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ZacaPublishing Vintage Prints on Facebook!

06 Jul

Hallo, the Errol Flynn Blog! I have just started a new fan page on Facebook called ZacaPublishing Vintage Prints! In order to get my own email address for the page from Facebook, I must have 25 “LIKES”  so if you are inclined to help me reach that goal… please go to ZacaPublishing Vintage Prints and click the “Like” button for me?

Much appreciated!


— David DeWitt

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Errol, Fidel and the Cuban Rebel Girls!

05 Jul

Boyd Anderson's 2008 novel from Penquin Books Australia:


Errol, Fidel And The Cuban Rebel Girls
Author: Boyd Anderson

Category: Fiction
Release Date: 02/08/2010
Pages: 320
ISBN: 978 0 7022 3856 7

Based on true events, Errol, Fidel and the Cuban Rebel Girls recreates one of the 20th century’s great untold stories.

Cuba, 1959: In the final year of his life, Errol Flynn found time for one last adventure. The dashing star of many Hollywood films had always longed to be a real hero. Fidel Castro was the genuine article, and now he was looking for fame. What each man had the other wanted and, as revolution raged around them, the stage was set for an explosive encounter.

Cuba is on the brink of revolution and Errol Flynn is there making what will be his final film. When they meet, Errol is involved in the latest in a long line of relationships with under-age women, while Fidel is ready to march triumphantly into Havana after overthrowing the Batista government. Within days of the coup, Errol is chased out of Cuba with a firing squad and Fidel hot on his heels.

Featuring a full cast of Hollywood movie stars, beautiful women, Cuban revolutionaries and New York mobsters, Errol, Fidel and the Cuban Rebel Girls is the story of two men at the opposite ends of astonishing careers. It is a story with two heroes … but there is only ever room for one…

Thanks to Films of Errol Flynn on Facebook!

— David DeWitt


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July 2011 Rock-itt now avaiable!

05 Jul

Hi Everyone! July Rock-itt was successfully launched into orbit over the….au Can you send to your contacts. Hard Copies are being printed and delivered.  Cheers Pete.

— David DeWitt

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Jack Marino Hollywood Shows

04 Jul

Show #7
 OLD HOLLYWOOD: On my first show about the Golden Age of Hollywood I
invited Steve Hayes to
the show so he could share with us his adventurous life
starting when he arrived in Hollywood at 19 in 1949.   On that day he went
to a party at Errol Flynn's famous Mulholland Farm and his life changed
forever.   Steve got to know as friends, many of the greats of
Hollywood Fame and he worked as a manager of GOOGIES,
“CoffeeShop of the Stars”.  Steve was later joined by
filmmaker/author Eric
 the son of Vincent Sherman a credited Warner Bros
Director.  Both guest had great stories about their experiences with all
the greats they knew in their fascinating lives.  Definitely .. To Be
Continued!! Download


#12  Australian Filmmaker Robert de Young,  the writer/producer of the film
Tasmanian Devil: The Fast and Furious Life of Errol Flynn.  Robert is in
Los Angeles filming his latest film about the life of actor Peter Finch.
 Also, Author
Steven Schochet
 calls in to talk about his new book  Hollywood
Stories: Short Entertaining Anecdotes about the Stars & Legends of the
Movies.  Both Robert and Steven share a common knowledge and affection for
the great stories of these incredible legends. Download



Show #18 Jack is back from
vacation in Boston visiting his grandchildren.  His special guest is
actor, writer, author
Louis Kraft.
 Louis brings his historical knowledge about the American
West, the truth about George A. Custer and Cheyenne Indian Agent Edward
Wynkoop.  Louis talks of the great Hollywood films like, THEY DIED WITH
THEIR BOOTS ON  imdb  starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de
Havilland.  Louis speaks of his friendship with Ms. de Havilland one of
the last of the great leading ladies of the silver screen. Download


Show # 19  Author, writer,
columnist, and musician Michael Merrett, joins the show to tell of his recent
article in THE DAILY ITEM all about his determination to have a
career as a writer despite the fact, he was born with retintis pigmetosa
along with his four brothers.  His memoir,  SLIPPING INTO DARKNESS  is
an incredible journey of determination and details his decent into blindness
and his brothers' experiences.  Michael has written four self-published
books including two novels, which are all available on his website THE FOG. Listen to this
incredible story of Michael Merrett, who I went to Pope John XXIII High School
with in Everett, MA. Download


