Author Archive

Was Mulholland Farm Haunted? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZACA Too??

31 Oct

The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet’s Family at Mulholland Farm

After Party Ghost List…


More on the haunting of Mulholland in this video from 2:45 to 7:30

— Tim


Un Errol Examen

29 Oct

Who was the American that witnessed Errol working on part of his autobiography in Mexico?


1. He or she wrote about it in their own autobiography.

2. In addition to him or her, there were three women present.

3. The circumstances were quite rare, (except perhaps for Senor Fleen himself.)

4. The person who witnessed it later became a rather well known Hollywood celebrity.

Chronological Visual Clues:

— Tim


Deaf to All Pleas — He’s Off to the South Seas

28 Oct

October 26, 1936
Harrison Carroll
Hollywood Citizens News

Deaf to all pleas, Errol Flynn will not put off his vacation to bask in the glory that is sure to be his after the release of The Charge of the Light Brigade. Hot or cold, he’ll leave about Nov. 18, and now threatens to be gone from Hollywood for six months instead of three. However, I imagine Warner Brothers will have something to say about this.

The vacation is almost certainly to a be a solo one, with Lili Damita preferring to remain in this country rather than to face the jungles and hardships that come under Flynn’s idea of having a good time.

Even though the motor lingers the full six months in the South Seas and the Orient, they’ll be no dearth of Flynn Pictures on the screen. Besides Charge of the Light Brigade, a film of real epic stature, there are Green Light and the current Another Dawn.

— Tim


“A Little Different”

26 Oct

Recent remarks by President Trump complimenting Errol Flynn and Cary Grant at the 9th Annual Shale Insight Conference | Pittsburgh, PA

David L. Lawrence Convention Center

October 23, 2019 | 3:51 P.M. EDT


“Dan Meuser. Thank you, Dan. Thank you, Dan. (Applause.) Thank you. That looks like Cary Grant, doesn’t he? Have you ever been told that, Dan? It’s not a bad compliment, I must say.”

“Today we have Tom Arnold. In those days, you had a little different. Those days, you had Errol Flynn, Cary Grant. A little different.”

— Tim


Sailing the South Seas, Lililess

22 Oct

October 22, 1936

Elizabeth Yeaman
Hollywood Citizens News

Errol Flynn, completed four starting pictures in the one year he has been at Warners, is headed for a three-month vacation. His pictures have been Captain Blood, The Charge of the Light Brigade, Green Light, and Another Dawn, the latter now in progress of shooting with Kay Francis.  Only his first picture has been released.  Errol is headed for New Zealand and the South Seas, his old haunts before he became a movie star.  His bride, Lili Damita, will not accompany him on the holiday.  Perhaps, a marital holiday will do them both good, judging from rumors floating about.

— Tim



19 Oct

Who on Earth was “Chancellor”, aka Mrs. Errol Flynn?

I have recently come across three Mormon “proxy marriage sealings” involving Errol – one to “Lili”, one to “Nora”, and one to “Chancellor”. Yes, that’s correct, “Chancellor”!!!

Who, you may ask, was Chancellor? The answer is simple: I have no idea!

According to official Mormon records of proxy marriage sealings (aka “celestial marriage”):

“Errol Leslie Thomson Flynn (Errol Flynn), was born in Hobart, Tasmania. He was sealed to an ex-wife, Liliane Marie-Madeleine Carré (Lili Damita) on October 3, 1996 in the Manti Utah Temple. On November 3, 2000 in the Albuquerque New Mexico Temple, Flynn was sealed to an unknown spouse named “Chancellor”. Flynn was sealed to another ex-wife, Nora Eddington, on September 18, 2009 in the Boise Idaho Temple.”

So, it appears, according to official records of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, Errol and Chancellor were sealed in eternal proxy marriage on November 3, 2000, at the Mormon Temple in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

…But why? And to whom?

Perhaps “Chancellor” could be a reference to Pat Wymore? Or, perhaps it could be a woman who had a child with Errol, perhaps the mother of James, or Shirley’s girl (Marilyn/Lynn)? “Following a celestial marriage, not only are the couple sealed as husband and wife, but children born into the marriage are also sealed to that family.”

