Author Archive for Errol Flynn Movies!

05 Nov

If you are looking for copies of Errol Flynn’s movies, I noticed… has a selection at reasonable prices (look for the yellow See All from button) including Kim, Master of Ballantrae, The Big Boodle, Mara Maru, and Green Light, among others that are becoming harder to find. The classics are there, too!

A lot of great Flynn book choices are there, too, including From a Life of Adventure: the Writings of Errol Flynn.

Worth looking at …

— David DeWitt


The Legend of Robin Hood, by Tom McNulty!

04 Nov

Tom McNulty is known to all of you as the author of the best bio of Errol Flynn yet written, Errol Flynn: The Life and Career. On his blog he has written a great piece The Legend of Robin Hood! Goest thou and enjoy …

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


We Welcome New Author Delvan Irwin to The Errol Flynn Blog!

29 Oct

I’m happy to announce our newest Author Delvan Irwin to The Errol Flynn Blog. Delvan, we look forward to your Posts and comments! Welcome aboard …



— David DeWitt


The Heart of Robin Hood

27 Oct

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


Tim Reid, on Jack Marino’s Radio Show!

27 Oct

From the Errol Flynn Mailbag!

Dave can you post this or mention TIM REID will be on my show TONIGHT on the Errol Flynn Blog. Thank you old boy


SUNDAY, Oct 26, 2014 at 7PM PST & 10PM EST Jack Marino Warriorfilmmaker Show on… on Channel 2

My Guest is Tim Reid, born & raised a Flynn Fan in an predominantly Irish seaside neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. (Only a very short distance from where Harry Eiler grew up, before he made it big and bought Flynn’s place on Navy Island!)

Flynn was King in our neighborhood, who all the girls swooned over, and all the boys wanted to be. Dad & Mom were huge Flynn fans, too, and much like our neighborhood’s Errol & Olivia – Dad being very highly intelligent and athletically gifted, Mom being extraordinarily gorgeous and fun.

Grew up watching Flynn on late night and weekend TV. Captain Blood, Charge of the Light Brigade, Robin Hood, Sea Hawk, Gentleman Jim, They Died With Their Boots On. What boy wouldn’t want to be Flynn?! Fighting the good fight so valiantly AND winning the hearts of all the best looking girls, too! What boy wouldn’t want to be anyone but Errol Flynn!?!

Years later, in the early Eighties, when I moved to San Diego, I became significantly reacquainted with Flynn. Heard stories from sailors & old timers who knew many of his incredible exploits and adventures in San Diego, Old Tijuana, Rosarito, and Ensenada. That led me to read the still astonishing Wicked, Wicked Ways – like nothing I’d ever read before. Truly Flynntastic.

Inspired by all of that, I wrote “In Like Flynn”, which I used last year as the musical track in a video tribute to the 75th Anniversary of Robin Hood.

“In Like Flynn” – 75th Anniversary of “The Advent……

Working on the In Like Flynn video, I had the tremendous pleasure and good fortune to meet the great David DeWitt, founder of the Errol Flynn Blog. That has opened up a who new world for me, allowing me to learn from and communicate with preminent Flynn fans around the globe.

Based on these wonderful opportunites, and drawing on my experience as a commemorative historian, I am helping to plan and celebrate year-long, around-the-world tributes to Errol’s two greatest pirate films – Captain Blood & The Sea Hawk, which, in 2015, will be in their 80th & 75th anniversary years.

Attached is a photo from the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, during filming of “The First Boys of Spring”, a documentary being released in 2015.


Show call in number: 1-818-602-4929

Jack Marino’s Warriorfilmmaker Show

if you missed the LIVE show you can always go back to the archive and hear it then…

Visit the BLOG site for the Radio show on…

Write down your comments on the site.



Thank you,

Jack Marino


Thanks, Jack!

— David DeWitt


New YouTube Pluggin added!

22 Oct

On your Author toolbar above the Posting window you’ll see a new link to brouse for and add relevant YouTube videos to your posts! Best used in the Visual tab, I think. Let me know if you have any problems with it in your browser?



— David DeWitt


How to insert a text link into your post!

22 Oct

Turn those long ugly urls into text links!


— David DeWitt


October Rockitt Magazine 2014

09 Oct

Dear Rock-itt Readers

The October Rock-itt Magazine is now online.

Click on the link to read all about the latest news about sport, entertainment and music on the Northern Beaches. Our special ‘Animal Rights’ section has the latest news about our animal friends.


Look for the special section on Flynn!

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


Mailbag! The Adventures of Casanova!

