Author Archive

Sean Flynn… Photojournalist in Viet Nam

08 Jun

— David DeWitt

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Posted in Candids


As Fate would have it… ENJOY THIS!

31 May

“This new book by Bob Casey, a founder of the Errol Flynn Society of Tasmania, is due for release in June to mark the 99th anniversary of Flynn’s birth. The full-colour book has plenty of entertaining asides about Flynn’s turbulent life and times,” according the book's blogsite…

Check it out by clicking on the bookcover!

The book is now for sale at…!

Check it out!

— David DeWitt

1 Comment

Posted in Main Page


It has been quiet…

19 May

Hallo, Chums! It has been quiet here at the Errol Flynn Blog due to the illness of the Administrator – hopefully, there will be some activity in the near future. My apologies to those who come fequently to see what is going on…




The Errol Flynn Blog

— David DeWitt


FYI, from the McNulty Clan!

13 May

Exciting news!
Warner Home Video has announced the release of the Errol Flynn Westerns collection on 26th August 2008 priced at $49.92 SRP. WHV continues its year-long 85th anniversary celebration by saluting one of the studio’s very-own legendary greats – Errol Flynn. Despite his Tasmanian roots and elegant British diction, Flynn made an ideal all-American cowboy. With his steely gaze, lean frame and understated humor, he tamed the West in eight thrilling sagebrush sagas. WHV presents four of Flynn’s classic “oaters” making their DVD debuts and available exclusively as a collection.

Virginia City
In his second Western, Errol Flynn again teams with Dodge City director Michael Curtiz to play an undercover Union officer determined to stop a gold-laden train rolling to Dixie. Randolph Scott is a Johnny Reb ramrodding the shipment, Miriam Hopkins is a beguiling spy, Humphrey Bogart is a pencil-mustached desperado, and pioneering stuntman Yakima Canutt pulls off a daring stagecoach feat.


  • Commentary by historian Frank Thompson
  • Warner Night at the Movies 1940 Short Subjects Gallery
    • Vintage Newsreel
    • Technicolor Shorts: Cinderella’s Feller and The Flag of Humanity
    • 1936 WB Short: The Light Brigade Rides Again
    • Classic Cartoons: Cross Country Detours and Confederate Honey
    • Trailers of Virginia City and A Dispatch from Reuters

San Antonio (1945)
San Antonio features blazing action in Technicolor® (a rip snorting saloon gunfight), suspense (a tense showdown in the granddaddy of Texas monuments, the Alamo) and a beautiful girl (Alexis Smith as a sultry songbird) to add romantic luster to the heroics.


  • Warner Night at the Movies 1945 Short Subjects Gallery:
    • Vintage Newsreel
    • Oscar-Nominated Vitaphone Varieties Short Story of a Dog
    • Vintage Shorts: Frontier Days and Peeks at Hollywood
    • Classic Cartoons: A Tale of Two Mice and Wagon Heels
    • Trailers of San Antonio and The Corn Is Green

Rocky Mountain (1950)
Errol Flynn saddles up for his final Western starring as Confederate Captain Barstow in a brawny tale directed by William Keighley (co-director of Flynn’s The Adventures of Robin Hood) and filmed wholly in the rugged environs of Gallup, New Mexico. Co-star Patrice Wymore became Mrs. Flynn weeks before the film’s release. And drawling character actor Slim Pickens (Blazing Saddles) makes his debut as one of Captain Barstow’s men.

