Author Archive

From the Errol Flynn Mailbag! Tiff Interview!

20 Sep

Send along by a dear pal in Australia show wishes to share but prefers no name be offered in thanks,  just now … he writes, in part:

Hello David. I just stumbled upon this Q&A  conducted at the TIFF and wondered if you’d seen it. It’s another little piece of color in the fabric of the Flynn story… and a wonderful surprise appears in the audience.

— David DeWitt


From the Errol Flynn Mailbag! Hobart Webcam!

13 Sep

In this webcam is Salamanca Place and the pub on the corner has a stained glass picture of Errol.(not visible )
From this pub, its barely a 5 minute walk from where Errol was born.….au/hosted_pages/webcams/webcam_salamanca.html

Special Thanks to: Chris Driscoll


— David DeWitt


The Magnificent McNulty Speaks!

03 Sep

Click the Banner to View the Video which can only be seen on Vimeo!


Flynn biographer Thomas McNulty (Errol Flynn: The Life and Career) discusses the improbable meeting between Flynn and Fidel Castro in late 1958 in a new documentary Errol Flynn’s Ghost

— David DeWitt


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Errol Flynn Mailbag!

27 Aug

As I have temporary access to a computer:

Hey David,
  I hope this finds you well. Just wanted to let you know that I’ve posted a follow up to that earlier post about Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland and Martha O’Driscoll. Here’s the link for your perusal.…

— David DeWitt


Tis A Ship Mystery!

16 Aug

I keep looking at this ship in Flynn’s den at Mulholland and wondering what ship is this? Is it a replica of the BOUNTY? It is British? Is it some other ship Errol was interested in? Does anybody know?

Mystery Ship?

Mystery Ship?

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn in the 30’s!

14 Aug

ef 30s3

— David DeWitt


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New Edit Comment Add-on!

14 Aug

We have installed a new add-0n to the Comment Box that gives you new capabilities. Please read about it on the FAQs Page  at the bottom of the Page …

comment test2

— David DeWitt


From Tom McNulty, The San Antonio!

13 Aug

Tom McNulty shares this with us!

I was making some scans for [a friend of ours] and scanned this for your blog. I’ve never seen it anywhere else and I can’t recall how to post it on your blog so here it is! I hope the fans like it! Have a great day!

Best, Tom




Tom’s Blog:

Dispatches from the Last Outlaw

— David DeWitt


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Errol’s Van Gogh Provenance!

12 Aug

Sent to us by German writer Stefan Koldehoff who is preparing an article about famous owners of Van Gogh paintings!

The Man is at Sea Provenance


Thanks, Stefan!

— David DeWitt


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Errol Flynn in the 50’s!

09 Aug

EF in the 50's

— David DeWitt


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