04 Oct

A recent posting brings this Mailbag item from fron close friend Karl Holmberg, Flynn Detective from way back …

A photo Tim posted led me to a minor discovery- the radio log for The Modern Adventures of Casanova. (Don’t remember seeing this before.) It lists 39 shows (titled, briefly described, or blank) but I’m still pretty sure only one was broadcast (and thus survived: Missing Arms of Venus de Milo) as I only found just the one in the radio program listings of the newspaper (NYT) for the time period it was intended (1-3-52 to 1-8-53).

CURIOUSLY, the 5/22/52 Venus episode is what survives and yet a review on 1/9/52 appeared for the program (which would have been timed to the first episode ’s viewing of 1/3/52) “AGING LOTHARIO NOT SO GAY AS RADIO CASANOVA: He Sounds Exactly Like an Errol Flynn REMENIH, ANTON, Chicago Daily Tribune”.

I have provided, below, this so-called radio log:

The Modern Adventures of Casanova is a 1952 radio show starring Errol Flynn. Flynn played a modern day descendent of Casanova who actually works for Interpol.

Episode 1 – premiere – 3 January 1952 – set in Venice Italy

Episode 2 – “The Phony Count” – 10 January 1952 – Casanova saves a woman from a phony count

Episode 3 – “Family Vendetta” – 17 January 1952 – Casanova visits Venice and deals with the Marchetties, enemies of the Casanovas

Episode 4–24 January 1952 – while skiing in Switzerland, Casanova helps play cupid for a younger couple

Episode 5–31 January 1952

Episode 6–7 February 1952

Episode 7–14 February 1952 – Casanova helps on Valentine’s Day

Episode 8–21 February 1952

Episode 9–28 February 1952

Episode 10–6 March 1952

Episode 11–13 March 1952

Episode 12–20 March 1952

Episode 13–27 March 1952 – Casanova tracks down a dope smuggling ring in Paris

Episode 14 – “The Bride of the Rain God” – 3 April 1952 – Casanova investigates a cursed relic from the Mayan civilisation responsible for killing people

Episode 15–10 April 1952 – Casanova investigates a pair of con artists on the French riviera

Episode 16–17 April 1952 – Casanova smashes a gold smuggling syndicate

Episode 17 – “The Black Dowry Pearls” – 24 April 1952 – Casanova goes to Venice to retrieve some pearls from Phillip II

Episode 18–1 May 1952

Episode 19–8 May 1952

Episode 20–15 May 1952 – Casanova goes to Egypt to stop a drug smuggling ring

Episode 21 – “The Missing Arm of Venus de Milo” – 22 May 1952 – Christopher Casanova is sent to Jamaica to recover the missing arm of the Venus de Milo.

Episode 22–29 May 1952

Episode 23–5 June 1952

Episode 24–12 June 1952

Episode 25–19 June 1952

Episode 26–26 June 1952 – Casanova investigates the murder of a beauty in Paris

Episode 27 – first of season two – 2 October 1952

Episode 28 – “The Sumatra Adventure” – 9 October 1952

Episode 29–16 October 1952

Episode 30–23 October 1952

Episode 31 – “The Gold Brick Swindle” – 30 October 1952 – Casanova goes to Karachi

Episode 32–6 November 1952

Episode 33–13 November 1952

Episode 34–20 November 1952

Episode 35 – “The Star of Thessaly” – 27 November 1952 – Casanova guards an old Greek millionaire who is visiting Paris with a diamond

Episode 36–4 December 1952

Episode 37–11 December 1952

Episode 38

Episode 39


The critic from the Chicago Daily Tribune said that “this swashbuckling mademoiselle chaser reads a script loaded with improbable situations, double entendres and what I suppose is Riviera playboy talk.”

^ Viewers Complain About TV Slight to Favorites; Vaughn Monroe May Do Local Show Ames, Walter. Los Angeles Times (1923-Current File) [Los Angeles, Calif] 03 Jan 1952: 28.

^ Film Stars Feeding At the Radio Table By John Crosby The Washington Post (1923-1954); Jan 16, 1952; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Washington Post (1877-1997) pg. B13

^ MUTUAL GETS NEW SHOWS OUT OF RADIO PACT Chicago Daily Tribune (1923-1963) [Chicago, Ill] 22 Dec 1951: c4.

^ AGING LOTHARIO NOT SO GAY AS RADIO CASANOVA: He Sounds Exactly Like an Errol Flynn REMENIH, ANTON. Chicago Daily Tribune (1923-1963) [Chicago, Ill] 09 Jan 1952: a6.


Episode log at The Digital Deli

Best, Karl

— David DeWitt


Did you know?

01 Oct

There are two Errol Flynn stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?



— David DeWitt