Dear Members of The Errol Flynn Blog, I have discovered some interesting news that concerns all of us at the blog. While seeking some information about a prematurely closed ticket of mine at the support desk for this blog at Domainmonger, I received the following reply:
“DMS” <ad***@do**********.com>
Sorry that was closed. We just learned that our blogging platform is
closing up shop in a few months. We are working on a method to move
clients over to wordpress blogs, and will be getting back to you in the
next 2 weeks with that option. Until then, there nothing to do about the
spam issue, but the wordpress platform should fix this problem.
– Domainmonger Support
So it seems we will be moving!
I do not know what this means exactly for the style of the blog we are accustomed to or the functions we enjoy here as opposed to what will be available at the new home of The Errol Flynn Blog, but it is inevitable that we are going to seek shelter in a new harbor…
I will let you know more about the move as soon as I am offered the option to move us over to WordPress. I see no alternatives here, at the moment. We have four years of posts, comments and photos accumulated on this blog, and all of it will have to be exported to a new home! This may not be a difficult job for Domainmonger to accomplish but time will tell…
We'll make the transition as easy as possible for everybody, and I will let you all know what is happening and when as soon as I get the details of the process from Domainmonger. Meantime, we sail onward…
— David DeWitt