Author Archive

February 2013 Rock-itt Magazine is now online!

03 Feb

The February issue of The Rock-itt is now available online. Click the link to take you straight there to catch up with the latest music, entertainment and sport on the Northern Beaches.

Rock-itt Magazine February 2013

Rock-itt Magazine February 2013

— David DeWitt


Cuban Story to be re-edited!

20 Jan

Cuban Story1



We need $40,000 to restore and reedit the film CUBAN STORY (1953), a unique, historical documentary narrated and presented by Errol Flynn featuring Che, Castro and Batista.

The historic and unique quality of Cuban Story is a valuable contribution to History. Help us save the film for posterity by donating to our worthy cause!

     * Cuban Story was the first film to show Castro’s face to Russia.

* The existing film is 50 minutes and shot in classic black and white.

* The film material is held at the Academy of Motion Pictures in LA.

INFO-BITE: The prior Head of the ICAIC Archives in Cuba saw the film and stated   that most of the material is unique and not available even in the ICAIC archives!

Even if you can’t donate, you can still be a crucial part of this campaign. Please spread the word about Cuban Story: the re-mix by liking it on Facebook or posting about it on Twitter. We hope you enjoy and are as amazed as all when you see it.

See more on the Website!


— David DeWitt


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Shooting Robin Hood in Chico, California

13 Jan
Robin confronts Little John

                                       Robin confronts Little John

— David DeWitt


January 2013 Rock-itt Magazine now online!

02 Jan

Hi Rock-itt readers,
The January issue of The Rock-itt magazine is now online. This is our tenth anniversary issue. Click on this link to go straight to the magazine. Enjoy!

— David DeWitt


Happy New Year from Jim Turiello!

31 Dec

Errol cover

— David DeWitt


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Some Say, sung by Bevery Aadland – 1959

26 Dec

— David DeWitt


Robin Hood Chess set!

18 Dec

Robin Hood Chess Set!

— David DeWitt


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An Early Xmas Gift to me!

15 Dec

Had to share this with you all! Linda Rogers is a good friend of mine from the Mainland who sent me an early Xmas gift! The puzzle was made in Germany, and she was able to do it because she visited this blog and found my favorite picture of Errol – one that I digitally altered to include my own name in the greeting for a grin and a giggle some time back! Here ’tis …

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


December 2012 Rockitt Magazine!

10 Dec

Read the continuing Feature: Our Famous Mr. Flynn! Thanks, Peter Johnson!

— David DeWitt


December 2012 Docklines now available for Viewing!

07 Dec

— David DeWitt