Sorry, the Secure Category is off!

It was well intended! But it won't work out – so already the Secure Category is defunct! I might have deleted the entire article referring to it but Robert's comments about it are amusing enough that I think it won't be a waste of electronic ink to let the posting hang out in Cyberspace for the time being. Who knows,… (more…)

Secure Category Section! Join by Request!

ILIKFLYNN -Secure Category Section Available to all registered members who Request to join, this is a new Secure Category whose contents are not visible to the general reader of this blog. Only members of this secure category will see Article titles listed under New Articles on their computers published under this category. Non-members will not see them listed! All photos,… (more…)

Star Portratis – featuring Errol Flynn!

               Please check out STAR PORTRAITS! Featuring Errol Flynn!                — David DeWitt

The November 2011 Rock-itt Magazine is now online!

Dear Rock-itt readers The November issue of The Rock-itt is now in orbit. Go to…….au and click on the magazine to read the latest issue. The hard copies are being distributed. cheers Pete — David DeWitt

We Welcome New Author Lynn Salant-Orchier to The Errol Flynn Blog!

I am pleased to announce New Author Lynn Salant-Orchier to The Errol Flynn Blog! Lynn, we look forward to your comments and postings! — David DeWitt

Blue November… Robert Florczak!

— David DeWitt

Moderation is in place again due to recent spamming

Hopefully, this will not be too disruptive for us! Spammers do not seem to realize that their comments will not be indexed, and get removed as soon as I see them. If they went to blogs where they could make decent comments about an appropriate subject their comments might stay in place but we tend to get the same trolls… (more…)

We Welcome New Author Nick Thomas to The Errol Flynn Blog!

I am happy to announce that Nick Thomas has joined us as our Newest Author on the Errol Flynn Blog! Nick, Welcome aboard and we look forward to your articles and comments on the blog very much!                         — David DeWitt

Errol Flynn Marina Newsletter, “Docklines”, for November, 2011!

Attached please find the Errol Flynn Marina Newsletter, “Docklines”, for November, 2011. Dale B. Westin General Manager Errol Flynn Marina Box 188 Ken Wright Drive Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica PLEASE NOTE NEW CELLULAR NUMBER BELOW: Phones: 876- 993-3209; 876-715-6044 Fax: 876-715-6033  SKYPE: Westin8 Cellular: 876-832-4765…… — David DeWitt

Professor Theordore T. Flynn

Our chum, Chris Driscoll writes to me today:…….au Hello David,                 Just grazing through matters Flynn and found this link which leads to a PDF on one of the Professor's paper's. Just thought to pass it on as it's always interesting to see what Pop Flynn was up to… Best, Chris — David… (more…)