Author Archive

Mail Bag! Errol Reichow: Don’t Hesitate to Live Fully!

01 May

The Mailbag brings us a great photo and story from Errol Reichow:

Greetings Mr. DeWitt,

Another contribution to your blog as I sift through the memories of my father. Flynn once quoted “We fritter our lives away in endless details but I plan to live it” and he did. My dad once said to me that Flynn had just come back from visiting a doctor, he had various ailments later in life, and the doctor said if you quit drinking you could have a few more years to which Errol said “I take the drinking and another good 6 months”. My father also mentioned that Flynn kind of burned out on live and said to him “I’ve seen everything twice so what does it matter”. We all have our highs and lows so with it goes our attitudes but better to test the ends of the spectrum then ride the middle of the fence because for many that just doesn’t get it done.

One last note, this past Friday I visited an old family friend (Gloria Zomar) and as we talked she had an interesting story. She meet Flynn, through my father, down at the Garden of Allah and Errol just had a chiropractor work on his back as my mom, dad, and Gloria waited in the other room and they could hear the groans as Errol got adjusted. Then Errol came out in a terry cloth rope  and engaged in conversation and proceeded to ask Gloria out for a date. Gloria accepted and was very nervous and she let Flynn drive her old Pink Cadillac to some spread in the Valley for a party where Errol spent most of the time talking to a producer about an upcoming film. Gloria was so nervous she didn’t say two words the whole evening and when they went home Flynn invited her in for a tottie and she said no, guess he had a reputation. My dad ask Errol the next day how it went and Errol said she doesn’t like me as she didn’t talk all evening. The fact is she was so nervous she didn’t know what to do or how to act. So, I gather the moral of the story is speak up and live a little because if you don’t do it now there may never be a next time.


This picture is from the old Frascati restaurant that was on the Northwest corner of Crescent Heights and Sunset Bl, across the street from the Garden of Allah. In it is Errol ( back of head), Mickey Rooney, Nora Eddington, Beverly Aadland, and Otto Reichow (my father) – I do not know the folks in the upper right hand corner.

Hope the shot is worthy of a post on your site and if so send me the link or save it for another day but then again better to live for today then wait for tomorrow.

 Thanks’ Errol!

— David DeWitt


Nick Thomas sends an Update Hello God! Sherry Jackson!

22 Apr…

Nick Thomas sends in this update about actress Sherry Jackson who was in Hello God with Errol Flynn.

Thanks, Nick!

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Jack Marino’s Farewell Radio show!

22 Apr

Dave, you can post this or write a notice on the EF blog to let them all know I’m not on the radio anymore

SUNDAY, April 24, 2016 at 7PM PST & 10PM EST Jack Marino Warriorfilmmaker Show on… on Channel 2

ATTENTION: To All FANS OF MY RADIO SHOW “Jack Marino Warrior Filmmaker” on L A Talk Radio

I want to take this time to sincerely THANK EVERYONE who has followed my radio show since January, 2010. I have been unsuccessful in getting sponsors to help offset the cost of doing the show and therefore it is with heavy heart and much regret that I have to inform you that Sunday, April 24, 2016 will be my farewell show.

I just can’t express how deeply grateful I am that I have so many such faithful and supportive fans of my show. I will miss doing the show and all of the fun we’ve shared over the years. The owners, here at L A Talk Radio, have expressed to me that I am welcome to come back at anytime should my situation change in a year or two.

I will be doing my last show alone, since I have to thank so many wonderful people. As always, if any of you want to call the show please feel free to do so and let’s talk about how you felt about the show and who was your favorite interview.

The call-in number for my show this Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 7PM PST and 10PM EST is 818-602-4929. You can also send me an e-mail of your thoughts about my show and how you felt about what I was doing on the air.

Please write to me at ra*******@tw*.com and, with your permission, I will use these comments as reviews on my website to attract and bring in future sponsors.

Again, I want to thank LA TALK RADIO, the owners, Sam and Dina Hasson, for allowing me this great opportunity to get on radio and a special thank you to all my amazing guests who came on my show to share their sometimes colorful but always interesting stories and to all my listeners all over the world, thank you, thank you, thank you.

I will miss you all,
Your Humble Radio Host,
Jack Marino


Here is a link to the Farewell Show:

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


Authors! A Note …

17 Apr

Authors, please remember to add a second or third category to your postings to help us fill out the blog pages. Many readers go directly to the categories to read what is there about a certain subject. If you do not select other categories before you publish everything goes to the front page. Because of our migration some years back to WordPress we ended up with a Main Page as a category. It’s is confusing, but a plugin now controls by default what is seen on the blog’s front page. You do not need to select any category to get onto the front page before you publish your post. But please add as many secondary category choices as will fit your posting so that readers will find them in our category tree. You can go back and add categories to your already published posts, and click Update to republish them and they will also appear in other categories. I know this is sometimes hard to remember. I have forgotten to do it, myself. But it really helps fill out the blog and makes it easy for readers to find what they are looking for. Thanks so much …

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


Mail Bag! Shirley Hassau photo!

