
Welll, this is rather strange… I got a copy of Glen McDonald's “How Come I'm Dead?” somewhen this year. After having read the first chapter, I put it in store with my other Flynn books. Now I accidentally examined the dedication, and it struck me. It says: “To Bev and Ron   Happy Thanksgiving   Linc” Could it be? Could it be… (more…)

Download of Rare Films

I just discovered this site were you can download, among others, “The Strange Auction”, “In the Wake of the Bounty”, “Santa Fe Trail” and others things related to Errol:……   — Inga

Another interesting story…

Happy Halloween to everyone, here are the ghosts of the past that haunt us:…… What a story… — Inga


Don't know if you read it before, but I found this nice article about Errol and Olivia:… — Inga

A sad note…

Hello everyone, I recently acquired a number of old German film magazines and with them some, as I thought, rather rare pictures. I will post some more Berlinale news soon, but I also came across this rather sad side note. It is a picture of Deirdre and Rory at the funeral of their father. The caption says that they have been so… (more…)


Remember when we discussed the Errol/Patrice wedding album? It's still/again for sale, and I just discovered a strange letter by the same seller. Check it out for yourselves:…… What do the experts say? Authentic? — Inga

John Decker

Guess who… hope I'm not getting on your nerves… Is there still anybody out there? Erm… hope this is not old news, I just found an interesting article about John Decker:…… Take care! — Inga

Question to the experts

Dear experts on the blog, Tina and I disagree a little upon a certain picture/scene from a blooper reel from 1944. We would like to know where this scene is from. Tina thinks it is from one of the radio shows, whereas I think it could be from “Gentleman Jim”. However, it is not to be seen in my dubbed… (more…)

Errol in France

In the summer of 2010, I decided to spend my holidays in France and also to go to places where Errol once had been. I got the idea thanks to Robert Florczak and his now-then picture of a certain church in Nice, so that I convinced the friend I was travelling with to go down to the Côte d’Azur, too.… (more…)