Author Archive

We Welcome New Authors Karen Lynne and Graham Howes to the Errol Flynn Blog!

25 Jun

Something a bit different this time in our Traditional Welcoming for  new Authors! Karen Lynne and Graham Howes have produced a play about Errol Flynn (Karen wrote it, Graham directed) which was presented at the Aldwych Theatre in London’s West End Theatre district.

They say they have been working on the play and substantially reworked it since its debut and are looking for investors to bring the play to a new full staging. Copies of the play are available for serious investors…


— David DeWitt


About Comments – a Guideline

24 Jun

Allow comments to be made to your posts or nobody will be able to start a comment string about what you wrote. Use the Enable button to allow comments.

You may include images and  links that don’t violate the Terms and Conditions of the blog host,…. Affiliate links in comments will be deleted.

Additionally, any contributor may be banned or blocked after posting anything that in the mind of the Administrator is pornographic, or contains Spam. Spam blocking software is active on this blog but may not catch all material that is posted as or that activates the Spam blocker. It’s also  possible (though rarely) that the title or the wording of your post may trigger the Spam blocker. We’ll deal with it, if it happens. :-)

Use common sense when posting. We are all adults, hopefully, but keep it to a dull roar folks! There is no age limit restricting who is reading this blog, so just be aware that someone of impressionable age may be reading what you post. Also, it is fine to discuss Flynn’s religion or politics but not your own. Such posts or comments will be deleted by the Administrator if they are deemed to cross this line of discussion – thanks for understanding. While each of us may have dearly held feelings about our own religion or politics we are not here to discuss them.



In Addition, no bickering, no personal attacks.

Respect for differing opinions and points of view, etc., are all fundamental to this blog.

We must treat each other in a civil way, and any arguments are to to be first taken up with the blog Admin. There is a Reporting link under each comment. Use that before posting a hastily worded or angry reply.

In the past, I have respected people’s good sense, and asked them to remove or edit their comments to better reflect the blog’s policy of treating each other with respect. Now, I will delete these kinds of comments without discussion. If there are continued comments of the same nature, I will moderate future comments and posts until I’m satisfied they won’t continue. People can argue points, but they can’t shame each other on these pages or start personal arguments in public. If someone has had their comment deleted it is due to a Comment Guideline issue. Nobody wants to read arguments, and heated exchanges. Readers tell me this, and some leave the blog because of it. I have a lot patience under normal conditions but less time to work through these kinds of issues. I will never edit Posts that Authors wrote unless asked to by the author privately for presentation on the blog. I will center photos, or alter incongruent fonts, etc. … I may edit comments to reflect the blog’s policies. If a comment or post is deleted, all the comments, replies, and images will go away, too. Basically, treat others the way you’d like to be treated.

If possible, please host images in the Media Library for use on the blog. But don’t use large file sizes or we will run out of our monthly bandwidth.


David DeWitt

Admin/Creator/The Errol Flynn Blog

— David DeWitt


Dear Friends! I am heading to LA!

16 Jun

Chums! I am heading to LA tomorrow for a certain Birthday Party that celebrates dear old Errol Flynn's 100th here in America – while half a world away, in Hobart, Tasmania – a special celebration is also happening for the Centenial of Errol's birth in the city of his birth itself!

Rory Flynn and her son Sean will be attending and many attractions are planned… check out the blog post on this and while you are at it – check out Robert Florczak's video tribute to Errol on uTube……

Watch it in HQ for best quality.

This means I will not be available to answer your many emails and I am sad about this – but I am sure you understand how happy I am to be attending the Centenial Bash for Errol Flynn in LA at the end of this week!

A full Report will follow…

Be good for the week that I am gone!

Or at least try to be…

— David DeWitt


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We Welcome New Author Bonny Cother to The Errol Flynn Blog!

13 Jun

Bonny is the author of the new book Master of Errol Flynn’s Yacht Zaca  about the years her father was Captain of Errol Flynn’ beloved Zaca… welcome, Bonny!

— David DeWitt


We Welcome New Author Linda Christian to The Errol Flynn Blog!

13 Jun

Linda, Welcome aboard The Errol Flynn Blog! We are pleased to have you with us and look forward to your posts and comments!


— David DeWitt


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We Welcome New Author Samuel H to The Errol Flynn Blog!

13 Jun

Welcome aboard, Samuel! You are our youngest New Author at age 16! We look forward to all of your comments and postings at The Errol Flynn Blog…             


— David DeWitt

1 Comment

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The Errol Flynn Channel On uTube!

10 Jun

I heard recently from a young fellow named Samuel who runs the Errol Flynn Channel on uTube dedicated to “Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland and many others from the 30's until today…” At just 16, Samuel has set out a career path for himself in films and we wish him every success – this is just the kind of dedicated young man the film industry needs and he represents the next generation of Errol Flynn fans we all want to see go forward…

Nicely done, Samuel!


— David DeWitt


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We Welcome New Author Michael Pieper to The Errol Flynn Blog!

06 Jun

Michael, welcome aboard! We look forward to your posts and comments about Errol Flynn who is rapidly approaching his 100th birthday, June 20…      



          Photo retouched by Michael Pieper

— David DeWitt


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We Welcome old friend Lou Alexander to the Errol Flynn Blog!

04 Jun

Our new Author Lou Alexander “met” Errol Flynn as a very young child when his teacher pointed out Flynn sitting in a car by the curb as Lou and his fellow children stood outside his school with their teachers. Lou noticed his teacher seemed to be excited about the handsome man sitting in the car – and when he asked who he was – she said, Why, that's Errol Flynn!


— David DeWitt


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TCM Vault Collection – 100 Classic Films from the Warner Archive

02 Jun

Will Errol Flynn be represented?

Hi, David

I want to thank you for being a fan and posting TCM programming on your blog.  I wanted to be the first to share with you the news of the TCM Vault Collection. Because you’re a classic film fan I know you’re just as excited as we are of our newest development.  TCM is making over 100 classic films from the Warner Archive collection available on DVD for the first time.

The collection features rare titles such as “Doc Savage”, “Mr. Lucky”, “Westbound”, “Abe Lincoln in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Illinois”, “The Mating Game”, and “Mannequin”.   Many of the early films in the TCM Vault Collection feature stars like Clark Gable, Myrna Loy, Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, and Spencer Tracy. 

To view the TCM Vault Collection titles go to…

TCM is also on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube:………

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />
Sakeenah Johnson
Turner Entertainment Networks…

— David DeWitt


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