Tis a bit of a puzzle, as always, with dear ol’ Errol! Shari Lee and her husband Rob write to us:
While researching Mr. Flynn I ran across your email address. I’m hoping you can provide some guidance. My husband has what we are sure is a piece of Mr. Flynn’s luggage. We are trying to find someone who can authenticate this for us. We do have pictures. Please let me know if you can help!
This piece of luggage has been to many places, it looks like it has been to japan, hawaii. Scandinavia, egypt, switzerland, france, austria, GB, pennsylvania, Ohio, Yellowstone, Argentina, Columbia, Barbados for sure. The franks and stamps are mostly in foreign language and we can’t interpret. The Japanese stamps are cuneiform. The airline stickers are Matson, Western, NPA, and a Scandinavian line that depicts an early seaplane. The luggage piece checks out as period correct. It appears to be colored hide over wood construction with gun metal brass hardware. It has very nice age patina with scuffs and handling wear and is quite nice looking. The amulet inside is fairly large and we believe is solid copper. If any more photos or info is needed let us know.
All I have is my camera on this phone. My husband researched all of the stickers and he is pretty certain they are authentic to the period. Not re-pop’s. It was acquired from an older person who had it in storage for several decades. Prior to that it was used as a stage prop in a folk group.
Here is what we see:
A label that says 1939 National Air Races, Cleveland, OH September 2,3,4
A destination label that says French Line, S.S. Champlain sailed 23 July 1939 destination Hotel – Ritz.
A destination label that says Cunard Line RMS Queen Mary First Class, deck and room A 23 sailing 6-8-1938, New York to South Hampton c/o Lady Julian (?) Windham, London England.
One with his name is Cooks Nile Service, S.S. Delta, along with another one that says Hastings Barbados Marine Hotel Ste. 22 , with a stamp that says Coral Bay-Marine. He stayed at Eastern Exchange Hotel Port Said Egypt per one label.
There are about 26 stickers and 2 postage stamps affixed to the exterior and numerous franks and custom stamps. The travel stickers are both air and sea. This is a carry-on size piece of luggage.
Thanks, Shari
Thank you, Shari & Ron!
Now, can any of you Flynn Detectives match Errol’s travels to this beautiful vintage travel bag?
— David DeWitt