Author Archive

From Ventura Sala, a wonderful Flynn docu!

20 Jan

Ventura Sala appears in a wonderful docu about Errol Flynn in Majorca, Spain, with some very rare footage and stills I'd never seen before. The docu is 25.44 in length and you can view it by following this link: Ventura Sala Docu

There are shots of Flynn aboard the Zaca, clips of Zaca under sail, Errol at the local Bullfights, and scenes of Majorca. Also, seen is a film being made by other Hollywood stars, and clips of noted visitors such Charles Chaplin, Ava Gardner, and Rita Hayworth. But most of the recollections and stills are about Errol Flynn. The docu is all in Spanish but for those of us who don't speak Spanish it is still a worthy and fascinating docu to watch…

— David DeWitt


Paul Picerni Passes Away…

15 Jan

Jack Marino sent us this very sad news…

I just want you all to know about the sad news I got from John Gloske yesterday.  Paul Picerni passed away on wed night.

had a heart attack on the 12th and he was rushed to the hospital in
Palmdale where he died. I will talk about him tonight on my radio
show.   John had seen him on Sunday and Paul was doing great, but he
became ill after dinner on Wed and they rushed him to the Hospital.
feel honored to have him at my home and I can't thank Steve Latshaw enough for
bring Paul for all of us to meet him at the Flynn party. Later Paul
came on my radio show and he really enjoyed being there. I had planned
to bring Paul back with this brother who is a director in Hollywood.
Paul brought his brother out here to make it in the films.
We have lost a great raconteur and a hell of a guy….   Bung ho, Paul…  we hardly knew ye…

Warmest regards,

Paul Picerni graduated from Loyola University, and after one movie with Warner
Brothers, got a seven year contract. He got the romantic lead in “The
House of Wax,” which was the biggest money in 3 D until recently. He
played Elliot Ness’ sidekick “Lee Hobson” and gained international
famr]e because of the popular series “The Untouchables.” In films he
made other “easterns” including The Desert Song, Omar Khayyam, and
Flight to Hong Kong. Westerns he appeared in include Saddle Tramp,
Cattle Town, The Bounty Hunter, and The Scalphunters. Another of his
productions, along with his wife Marie, is having eight children, four
girls and four boys..

Errol Flynn Turns One Hundred Robin Chapman News – Guest Post by Steve Latshaw

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


Subscribe to the Errol Flynn Blog by Email!

09 Jan

We've added a FeedBurner link to the Main Page (left hand side) of the blog at the top under the Welcome Message! You may now subscribe to our latest content via email! Just click to begin your free subscription! Never miss a thing that is going on here at the Errol Flynn Blog again! If there is no new content, no email for you!

Look for Subscribe to This Blog by Email!

— David DeWitt


Nora Martin, Author, Educator, old friend…

07 Jan

I knew Nora Martin when we lived in Bellingham, WA “Back in the Day” when the world was young… she was then a talented dancer, and student who won a spectacular talent show at a gala evening event covered on the radio and brought the house down with her perfect ballet form, and blazing talents on stage. She went on to become a noted educator, author and wife to a young man who hung around the sidelines of her life for awhile adventuring in Alaska and other places doing research and has since given her two sons who are the light of her life, I'm sure. Nora was always a great pal to have, and I and my then girlfriend Terry (later my wife) thought of her as our third Musketeer! Over the years we lost touch… but recently I found her website and reconnected with our old chum! She tells me she intends to do a lot more writing! Good news for those of us who love a good read and imaginative stories…


           Nora Martin

A Perfect Snow


Winner of the Northwest Book Sellers' Association Award
Junior Library Guild Selection
ALA Best Trade Book For Social Studies

Ben Campbell has just moved from a ranch where his dad was the foreman,
to a trailer park where his dad doesn't have a job.  The family is
befriended by a local mechanic who runs what seems to be a men's support
group but is in fact a white supremacist organization.  At first Ben
finds it easy to believe what he hears at the meetings.  He and his
brother participate in the group's horrible activities, but with the
help of new friends Ben soon realizes the danger in propagating hatred. 
Ben may be able to save himself, but  can he save his brother?

ISBN: 1582347883

Flight of the Fisherbird


ALA Best Trade Book for Social Studies
is 1889, and growing up as the only child on a small island off the
coast of Washington State has taught Clementine Nesbitt to be
self-assured and capable, especially in her boat, the Fisherbird.  But
her confidence is shaken one foggy day as she finds herself rescuing a
Chinese man who has been thrown overboard from a ship.  
Bloomsbury Books For Children
ISBN: 1-58234-814-6

The Eagle's Shadow


ALA Best Trade Book for Social Studies
Bank Street College Best Book
Clearie's father sends her to live in the remote village with her
mother's family, who are Tlingit Indians, her welcome feels almost as
cold as the northern Winter.  But Clearie finds herself drawn into her
Tlingt heritage and the life of the village.  She finds meaning in the
land, art and family.
Scholastic Press
ISBN 0590360876

The Stone Dancers


tells young Anise a legend with a message that reverberates through
time.  They are a people of welcome and a community that understands the
landscape and one another.
Simon and Shuster Publishing
ISBN 0689803125


— David DeWitt

1 Comment

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Tom McNulty on LA Talk Radio with Jack Marino!