Show # 20 has independent filmmaker and one
man film studio Vic
who  is an American filmmaker with 35 years of
experience shooting movies all over the world. A graduate of the San Francisco
State University Film Department.  Vic Alexander has worked as
cinematographer, editor, film director (between 1970 and 1992), and university
instructor in the Cal State University system (1993-1999). Since 2000, Vic
Alexander has returned to independent filmmaking in Southern California. In
addition to writing about film, Vic Alexander also writes on a variety of
subjects, including religion and history.  Tonight Vic explains film vs
digital and why film is so much better and is still used by the major motion
picture studios.  He has written a book on the process of making films
called, FILMMAKING A to Z  which is now on Amazon. Download


Show #22  has veteran
character actor/director Richard Erdman who started out in the last days of
vaudeville.  In 1944 at the age of 17 he was signed to a contract with
Warner Bros. and he has been working as an actor ever since.  Richard has
been in over 100 films and over 600 Television shows.  He was the barracks
chief 'Hoffy' in “Stalag 17”,  he played the Delong in the film
“Cry Danger” with his idol William Powell and McNulty in that famous
and popular Twilight Zone, “A kind of Stopwatch”.  Richard has
some great stories of his career and all the great actors he worked with in the
past six decades.  This is a show about old Hollywood and what it was like
working as an actor in those wonderful days of the studio system.  Download


Show #27 has a special guest Rory Flynn, the daughter of legendary
actor Errol FlynnRory talks about living up at
Mulholland Farm and of her new  book The Baron of
 which is a wonderful and touching love letter
from a loving daughter to her Father.  Download


#28  has in studio guest Robert Florczak,  Hollywood's
Premier Private Chef!    Richard Florczak, has been the private chef
to high profile people for more than fifteen years. He is the author of the a
new and fascinating cookbookThe Private Chef For the past
nine years Richard has been the full-time exclusive chef for actor and director
Mel Gibson and was recently sought after by Jennifer Garner to provide services
on a part-time basis. Download


Show #29  has a special
guest, actor Paul
 stage-screen-TV career took him from small East
Coast theater groups to Hollywood studios where he acted alongside stars on the
level of John Wayne, Errol Flynn, Audie Murphy, Burt Lancaster, Vincent Price,
Charles Bronson and his best friend Telly Savalas. In this book, master
storyteller Picerni vividly describes working with these legends (and scores of
others) and recalls in detail all the phases of his astounding 60 years in the
acting profession.  His manager/Author John Gloski, is also a
guest, telling how he met Paul and about his book, Tough Kid: The
Life and Films of Frankie Darro.


Show #31  has  Stephen Schochet, Author and
Hollywood Tour guide presenting his new book, “Hollywood Stories:
Short, Entertaining Anecdotes about the Stars and Legends of  the
Movies! ” Listen to Stephen tell some great stories we never get to
hear from the mainstream media of Hollywood's film greats! Download


Show #32 features Filmmaker and Horror legend  Tom Holland 
to the show. Tom talks about his years as one of the last of the young
contract actors at Warner Bros.  How he worked his way into writing and
then directing.  He talks about his film FRIGHT NIGHT 
and all the other films and television shows he has written, produced and
Directed. Tom is considered a legend in the Horror film genre and he has a
lot of fans out there all over the world and your Host happens to be one of
them.  It was a real pleasure to meet Tom and have him on my show. Download


More great show coming soon!


— David DeWitt

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Jack Marino on LA TALK RADIO!

04 Jul

— David DeWitt


July 2011 Docklines is now available!

02 Jul

Dale Westin dw*****@po*****.com
Attached please find our July edition of the Errol Flynn Marina Newsletter, “Docklines”

Dale B. Westin
General Manager
Errol Flynn Marina
Box 188 Ken Wright Drive
Port Antonio, Portland, Jamaica
Phones: 876- 993-3209; 876-715-6044
Fax: 876-715-6033  SKYPE: Westin8

— David DeWitt

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Ship to Shore Telephone! Errol receives instructions!

29 Jun

— David DeWitt


What's this? Onboard zaca!

29 Jun

— David DeWitt


Shipt to Shore Telephone! Onboard Zaca!

29 Jun

— David DeWitt


Notice something unusual in this photo?

29 Jun


— David DeWitt


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