Super Rare Item on ebay! Signed Copy of SHOWDOWN by Errol Flynn!

This is extremely rare because it is autographed to his parents and reveals how he felt about how it was handled by the publishers… — David DeWitt

We Welcome New Author Philip Gostelow to The Errol Flynn Blog!

We are pleased to announce New Author Philip Gostelow to The Errol Flynn Blog! Phillip, we look forward to reading your posts at the blog, and Welcome Aboard! — David DeWitt

The Errol Flynn Blog will begin our move to WordPress Next week!

Hello, everybody! We should begin to move the blog to our WordPress install during the next calendar week! I will let you know what happens next. Our present location will remain accessible until March 31st for use as reference for any work we may do to preserve attachements which will be lost on every post ever made here. It is… (more…)

Happy Valentine’s Day! 2012

— David DeWitt

Errol Flynn Cuff links!

Check out this rare item on eBay right now! — David DeWitt

February 2012 issue of The Rock-itt Magazine is Online!

The February edition of The Rock-itt Magazine is now online Cheers Pete — David DeWitt

The February 2012 Issue of Docklines! Newsletter of The Errol Flynn Marina

Attached please find the February issue of the Errol Flynn Marina Newsletter, “Docklines”.  Docklines February 2012 Dale B. Westin General Manager Errol Flynn Marina Box 188 Ken Wright Drive Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica PLEASE NOTE NEW CELLULAR NUMBER BELOW: Phones: 876- 993-3209; 876-715-6044 Fax: 876-715-6033  SKYPE: Westin8 Cellular: 876-832-4765…… — David DeWitt

Moving The Errol Flynn Blog to WordPress!

When we move The Errol Flynn Blog to WordPress which will be soon… there are some things to consider, according to Domainmonger Support. Please read this over carefully! There will be some difficulties to overcome and we will overcome them… There is both good news and bad in the support reply I received. The worst bad news is that it… (more…)

Rare copy of Showdown by Errol Flynn for sale!

A very rare copy of Errol Flynn's novel “Showdown” exists which was signed by Errol Flynn to his parents in May of 1946. The book was a gift to Marguerite Gauron of Port Antonio, Jamaica, by Flynn's widow, Patrice Wymore and is now about to be sold privately. My friend writer and editor Dennis Mullen who recently returned from a… (more…)

Errol Flynn's Lost Rexordings – Karl Holmberg

Our great friend Karl Holmberg shares his research into Errol Flynn's Lost Radio Recording in the attached Word document! Great work, Karl! Ahoy David- I read with keen interest the various exchanges on Flynn radio appearances at the blog. 2 “lost” related programs came up in your discussion to which I can highlight with some additional information and then conclusions (since… (more…)

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