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question on a book

22 Jun

I found this book on abebooks – does anybody own it/know whether it is good or not?

Adventure in Reperatory Northampton Reperatory Theatre 1927-1948
Dyas Aubry

— Inga

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Nice Reading

25 May

Nothing new, but reads well and seems to be carefully written. Enjoy, if you haven't before (cuz it's ooold).…

— Inga


A Question of Accent

18 May

Ok, this might be going to be a bit dry, but have you ever thought about why Lili pronounced “Flynn” as “Fleen”? As 1/4 of a linguist, I became interested in this question, and here's what I found out.

Even though I never heard Lili speak, I believe she did not say “Fleen” directly. You probably know that in your English language, you have got two i-sounds: a short one as used for “Flynn”, written something like this in phonetics: [ı], and a long one, like in “seen”, represented as [i:].

Now in the French language, there is nothing like this – the poor French have only one single i-sound, represented as [i]. Its length is something in the middle of the two English sounds, but supposedly, for English-American ears, it sounds like a long [i:]. That's why Errol probably chose the spelling of “Fleen” to represent Lili's accent.

— Inga


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Back to Romy

06 May

Hello everyone,

I tried to find out more about Errol and Romy Schneider and contacted the owners of a fan site of Romy. They sent me two further pictures and also said that the encounter must have taken place in 1957 at the Berlinale because that was when they met for sure. So unless somebody finds out anythin new, let's assume it's the truth.

I'm off for the weekend now – hope you enjoy yours!


— Inga


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Wedding Ring

04 May

Dear experts,

I'd like to ask another question, even though it seems that they are quite tricky mostly… but maybe this time someone out there knows the answer. Is there a story behind Errol's first wedding ring? It is of a quite striking shape, so I thought maybe somebody knows something about it.

Also, I was wondering why nobody ever cared when it could be seen in his films. It is quite striking, for example, in “Four's A Crowd” where he plays a bachelor, and yet when he puts together that toy train and also in other scenes, it is seen all the time!

In contrast to this, there seem to be no pictures during his second and third marriage of him wearing a ring? So what happened to it? Did he never again wear one?

In “Robin Hood”, someone seems to have thought of it, yet look at the attachment – there it is again. Very confusing!

Who is the lady he is looking at in the Robin picture? Gloria …?

Thanks for your help!

— Inga


Mystery Question of the Week

26 Apr

One very general question: what happens to all the props that are used in film?

 Most of them are probably kept, others sold or destroyed? So does anybody know what happened to these two pictures that were used in two of Errol's films? The first one is a cartoon from “That Forsyte Woman”, I just copied it from what I saw on the screen, so it is not the original. The second is this beautiful portrait from “Essex” – are they still at the MGM resp. Warner Archives, or has somebody purchased them maybe? Who can solve the mystery?

— Inga


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Happy 111th birthday!

26 Apr

Just a wee note to say Happy Birthday to Cowboy Guinn! He'd be 111 today.



— Inga


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A Crazy Idea?

20 Apr

Hello everybody,

first I'd like to thank you all for the warm welcome you gave me. It feels good to be member of such a great community!

Then I would like to make a suggestion. Maybe it's crazy, but this idea has been on my mind for some time and I think it'd be quite unique…Why don't we create an “Errol Flynn Calendar” together? Meaning that we try to make a kind of “list” or overview of what Errol did every day of his life? For example, today is April 20th, and you could go to this site we'd create and have a look: Oh, today 60 years ago, Errol did this and that… He was shooting this or that film, had a party in the evening… What do you think? Possible? Crazy?

My second question for today: I read this wonderful book “Errol Flynn Slept Here” and I was wondering: who was the guy that eventually destroyed Mulholland House? His name is not mentioned, probably because he would have a hard time then? Is the name known at all?

Well, take care everybody and thanks for reading this!

— Inga


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