Author Archive

Operation Burma!

17 Feb

USA Release on February 17, 1945

Rory on Op Burma & the Baron:

The Operation Burma! Trailer

— Tim


Dead or Alive?

16 Feb

February 16, 1937

Harrison Carrol
Evening Herald express

All movies are shot piecemeal, but the final scene of Another Dawn probably holds the record. Kay Francis and Errol Flynn did the first half of it before her departure for Europe. This week, they did the tag. In the meantime, Miss Francis had taken a 3 month’s vacation, and had traveled 20,000 miles.

This Warner film has the distinction of having been photographed with two endings. In one, Errol dies and Ian Hunter is left to console Miss Francis. In the other, the two men exchange fates. Warners are waiting for preview reactions to decide which ending to use.

— Tim


A Flood of Letters

16 Feb

February 15, 1937

Harrison Carrol

Evening Herald Express

The publication of Errol Flynn’s new book, Beam Ends, has brought a flood of letters from fans who want to make a direct purchase from the star. He has had $350 worth of orders in the last ten days. To supply them, he has to buy copies from the Los Angeles bookstores.

The postage is sometimes more than his royalty, so he actually loses money on these orders.

— Tim


Valentine’s Day with Errol, 1942

14 Feb…

— Tim


Happy Valentine’s Day to All Errolivia Fans

14 Feb

— Tim


Bogie Draws Flynn

13 Feb

February 13, 1938

Screen and Radio Weekly

The illustrious Mr. Bogart draws the illustrated Mr. Flynn – with mean George Brent wielding a whip, and who appears may be Arno out front. (Cropped out of the drawing are Bogie with a slingshot and Wayne Morris in a sailor outfit.)

— Tim


What Would Errol Think!?

12 Feb

February 12, 2010

What Would Errol Think!?

“Think of Errol Flynn in “The Dawn Patrol,’’ a tale of brave but doomed aviators flying their kite-like crafts in World War I – “roaring into each blood-red dawn . . . with death on their wings.””

“When the Germans drop a downed pilot’s goggles over stiff-upper-lipped British lines, a character says: “A very gallant gentleman died this afternoon. . .”

“[Today] it’s a far cry from Errol Flynn in his Sopwith Camel.”

— Tim


Can’t Cook – Cheap to Feed – Loaded with Charm – Knows No Lawyers

12 Feb

February 11, 1950

— Tim


Quiz Lite: What Movie was It?

09 Feb

February 8

Was filmed largely in a city where Errol once lived.

Two of the stars knew Errol personally, but in very different ways.

One first met him in the 1930s. The other first met him in the 1950s.

One starred in movies with Errol. The other did not.

Both also knew Lili, but in very different ways.

Images Added Wednesday, ~ 3:33 PM EST US

— Tim


Errol and Lana Quarrel … and Quarrel … and Quarrel

08 Feb

February 8, 1942

Mr. and Mrs. Smith Go to Radio

Part 2

Part 3

— Tim