Author Archive

Jack Marino’s Homage to Mulholland Farm, and Errol Flynn!

28 Dec

Our dear friend, and fellow blog member, Jack Marino, sends us three photos of his remodeled livingroom today at his beautiful home somewhere below the Hollywood hills in Los Angeles and there is something familiar about what he has done for all Flynn aficionados … it is a “time machined experience” as my good friend Dennis Mullen would say … Jack’s wife Louise loves the idea and is pleased with the results including the authentic green paint Jack added as a reminder of one of the other rooms in Flynn’s famous Mulholland Farm home that Jack visited often when it was abandoned for several years before it was torn down. Jack, his friend author Tony Thomas and Deirdre Flynn were there the day the home was torn down and Jack contributed rare photos from the Jack Marino Collection to the book ERROL FLYNN SLEPT HERE by Robert Matzen and Michael Mazzone. The livingroom of Mulholland Farm always fascinated Jack and he wondered what it would have been like to see it filled with furniture during his many visits to the house as he wandered the empty rooms showing the house to his visitors who made the pilgrimage to the property with him. Today, he finished a homage to Flynn’s storied home by recreating the basic design elements that were in Flynn’s comfortable livingroom. Jack’s space is not as large as Flynn’s but he made the most of the space he has which by most standards isn’t small …







Jack tells me that his table was made to fit against the same kind of  wide windows that Flynn had facing the back yard and pool area of his home. Jack’s windows face his front yard but the amount of sun is the same. Jack’s table was made two feet wide to fit in the space in proportion to the furniture and he believes Flynn’s table was at least three feet wide. While everything in the room is not identical, Jack says, the placement is the same and the feeling you have walking into this room is the same he remembers from being in Errol’s livingroom and closing his eyes to imagine the furniture being there all of those years ago …  a table sized radio for the far corner of the room (looking toward the open front door in Jack’s photo above) would top off the whole recreation I think, Jack! I can’t wait to stop by and sit in that comfortable livingroom with you over a cup of Dennis Mullen’s Zaca Tea …

Well done, old boy …

Here is an UPDATE (December 2019): Jack added a bookshelf to the room with the same shelving that Errol had to the room and it has been in place for about a year and a half …


— David DeWitt


The Errol Flynn Blog Theme Change is coming!

23 Dec

I have tried to avoid this for several years … but we are going to have to change our theme because the current one has not been updated in far too long, and our PHP is out of date for running on WordPress … attempts to find something similar have been fruitless but we are going to have to make some kind of change or the site will just not function, anymore …

Will keep looking for something suitable but the search has been frustrating! There is just nothing out there that looks appropriate to me …

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Where the Boys Are! Sean Flynn (Uncredited!)

09 Dec

The Mail Bag brings a nice nugget about the film appearances of Sean Flynn (son of Errol Flynn and Lili Damita …)

I was looking at the filmography of George Hamilton and knew he was in that movie but was not listed as being in it on a particular website, looked further and also found THIS…. Guess who?
You have to look for “full cast &  crew” to find him. I tried to copy that link to tiny URL but no dice.
How about that!
GREAT Find … Thanks so much!

— David DeWitt


Don’t Forget Thomas McNulty’s The Adventures of Captain Graves!

26 Nov

Now  an  Adiobook!  Click  the  Image  to  learn  more …

— David DeWitt


Posted in Promo


Broderick Crawford Starring in Highway Patrol!

25 Nov

Our friend, Ralph Schiller, has partnered with author Gary Golts on a wonderfully good read called Doderick Crawford starring in Highway Patrol … (CP Entertainment Books 2019) a oversized softcover book full of amazing photos and script samples (complete list of shows), call sheets, toys, and 0ther memorabilia, even a replica car Gary Goltz created that he allows to appear in car shows across the country. The book has the complete history of the show, and other shows Broaderick Crawford appeared in after the show ended … it is one of those books you really get lost in once you open the pages!

Thanks, Ralph!

— David DeWitt

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Help Rory Flynn Bring Sean Flynn & the Missing Back Home!

10 Nov

Rory Flynn, Mike Luehring and Dave MacMillan have created a GoFundeMe to help bring Sean Flynn, Dana Stone and the other missing journalists home … many efforts over the decades have been undertaken and now it is felt that the answers are close to hand. It will take a financial commitment beyond what has already been made, as well as the emotional cost already spent to bring Sean, and other still missing home again. This is our chance to help make it happen, those who have respect and love for all of them. It is a chance to share in the effort, and the accomplishment of what has been a very long struggle …

You can donate any amount you like, however small, it will become a river ..

Please visit the funding page to see a special video Rory has made to help us understand what is at stake …

Sean Flynn

Dana Stone

Errol & Sean

— David DeWitt


Happy Halloween …. All Errol Flynn Fans!

01 Nov

— David DeWitt

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Errol Flynn’s Other Jamaica Vanity Fair

27 Oct

— David DeWitt


Nice Collection & Errol Flynn Photo from Marilyn Hunte!

27 Oct

Thanks for sharing, Marilyn …

— David DeWitt


Deep Sea Fishing Puzzler? Errol Flynn, or Howard Hill?

26 Oct

The Mail Bag brings this puzzler???

This picture, and a few others, have been linked to the 11-minute film, Deep Sea Fishing, with dates of the release of this short subject, anywhere from 1946 to 1954. There are supposedly some newspaper ads for the picture that listed, “starring Howard Hill,” not Errol Flynn.

Is there any information on the actual film, showing a correct year?  How about a date and place of it’s showing?

I leave this you Flynn Detectives out there …

— David DeWitt