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The August 2013 Rock-itt Magazine!

04 Aug

Dear Rock-itt Readers:

The August edition of The Rock-itt is now online for your enjoyment. Just click on the link to go straight there.

The Rock-itt Magazine


Featuring: Hobart to Hollywood (about the Life and Times of Errol Flynn) and Movie Locations: Then & Now, by Robert Florczak!



— David DeWitt


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Movie Stars from WWII – Errol Flynn & Martha O’Driscoll

27 Jul

From Russel Ries blog The Only New Thing: a recent correspondence results in an interesting post about Errol and Martha O’Driscoll on a USO Tour and Olivia de Havilland, too! You knew a lot of people must have taken photos of them during these tours but how many have you seen? Thanks to Russel Ries for a nice article and discovery of some rare photos …

— David DeWitt


Robin Hood at The Errol Flynn Filmhouse!

23 Jul

We tip our hat to Tim Reid for discovering this!

Northampton, England

Northampton, England

Screening Dates:
Sun 4 August 5:00pm

Director: Michael Curtiz, William Keighley
Starring: Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, Basil Rathbone

The greatest swashbuckler of them all graces the screen named in his honour, in this 1938  classic  directed by Michael Curtiz and William Keighley, and co-starring Olivia de Havilland, Basil Rathbone, and Claude Rains.

— David DeWitt

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We Welcome Our Newest Author Juhani Kapiainen to the EFB!

12 Jul

Juhani, we are very pleased to have you aboard, and look forward to your comments and posts! Thanks for joining us!

Welcome, Juhani!

Welcome, Juhani!

— David DeWitt


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White Raja Contract!

12 Jul

This is something that Juhani sent to me before he became our newest Author! He is rather busy right now but gives me permission to post it for him to the EFB! This is Warner Brothers original contract between Flynn and William Ulman, jr for the rights to “The White Rahah” Juahni owns this original document!

White Rajah Contract Warners

— David DeWitt


Errol’s Long Distance Chess Game circa 1937!

10 Jul

With thanks to our dear friend, Mr D … (Chris Driscoll, of Australia!)


— David DeWitt


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The Errol Flynn Blog Maintainance Notice

02 Jul

On Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013 between 1:00 AM EDT and 7:00 AM EDT,
maintenance will be performed on the server hosting your site. A
reboot of the server will be required which may cause your site to
become unavailable for a period of time. We do not expect the
downtime to exceed 15 minutes, but it is based on many variables and
may (rarely) exceed a half hour.

Thanks in advance for your understanding, and for your continued
support of our service.

Pressharbor Support

— David DeWitt

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The July 2013 Rock-itt Magazine is now online!

01 Jul

Pete, at the Rock-itt Magazine tells me that he thinks Flynn is having a bit of fun with him – as the Hobart to Hollywood entry of his continuing series Our Famous Mr. Flynn is missing from this issue because at it was being saved, it disappeared! He could swear he heard Flynn chuckling! It will be seen in the next issue!

Robert Florczak’s Movie Locations Then and Now series is much alive in this issue with shots from Roman Holiday and Invasion of the Body Snatchers!

The July 2013 Rock-itt Magazine!

Rockitt Cover July 20131

— David DeWitt


Happy Birthday, Olivia de Havilland, 97!

01 Jul

Thanks to the FB page Errol Flynn, my Fan Page for this photo:

Happy 97th Birthday, Olivia de Havilland!

Happy 97th Birthday, Olivia de Havilland!

— David DeWitt


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Another Perspective on Errol Flynn!