Special Features:

  • Commentary by biographer Thomas McNulty
  • Warner Night at the Movies 1950 Short Subjects Gallery
    • Vintage Newsreel
    • Trailers of Rocky Mountain and The Breaking Point
    • Bonus Gallery of Santa Fe Trail Series Western Shorts: Roaring Guns, Wells Fargo Days and Trial by Trigger
    • Classic Cartoon: Two’s a Crowd
    • Joe McDoakes Comedy Short So You Want to Move

Montana (1950)
The star heads for the wide-open spaces of Montana in this adventure saga about a bitter range war. Errol Flynn plays an Australian transplant looking to buy grazing land. But the cattle-raising locals won’t sell to interlopers, especially one they consider the most contemptible excuse for a human being ever to cross the Great Plains: a sheep rancher. Flynn’s San Antonio co-star Alexis Smith is a flame-haired beauty with an eye for the newcomer…until she learns his occupation. In time, she’ll put aside her disdain for the handsome stranger.


  • Warner Night at the Movies 1950 Short Subjects Gallery
    • Vintage Newsreel
    • Joe McDoakes Comedy Short: So You Want a Raise
    • Classic Cartoon: It’s Hummer Time
    • Trailers of Montana and 1950’s Chain Lightning
  • Bonus Gallery of Santa Fe Trail Series Western Shorts: Oklahoma Outlaws, Wagon Wheels West and Gun to Gun
The McNulty Clan

— David DeWitt


We welcome New Author Robert Florczak…

26 Apr

We are pleased to welcome new Author Robert Florczak to the Errol Flynn Blog! Robert tells us he has been a serious Flynn fan and collector for 35 years…

 Rare Flynn with Mr. Zanuck…



— David DeWitt


Tasmanian Devil: The Fast and Furious Life of Errol Flynn on DVD!

16 Mar


Producer Robert de Young has just announced the release of “Tasmanian Devil: The Fast & Furious Life of Errol Flynn on DVD! Extra Features and Interview material are on the 59 minute docu including:

ADDITONAL INTERVIEWS – with Christopher Lee, Rory Flynn, Beverly Aadland, Luke Flynn, Vincent Sherman
ERROL AND THE GULF SCREEN GUILD THEATRE – 2 Radio Plays: 'Alergic To Ladies' and 'Mr and Mrs Smith'

Check it out here: Umbrella Entertainment

The DVD Tasmanian Devil: The Fast and Furious Life of Errol Flynn will be available 4/18/08 at Gameplanet Store says James McAndrew! Thanks for the Tip, James!

— David DeWitt


Salute to the Fabulous Marino!

15 Mar

  image  An interview with Jack!

                       Jack Marino, Independant Filmmaker

Jack Marino owner and designer of the Fabulous Flynn website we all know, is an independent filmmaker in Hollywood who announced recently that his indie film FORGOTTEN HEROES is now coming out on DVD.


After 20 years of screening his film around to all the major studios and independent distributors its release on DVD marks a personal victory over the studio system that historically, he says, has portrayed the Vietnam veteran in a tragic light.


Determined to show his characters as heroes in a foreign conflict and not the stereotypical rapists, druggies and baby killers seen in most of the films dealing with the Vietnam War – Jack’s film is Pro American and is “a good old fashioned action film” in the classic mold without harsh language, and one dimensional characters.


In control of his film’s distribution after all these years – Jack Marino is taking his film on the road, and rather enjoying the attention his movie is getting. It is a new world for independent filmmakers like Jack because of the internet.


You can view the film’s trailer on Utube at:…


TV talk shows and radio programs are taking notice of his movie’s release and CBS Studios invited Jack to attend a “Celebrity Show for the Stars” on their backlot recently where Gunsmoke was filmed. The show is upcoming  May 17-18. You can meet Jack along with 100 celebrities who will be attending and even get a chance to purchase a copy of FORGOTTEN HEROES from Jack himself with a personalized autograph on the DVD!


$5.00 of each DVD sale of FORGOTTEN HEROES will go to the VERTERANS DISABLED FOR LIFE MEMORIAL FUND from his appearances and from any purchase made from his websites:……


Jack says he will personally autograph any DVD bought from his websites as well if you just post a note when you make your purchase.


