Robert Osborne will be aired tomorrow, the 9th, she believes, and wanted to give us a head’s up, so we don’t miss it!

Plan on catching it on TCM!


Rory Flynn with TCM'S Robert Osborne

Rory Flynn with TCM’s Robert Osborne




— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


December 2014 The Rock-itt Magazine!

01 Dec

Dear Rock-itt readers.
The December issue of The Rock-itt magazine is now online.
Please enjoy



— David DeWitt


From the Errol Flynn Mailbag …

26 Nov

An interesting item from the EFB Mailbag: our writer says “I have not seen anything on your blog about this. Nikon Camera bought on eBay with Sean Flynn’s initials:

Nikon Camera Bought on eBay

I also found this while looking at camera articles:

Sean Flynn Papers

Kind regards, says our correspondent who wishes to withold his name … But we thank you, very much!

— David DeWitt


Shoreham Hotel, where Errol Flynn …

09 Nov

… met Earl Conrad to go over the galley’s of My Wicked, Wicked Ways, and played a trick on Conrad by having Woodsie and some teenage girls draped all over the rooms busily editing pages of the book with pencils! Conrad predictably blew his top while Errol innocently asked What’s wrong, old boy?


[flagallery gid=23]

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


November 2014 Rockitt Magazine!

05 Nov

We always let readers know about Peter Johnson’s Rockitt Magazine so they can enjoy his Errol Flynn feature On Errol: Hobart to Hollywood. Past issues feasture Robert Florzac’s excellent Then and Now series.

Rockitt Magazine


— David DeWitt