29 Jun

We need to talk about something, my friends. We have enjoyed many years discussing the life and career of Errol Flynn from several different perspectives on this blog. Some of these perspectives naturally include the same views of our subject you find in fandom on many other blogs dedicated to golden age actors and their classic films. Some of us view Flynn as a classic actor from the golden age, only. It is his films that you enjoy, in particular, and some are interested more in the man, himself, much more interested in what formed him not just as a performer but as a human being. Film scholars take an interest in his films from the perspective of when his films were made, they are interested in his associations and influences as an actor. They study his work on screen from the view they have of the era he lived in, the directors, the producers, the screenwriters, and musicians involved in his films, the technical side, and well as the artistic side. They study his life in order to tell document his career, and relate it to other performers, and other professionals that have produced what we regard as the art of cinema – Biographers take in all of this in an effort to show their readers who the man was on a person level, and they go as deep into the private life of the actors they write about as is humanly possible to tell an accurate story if they are writers with integrity, and their research is honest and scholarly.

We know full well, don’t we, that there are other “biographers” who have no integrity, no honesty, and write only to shock and not to explore the lives of their subjects in a balanced truthful way. All of these perspectives have appeared on the EFB in one way or another. We have fought hard and long against the Highams of this world, and overcame them by direct action. We are trying to tell Flynn’s story on this blog, to celebrate his life and career and we do it with joy, and we do it with care. We love the guy, don’t we? But one thing we can’t do is really know him from another perspective that is not often talked about. It is not written about here often because this perspective comes only from those who knew him. And few here did. Steve Hayes is a noted exception. Rory Flynn is another …

Rory Flynn has a unique perspective none of us will ever have, naturally, but there is something we should all understand – when we post copies of rare family photos, documents and particularly letters from or to Errol Flynn from family members we are exposing the personal life of her family members for public examination – it is one thing to reproduce things such as entry’s in the New Guinea Diary, or brief letters or notes that reveal something of his character in our study of his attitude about life, or to show his patriotism, or love of his children and friends he enjoyed. Some of these things are already available on the internet, however, Rory has for years tried to get back original letters and other things that were lost over the years to collectors that rightfully belong to her family, and she has not always been able to do it. For instance, a few years ago, her sister Deirdre became very ill, and during this time she lost a storage unit that contained family letters and photos – which had been mistakenly placed in this storage unit – and forgotten. When the storage unit was seized, all of its contents went up for sale. A woman contacted Rory about the letters she found among the unit’s contents and asked if they belonged to the Flynn family? Yes, of course, Rory replied, and told the woman she would gladly pay her a fair amount of money to get the items back – but once this woman knew the letters were authentic, she stopped all communication with Rory, and she was never able to recover the letters …

You can imagine how much this hurt. There were letters containing her father’s “loving words” to her, lost, a second time when within reach. And she never got them back. People tend to think of Rory as some sort of distant figure, one that isn’t approachable, and that they wouldn’t as strangers, try to contact. I have heard this many times from people that she I think would actually enjoy hearing from, even if it is only a few words – and when you realize that not to contact her if you hear of or have obtained something that she would probably like to recover for her son and family members, for her own sake, and feelings, too, is something very hurtful.

People may look upon a letter from her mother to her father as memorabilia, but she looks at it as family memories, as family history. I would love to have more letters that my own father wrote to my mother, if they existed somewhere. I only have just a few letters and a few postcards, to look at, and when I do look at them I see my father’s handwriting and I feel his presence…

Rory’s feelings are no different, I am sure. To see a letter written by her mother for sale on eBay that could have been offered to her first, is deeply hurtful. And when this happens it is all the more hurtful, because it brings back the loss the family suffered all over again. Rory is the daughter of Errol Flynn, but she is a loving daughter like all daughters who want to hold close the words of her father meant only for her eyes and when she reads them his voice is in her ears again, and his hand is on her shoulder as it should be; if you come across anything of this nature in your wide searches of anything Flynn related please remember this particular perspective on Errol Flynn that is one we actually all share in our own lives.

You can contact Rory via her website:…

Contact Rory

Or you can contact me via this blog, too, about this issue via the Contact us! page …



Note: Rory sends her thanks and appreciation to Brian Twist who helped her retrieve some family letters in a generous and kind-hearted way …

— David DeWitt


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