Author Archive

Onboard Zaca! Could a man be happier?

29 Jun

— David DeWitt


Onbard Zaca! Talking things over….

29 Jun

— David DeWitt


Onboard Zaca! Things have to be shipshape!

29 Jun

— David DeWitt


Calling all ships at sea!

29 Jun

— David DeWitt


Private Party aboard the Zaca!

29 Jun

— David DeWitt


Classic Errol Flynn at the wheel of the Zaca

29 Jun

— David DeWitt


Peter Stackpole photo used for 100th Centennary Poster at Jack & Louise Marino's now famous party!

29 Jun

— David DeWitt


Well wishes for the Legendary RICK DODD!

25 Jun

In a personal email to me from our own Brian Twist, Bri tells me the new about the legendary Rick Dodd. Brian explains this news so well that I am quoting him here for us all…

“One other thing David – I would appreciate it greatly if you could post
something at the blog about Rick Dodd. I rang Rick today… I usually
ring every 4-5 weeks or so. I was going to go and visit him in the next
couple of weeks or so. He is very ill… and has just had a heart
attack. He sounded very weak on the phone, which broke my heart as he is
so very lively even at his age. He is the most amazing person I have
ever met… so kind… so eager to hear all on Flynn. He lives and
breathes Flynn… but in a very positive way. I passed onto him good
wishes in your name, and Karl’s… Jack’s and Robert Florczak’s… that
really made his day to know that he is thought of among the Flynn
community. Could you please post a blog entry for him and ask for
prayers and wishes. I can’t tell you enough what a great friend he is to
me and how it hurts so much to know that he is not his usual
full-of-life and sprightly self. I know that people at the blog know who
Rick is… and would spare a thought and prayer for him.”

Of course, we all offer Rick our prayers and well wishes for a complete recovery from his heart attack and to let him know how much he is respected in the Flynn community all over the world…

I am certain the first book I ever opened about Errol Flynn after reading My Wicked, Wicked Ways and wanting to learn more had several picture in it from the famous Rick Dodd Collection. This is a common experience among many Flynn fans over the years and I was always excited to see them!

Then to hear what a fine gentleman he is from so many people was an added blessing.

All the best, Rick…



David DeWitt


— David DeWitt


McNulty's Wit and Wisdom and Errol Flynn, too!

21 Jun

If you want to learn a bit more about Tom McNulty the writer, and thinker, and about the mind of Errol Flynn and what he might have thought about … go read this blog post on Mr. McNulty's blog, and enjoy yourselves!

— David DeWitt


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Please check out the Promo Page for a Special Note from Rory Flynn!

16 Jun

— David DeWitt

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