Here’s a summary of the Mormons’ instructions/guidelines for “proxy marriage sealings”:

“The LDS Church has issued specific instructions to Church members regarding proxy marriage sealings. These guidelines state that only dead couples, who had established relationships while they were living, are to be sealed as spouses in Mormon temples.”

“A deceased man may have sealed to him all deceased women to whom he was legally married during his life. A deceased woman may be sealed to all men to whom she was legally married during her life. However, if she was sealed to a husband during her life, all her husbands must be deceased before she may be sealed to a husband to whom she was not sealed to during life. Deceased couples who were divorced may be sealed. This may provide the only way for their children to be sealed…A deceased couple who lived together as husband and wife may be sealed, even if the marriage cannot be documented.”

A description by a former performer of celestial marriage ceremonies:

“MUCH SECRECY SURROUNDS THE SACRAMENTS THAT take place in the temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For Mormons—whose numbers can be difficult to quantify—the temple is the center of family and community life. It is also where ”eternal marriages” take place.”

“Known within the Church as “sealing,” eternal marriages bind a couple together forever. As in, forever—beyond mortality. In fact, sealings can be performed on people who have already died, to ensure they are eligible for entry into the highest echelons of Mormon heaven. Posthumous sealing—in which a deceased person is wedded to either another deceased person or one who is still alive—is performed regularly within the Church, but the details of the ceremony are not usually disclosed to people outside the faith.”

“Mormons believe there’s various degrees of heaven. In order to gain entrance to the highest one, where you get to be a god and create your own worlds, you have to have received certain ordinances. They call them “keys.” And one of those is being married. So people who have died and never had the chance to get sealed—that’s what Mormons call getting married in the temple—can have it posthumously done for them. And that’s the point of going to the temple and doing sealings.”

“Faithful Latter Day Saints believe civil marriages are dissolved at death, but that a couple who has been sealed in a temple will be married beyond physical death and the resurrection if they remain faithful. This means that in the afterlife they and their family will be together forever. An illustrative difference in the marriage ceremony performed in LDS temples is the replacement of the words “until death do us part” with “for time and all eternity”.”

Any ideas or input, Flynnmates!?

— Tim


A Pig in a Joke

16 Oct

    October 16, 1937

    Hollywood’s Gabby Corners

    Garbed in their Robin Hood costumes, Errol Flynn and Patric Knowles scared a farmer near Chico, Calif., where the company is on location, by asking him how to kill a pig – one they claimed they found. He took one look at their costumes and slammed the door in their faces.

— Tim


Swinging & Dancing in Chico

15 Oct

October 15, 1937

Harrison Carroll
LA Evening Herald Express

Must have been fun, the party that the Robin Hood location troupe gave at Chico Saturday night. Members of the cast, the crew and some outsiders were invited, but when they got ready to dance, it was discovered there weren’t enough women to go around.

So Errol Flynn invaded the kitchen of the hotel and drafted 11 waitresses to join the party. Danced with everyone of them himself, too.

Likely Site of the Party:…

— Tim


Errol Flynn as Nathan Hale*

08 Oct

I only regret that he had but one show on Hale to leave, and it was not on film.

More of the amazing talent in Errol’s orbit and world:

October 10, 1941

Zuma Palmer
Hollywood Citizen News

Errol Flynn on the Kate Smith Hour from KNX at 9 will play the part of Nathan Hale in “Heritage,” an original drama by Jean Holloway. Johnny Burke as “The Original Draftee” and the Three Pitchmen will be other features. Miss Smith will close her program with “We’re All Americans.”

JOHNNY BURKE – One of the greatest writers of popular song lyrics in history. (With a later, second Flynn connection through the song for Nora, “But Beautiful”.)…

THE THREE PITCHMEN – A Popular Novelty Musical Trio

KATE SMITH – Closed her show with Flynn with the crowd-rousing “WE’RE ALL AMERICANS”

Here’s one of great Kate’s contemporaneous versions of We’re All Americans (All True Blue), followed by three other spectacular songs that were “sang in the name of victory” for WWII.

* Not to be confused with Alan Hale

— Tim


Robin de los Bosques

27 Sep

Errol Flynn in the Spanish Civil War


— Tim