07 Jan

Tonight at 8pm tune into Jack Marino's LA Talk Radio Show to listen to our own Tom McNulty interviewed about Errol Flynn and writing and publishing westerns, at which Tom is particularly good!

Jack adds this information on 1-08-11:

Hi Gang,

I just got the download link
to tonight's radio show with my guest TOM McNULTY  and we talked about
Errol Flynn, the 100th B'day party, and a lot of other things that will
interest all of YOU.…images/Marino-010711.mp3
Enjoy. If any of you can
post a comment on itunes about the show that would be great I am looking
for sponsors.  If you have trouble putting up a statement or comment
about my show send them to me in an e-mail.  I am looking to design a
website for the show with a blog and a place for people to add their

Here is the link for iTunes:….com/podcast/jack-marino-warrior-filmmaker/id392892568   Under my pic you have to click on VIEW IN iTUNES and then sign in when iTunes opens up.

Enjoy the show with TOM McNulty!

— David DeWitt


January 2011 issue of Docklines the Errol Flynn Marina Newsletter!

31 Dec

Attached please find the January issue of our Errol Flynn Marina Newsletter, “Docklines”
Happy New Year!
Dale B. Westin
General Manager
Errol Flynn Marina
Box 188 Ken Wright Drive
Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica
Phones: 876- 993-3209; 876-715-6044
Fax: 876-715-6033  SKYPE: Westin8
Cellular: 876-832-4765…

— David DeWitt


January 2011 THE ROCKITT MAGAZINE is now online!

31 Dec

Happy New Year Everyone!

The January 2011 Rock-itt has been successfully launched and is now orbiting around this beautiful planet ONLINE.….auHard copies are being printed and distributed. If possible can you send web address  to your contacts. 
                                                                                                                                                                                      Cheers Pete

— David DeWitt


From the Errol Flynn Mailbag!

31 Dec

HAPPY NEW YEAR  DAVID, from the Harbor in Sydney that Errol sailed upon as a young man, before
the world saw him as the magnificent firework display that he was !

Enjoy the video & Best Wishes for 2011.

  …your faithful ol' chum. Chris

Sydney's New Year's fireworks display 2010

Thanks, M8!!!

— David DeWitt


Comment Moderation and Spamming the Blog

31 Dec

Chums, I have contacted support about an ongoing issue on the blog which is spamming. I have asked a few people who feel there is an advantage for them in spamming the blog through comments left for our articles to stop, and have been recording their activities for use in further actions that can be unpleasant for them if I am forced to go that far to get them to stop spamming us. Traffic generation is usually the goal, but there are better ways to do this on blogs that have something to do with your products or services! So support has decided to moderate those comments that their software may determine is spam and I will have to approve them in this case. This software will not catch all spam attempts. But it will catch some of this unwanted activity, and if it continues to be a problem then I will go to the many resources available to me as a blog onwer to cause those doing this a lot of grief. It is a LOT of grief, and I don't especially want to go that route for someone who is misguidely trying to create traffic or affiliate links for income. Times are hard, and I don't want to kick an innocent (though ignorant) person in the teeth who might take some time to learn the do's and don'ts of traffic generation before they get into hot water… we'll see how it goes. I have all the basic information on them now that I need to do them some harm if they cotinue to spam us. If some of our Readers or Authors comments get caught up by the comment moderationn software we will have to live with the inconveinience for a while but all legititmate comments will be approved in the case that they get flaggged. Please don't think all comments are now subject to approval! Its only those flagged by the blog's sofware…

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


From the Errol Flynn Mailbag… Jack Marino's Radio Shows 2010

22 Dec

Hello to all,

just want to send you all the link to all of my radio shows. By the
end of December I will have done 47 shows in the year 2010. I want to
thank you all who have listened to my live and archived shows. I am
trying to bring in interesting people with interesting stories of their
lives that are new and fresh. If any would take the time to add a
comment on the itune page about my show, it will be a great help to me.
My numbers are climbing and I have each of you to thank for this
success. Here is the link to the itunes page.…37e4ftuTAsicixzgCNg1KR0ALJQ;…marino-warrior-filmmaker/id392892568

don't think you have to join itunes to post a comment. I had to join
to post all the shows. If for any reason you can't post a comment,
please send them to me at and I will post them on my web page that I am building right now for the show.

I want to thank you all for your listenership for the past year and I look forward to a fun year on radio in 2011.

Happy Holidays to all

Jack Marino

— David DeWitt