Author Archive


19 Dec

Welll, this is rather strange… I got a copy of Glen McDonald's “How Come I'm Dead?” somewhen this year. After having read the first chapter, I put it in store with my other Flynn books. Now I accidentally examined the dedication, and it struck me. It says:

“To Bev and Ron   Happy Thanksgiving   Linc”

Could it be? Could it be that Lincoln D. Hurst offered this book to Beverly Aadland and her second husband Ron Fisher? And that I happened to get that copy???? I mean, think about it! Lincoln D. Hurst offering such a book about her deceased lover to Beverly?!?

I ordered the book online from BayCityBooks in Benicia, California in June 2010, so it might well be that Ronald Fisher sold it after Beverly's death… I'm still somewhat stunned…

— Inga


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Download of Rare Films

26 Nov

I just discovered this site were you can download, among others, “The Strange Auction”, “In the Wake of the Bounty”, “Santa Fe Trail” and others things related to Errol:…


— Inga

1 Comment

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I feel good…

08 Nov

I had somehow forgotten to include this in my article – it's another Berlinale photo. Hope you like it.

— Inga


Another interesting story…

31 Oct

Happy Halloween to everyone,

here are the ghosts of the past that haunt us:…

What a story…

— Inga


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28 Oct

Don't know if you read it before, but I found this nice article about Errol and Olivia:…

— Inga


A sad note…

24 Oct

Hello everyone,

I recently acquired a number of old German film magazines and with them some, as I thought, rather rare pictures. I will post some more Berlinale news soon, but I also came across this rather sad side note. It is a picture of Deirdre and Rory at the funeral of their father. The caption says that they have been so much “Hollywood treated” (I don't know how to translate this in another way) that even at this sad occasion, they keep smiling for the cameras and forget why they're actually here…

— Inga


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12 Oct

Remember when we discussed the Errol/Patrice wedding album? It's still/again for sale, and I just discovered a strange letter by the same seller. Check it out for yourselves:…

What do the experts say? Authentic?

— Inga


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John Decker

28 Sep

Guess who… hope I'm not getting on your nerves… Is there still anybody out there? Erm… hope this is not old news, I just found an interesting article about John Decker:…

Take care!

— Inga


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Question to the experts

09 Sep

Dear experts on the blog,

Tina and I disagree a little upon a certain picture/scene from a blooper reel from 1944. We would like to know where this scene is from. Tina thinks it is from one of the radio shows, whereas I think it could be from “Gentleman Jim”. However, it is not to be seen in my dubbed German version of this film. So maybe one of you could help us? Thank you very muc!

— Inga


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Errol in France

15 Aug

In the summer of 2010, I decided to spend my holidays in France and also to go to places where Errol once had been.

I got the idea thanks to Robert Florczak and his now-then picture of a certain church in Nice, so that I convinced the friend I was travelling with to go down to the Côte d’Azur, too. Luckily she agreed.

I contacted Robert before my trip, and he kindly sent me the address of the church and also of the mairie and hotel in Monte Carlo, which both played a role in Errol’s wedding. Thanks to you again, Robert!!!

After my trip now, I thought it would be nice to start a new folder on David’s blog where each of us who has done some travelling related to Errol could add hints and tips for further travels. This would be easier for all of us to get some basic ideas, and those who think it’s not enough could contact the person who wrote the entry for further details.


So here we go for parts of Nice and Monte Carlo.

First of all, I’d recommend you strongly not to travel in summer, but during any other time of the year. Firstly, in winter you are much more likely to meet less tourists and thus to have more time and space to actually enjoy places – without being pushed around. The Côte d’Azur is really crowded in summer; it was terrible – and terribly hot, too! So if you can, go in the winter season or possibly in spring or autumn, but NOT in the summer.

Finding accomodation in Nice (especially not too expensive one) was not so easy – especially when you travel by car, be prepared for a long search for a hotel including parking. We eventually managed to find a small kind of hostel, the Villa Aramis, which I recommend if you don’t have to stay there for too long and if you don’t mind sharing your (clean) bathroom with other people. You get some nice breakfast, too, and the host was very kind. It is situated not too near the city centre, but within manageable walking distance.

The FrenchLutheranChurch of the Transfiguration, where Errol’s wedding with Patrice Wymore took place on October 23rd, 1950, is not too far away from the city centre, yet it is situated in a quiet street without tourists. In fact, I didn’t meet any people there except for a German-speaking lady who wanted to visit a friend living nearby the church. So you have all the time in the world to take pictures and contemplate the pavement where Errol has walked – it was a great, mysterious feeling for me, expecially as it was the first place I have ever been to where Errol was, too. Whooh!

Thanks to Robert and to google maps (just type in the address, 4 rue Melchior de Vogüé, 06000 Nice, France), it was easy to find the church, and when you enter the street, you immediately recognise the place. You can actually see that it is a church, which I did not expect after seeing Robert’s picture. Unfortunately, it is not open for visits, only (probably) upon appointment or on Sunday mornings at 10.30 a.m. for the service. So if you have a choice, go there on a Sunday morning at this time to have a chance to look at the interior.

On my first visit early in the morning, as I said, there was a German-speaking lady waiting to be admitted to see a friend. I asked her (in French, first, before I noticed that she only spoke German) if the church could be visited because she seemed to belong there, but she said she didn’t know and mereley wanted to see a friend. So I took my pictures and went on to see the other sights of Nice.

Later, when my friend and I were on our way back to the hostel, we passed along once more, and there appeared a young man with a key who let himself in the gate. Once more, I summoned all my courage and asked if the church could be visited, but unfortunately, he was in a hurry. He told me that the church was open on Sundays at 10.30 a.m. during the service, and that he’d make me visit it if he wasn’t in such a hurry. Well… so if you intend to go there, maybe you phone first and make an appointment, the young man seemed very kind and I’m sure he would admit you to the church.

So much about Nice. In the further course of our journey, we also spent half a day in Monte Carlo. Of course, I wanted to see the Zaca, even though I feared it would not be there – which was, of course, the case.

Monte Carlo has got two ports; the one you should go to is the Port de Fontvieille. Already to be there makes one gasp for breath because of all the amazing yachts you can find there. I had never seen such a sight before and felt like sleepwalking while I was walking around looking for the Zaca. When I didn’t find her, I asked one of the officials whether she was in port or not. He thought for a moment, and then said she wasn’t. And, of course, he didn’t know where she was or when she might return. BUT he told me at which spot she would normally be anchored, so of course I went there and took a picture. I add this plus a map with a cross for the exact spot, so that you don’t have to search for a very long time.


I hope for you that you will be luckier. Maybe our Spanish authors know a little more about where she can be found in the summer, which regattas she normally takes part in and when she returns to port for the winter?


If you need some further tips about other sights of Nice or Monte Carlo, feel free to contact me.

— Inga