Why not Ridley?

     Dear Errol Fans,        Why not Ridley Scott?            I see that he (Ridley) has a way of cutting through the 'bull' and telling the story as it is , or was. Whatever you think of him personally, you have to admit that he knows his stuff. Look no further than “Bladerunner”, one of the best films ever made.(in my humble… (more…)

Hello Friends!

Dear Errol Fans,       As Arnold might say; “I'm back.” I have been busy doing research for a project, but now that it is done, I'm keen to get back to the Blog.      I have a question for the readers: I recently saw a trailer for the new 'Robin Hood' and it got me thinking. I would love to… (more…)

Re: Errol Country II

    Dear Errol Fans,            I recently posted an article called: 'Errol Country II' and for some reason it will not show up on the main page. Even David and all his magic can't fix the bug. Instead of re-doing the entire piece, I will leave it as is. If you want to view it, simply press 'new articles' on… (more…)

Errol Country. Part II

Dear Errol Fans,           I apologize for being away for so long. I have been doing research work for a group of families that, curiously enough, have a link to Errol and are almost as fascinating. The group in question is the Mitchell / Tiffany / Bingham family. They are the descendants of the family that built and lived in… (more…)

Truth or Not?

     Dear Errol fans,               I hope I have not been 'stirring the pot' too much, but I learned long ago that in the case of Errol Flynn, you just cannot trust what the media says. There have been rumors and legends and wild stories that after a time, were just took as truth where they very much were not.… (more…)

A New Errol, Patrice photo

         Dear Errol Fans,                      I came upon this photo and have never seen it published before. It shows a tanned, and even sunburned loving couple enjoying life to it's fullest. It 's a shame we cannot save these moments forever. I think it is is a testament to lovers everywhere. And by the way, I think Errol was the… (more…)

Errol Flynn Country Pt. I

     Dear Errol Fans,                I have decided to let you in on some of my cherished Port Antonio photos and will post them from time to time to show you readers just how beautiful the area is, and maybe share a part of the world that Errol and I have fallen in love with. Now don't get me wrong, I am… (more…)

Rafting down the Rio Grande

Dear Errol Fans,      I thought I would tell you-all a nice story about a rafting trip myself and my wife Debbie took down the much heralded Rio Grande river in Jamaica. After all, there seems to be lots of pomp, history and romance connected with this excursion, never mind the 'Errol' aspect of it all.      I want to set a few things straight before… (more…)

Navy Island in Happier Times

Dear Errol Fans,       I've managed to dredge up some photos of the Navy Island resort,the Admiralty Club at full swing, the interior of one of the cottages(with good friends) and even a copy of the brochure. These are all circa 1980 or so. It was called 'Vagabond Villa's at the time and the way you see it here it is how I will cherish… (more…)

The Ghost of Navy Island

Dear Errol Fans,         I want to relay a true story that I originally told to Steve and Genene Randall (the authors of the 'Tassie Devil' website) some years back, and they were kind enough to post it on the site.        As I have said, I have been to traveling to Port Antonio since about 1979 and one of my… (more…)