Jack Marino was a personal friend of legendary movie director Vincent Sherman late in Sherman’s life. Of Jack’s work on FORGOTTEN HEROES Vince Sherman said that he felt Jack would have been given a contract to direct films from Jack Warner. “This was the best compliment I have ever received,” Jack said.


Jack Marino is having a hell of a lot of fun and is enjoying every minute of it.

— David DeWitt


TCM Video Box….

03 Feb

Sakeenah Johnson at Turner Entertainment Networks contacted our blog and asked if we'd like to put a TCM Video Box on the blog for folks to enjoy some clips from their 31 Days of Oscar – unfortunately, we cannot embed the code here BUT we can at the website side of the Errol Flynn Blog at…. Therefore, Chums go here to see the Video Box and enjoy a few classic clips!

You'll notice Captain Blood right in the middle of the player! Just click it anywhere to activate it – then sellect your clip and enjoy!

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />image

— David DeWitt


Glimpse of the Laloki River, 2002…

29 Jan

Photo by Malum Nalu

— David DeWitt


Arno O'Thames reviews Satan's Angel by David Bret…

23 Jan
1.0 out of 5 stars PLEASE, MR. BRET, WRITE NO MORE BOOKS!!!, January 17, 2008
By  Arno O'Thames (Dublin, Ireland) – See all my reviews

I hated this book. Hated it, hated it, hated it. It's a textbook example of how not to write a biography. The author's modus operandi appears to be as follows: do no real independent research, write at home and travel nowhere, quote only from other people's books and fan magazines, interview nobody who ever knew Errol Flynn, and, above all, make up as many salacious sexual quotes, allegedly spoken by Flynn and his associates, out of thin air as you possibly can. And do it all in the name of making money!

I thought Charles Higham's notorious treatment of Errol Flynn was the worst book I had ever read; however, this may give it some serious competition. And let's face it, at least Higham knows how to write. Bret must have been playing hooky, or was ill, the day his teachers taught basic English grammar in his school. And what's with the obsession with homosexuality? I was amazed at the sheer number of men the so-called bisexual Flynn is said to have sampled: Ross Alexander, Helmut Dantine, Bill Meade, Bruce Cabot, William Lundigan, Edmund Goulding, Tyrone Power, Truman Capote, and many others. Even poor Basil Rathbone is thrown into the mix – he was supposedly one who relished intimate oral contact with the male organ. Oh, right, Sherlock!

As many other reviewers point out, Bret provides no documentation at all for his lurid claims. Where in God's name did all this dialogue come from? As for accuracy, I started to make a list of all the factual errors in the book, but they became so many I had to give up when I ran out of room on both sides of an 8 x 10 sheet of paper. Where were the editors? Does this publisher even HAVE editors? And there are so many spelling blunders it is almost hilarious. This looks like a very hasty first draft of somebody's idea of a bad joke that nobody bothered to read. But there is nothing funny about this.

I doubt if anyone who ever actually knew or met Errol Flynn will recognize the central figure of this mess. I see from the list of Bret's other works that he has performed similar hack jobs on such celebrities as Valentino, Joan Crawford, Morrissey, and Clark Gable. This is so sad. I mean sad for everyone.

I saw David Bret interviewed on TV once, and I felt very sorry for him. From his appearance I suspect he has had a very rough life. But that's no excuse to take his hurt and anger out on Mr. Flynn and others like him. I therefore would like to issue to Mr. Bret a most fervent appeal: Please sir, write no more books! What you are doing is immoral, unworthy, and ultimately life-destroying. It sells short the unfortunate people you write about, the public who might unsuspectingly buy your books, and even you yourself. If you wish to be a biographer, then I beg you, by all means, be a biographer. But don't be what you currently are – a third-rate writer of unsubstantiated tabloid trash who is merely satisfying the evidently insatiable public thirst for titillating filth, all for the sake of a sleazy buck (or quid).

And for God's sake, why not try to find a way to make a dignified living without preying on the defenseless dead?

— David DeWitt