09 Apr

8Our chum, Karl Holmberg sends this eBay item to us, a great photo of Shirly Hassau. I have a personal connection to her daughter Marilyn now Lynn McCormick who opened her home to an impromptu gathering on the occasion of my father Earl DeWitt suddenly passing away of a heart attack in 1977. Alone for a moment in her kitchen she told me she had only seen her father two or three times as a child. She was raised by the Salvation Army, she said. She told me how sorry she was for my loss, and said it was a huge loss for AA, too. Her husband was also a member, and so was my father who with a partner opened the first Halfway House for alcoholics in Washington State.



Thanks Karl!

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


Cache of Dr. Herman F. Erben material Found!

05 Apr

The Mail Bag brings an interesting item today.


I live in NYC and have just found a cache of Dr Erben material, some of it in German, from the estate of the late Rudolf Stoiber, renowned Austrian journalist and playwright. Some of it is letters to and from Frederick Justh, in which Justh defends a Dr Miorini with whom Erben was living in China.

That part is auf Deutsch and I will translate slowly and carefully, along with other material.

A large part of it is an unpublished manuscript from Joan Erben, the wife he married by impressing that he was Errol Flynn’s best friend. It too will take time to read and digest, but already I have the opinion that she spent the rest of her life miserable seeing that her husband was a thief and a liar, and nobody’s best friend. Poor girl. The manuscript was sent to Charles Higham ca. 1979, and then copied to Stoiber. 

Both, I understand, feel that Flynn was a nazi. So far as I can see there is no proof.

I look forward to going through this in the weeks to come and meeting you here in NYC where you can take a look. Also, if you have time, you can meet a Jewish friend of mine who was an American Army officer in charge of the Berlin Autobhan ca. 1952, when he was asked to escort a visitor to the film fest, to wit, Errol Flynn. He tells me that Flynn and his wife were excellent company and that through Flynn he got a job; and that later, he worked at TRUE as an editor when TRUE ran a bio on Flynn. Hopefully he will find the photo taken of himself with Flynn and provide more details when we meet in NYC.


Ken Gibson


These Nazi claims by Higham has been rather thoroughly debunked by researchers and scholars, and some of the Stoiber material has been translated from German before but the Joan Erben manuscript is new to me. Should be intersting to hear what Ken thinks of the material after he has has had a chance to study it.

Thanks, Ken!

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


Mail Bag! Errol Flynn Promissory Note! 1953!

02 Apr

Our Karl Holmberg spotted this Errol Flynn promissory note recently on eBay. He uses the Mail Bag to say:

That would be $132,879.21 in today dollars. Thanks to your sharing and Mr. Florczak’s 1953 searching, we have:

December 14~Flies from Barcelona, Spain to New York aboard Pan American Airways.

December 25~Daughter, Arnella Roma is born (6 1/2lbs) in Rome, Italy.

Promissory note


At this location: Bobby Van’s Grill & Steakhouse – Wall Street,Levine, Lisa A,SPI Entertainment Incorporated,Fort Green Cleaners Llc & (no fee) apartments.

Thanks, Karl!

— David DeWitt


Errol Flynn’s “Little Scout” Ida Lupino!

24 Mar

One of Errol Flynn’s great friendships was with actress and director Ida Lupino. This is her story:

— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! Errol Flynn Stamps & Envelopes!

17 Mar

Gene Ingram, our member, wrote the following comment on the blog:

“Quite awhile back I had some dealings with an old gentleman that dealt in stamps and Errol had sent him a great number of 4 X 5 envelopes with his name printed on the back flap, in pencil on the front were several countries in Europe and South America inside were stamps from the 1940’s, the gentleman would then send them to Errol when he had collected a great number. I still have 27 of the envelopes and there are close to 100 stamps in them. The envelopes are the real deal, I don’t think anyone would go to the trouble of having them printed up , them collecting a bunch of WW II era stamps and filling them, and selling them for what I paid for them! I would add a picture but at 73, I am not that good at posting more than the printed word.”

I asked if he could get the photos to us, I’d love to see them, and he kindly sent me the following photos!





Thanks so much, Gene!

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Brenda Negri to The Errol Flynn Blog!

15 Mar

I am happy to announce that our own Brenda Negri is our newest Author on The Errol Flynn Blog! Brenda, we look forward to your posts!


— David DeWitt