— Inga
Author Archive
Errol in Cannes
In this video clip, you can have a short glimpse at “the very confidential Errol Flynn” at the opening of the film festival of Cannes in probably 1949. Hope you enjoy!
And here, if you scroll down, you see him try a boat named “Monocoque”… just to add to Tina's previous boat post.
— Inga
How well do you know your Flynn films?
I think that I mentioned before that sometimes sentences from Errol's films pop up in my mind, and the last sentence inspired me for this question. It took me quite a while to figure out where it came from – you will probably be faster. So please show us how well you know his films:
From which film comes the sentence: “I meant yours – certainly not mine.” and who said it?
I'm sure you will come up with the answer very quickly. Good luck guessing.
— Inga
I realised that my April 1st post was a little foolish and not so appealing, so I deleted it, say “sorry” and hope to give you a little more pleasure with this guaranteed authentic Berlinale picture of Errol and Patrice dancing rock'n'roll. Have a nice Sunday.
— Inga
Cruise of the Zaca Quiz Question
Well, I hope that this one is not too easy:
Which was the originally intended title for the film project which eventually became “Cruise of the Zaca”?
Answer will be posted next Sunday.
— Inga