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Here's to a very Happy New Year

30 Dec

Dear Errol Fans,

    Well, Another year has passed with all the good and not so good. Here's wishing that your good times outweighed the bad. I am thrilled to be one of your new authors and will try to give 100% on every posting. I am currently working on a new posting about one of David's favorite subjects: The Grand old Titchfield Hotel. 

   I am including a photo of myself so you can get a better idea of where it all comes from but be warned, it isn't a pretty sight, so please draw the blinds and remove small children and pets from the room before opening it up. Thanks so much for the positive feedback and have a merry, safe Holiday and New Year!   John

— john


Addendum to “Errol's Navy Island”

27 Dec

Dear Readers, Here are some more photos of Navy Island as I ran out of file space. The first two are the house I discovered. The rest are various photos from my files. Hope you enjoy them.   John

— john


Errol's 'Navy Island'

27 Dec

Hello Fellow Errol Fans,

Although most of you are familiar with Navy Island and the 'Errol Connection', There are some facts that are not widely known. (At least I was not aware of them until recently) Navy Island has a rich and varied history that goes back to the 1600's. Originally, at that time it was named 'Lynches Island' after being given to Sir Thomas Lynch (the then overseer of that portion of Jamaica) for “Services to the British Crown”. In the 1700's, the Royal Navy constructed a small cannon battery to provide crossfire to Fort George, (which is just across the inlet some 200 yrds. or so) The remains of this battery still exist(Photo 1) on the barren N.E. portion of the island. Also constructed were several rough buildings for Naval Stores and a small barracks, and the island took on the name; “Navy Island”.

It is worth noting that Captain Bligh himself spent 6 months docked at navy island on his ship, 'Pandora' after returning from Tahiti. This time was spent careening his ship in the shallows, making urgent repairs, offloading some of his Breadfruit specimens to replant in the rich soil, and even exploring for new species of plants. He even collected samples of Ackee fruit and introduced it to the Royal Society of Britain, who gave it it's current name: “Blighia Sapida” in honor of Bligh.

How ironic it is that an island that was once commanded by Capt. Bligh of “Mutiny on the Bounty” fame should end up being owned by one Errol Leslie Flynn, a descendant (by way of his mother) of Midshipman Edward Young who served aboard the HMS Bounty with Fletcher Christian and Capt. Bligh! No doubt it is a small world indeed.

In the early 1800's, the Royal Navy abandoned the island and it passed through several hands, both Govt. and private until Errol sailed into the harbor on that fateful day and fell in love with both the island and the N. coast of Jamaica. Although rumor has it that Errol won the island in either a poker game or a roll of the dice,(Both being very “Errolish”) The truth of the matter is that he contacted a local attorney by the name of Vincent Grossett and arranged the sale of the 64 acre property for the sum of approx. $80,000 in the winter of 1946. He then purchased the Titchfield Hotel across from Navy Island, and at his wife Patrice's good advice, a very large chunk of prime property in the Boston Bay area from the Lorenzo Baker Dow family. This was the same family that had brought tourism to this part of Jamaica and had built the Titchfield Hotel some 50 yrs. earlier.(another ironic twist)

The island was virtually barren due to various hurricanes which swept over the island unabated, so Errol went about planting Royal and Coconut palm trees(over a hundred) and also planting various vines, flowers and lemon, lime and avocado trees. These still exist, and I helped myself to a half-dozen avocado when I visited there last. The palms still stand and have provided the island with much needed windbreaks so the local fauna has not only survived, but thrived.

Errol also laided out pathways that criss-cross the island. To add to the “paradise” atmosphere, he brought in peacocks and other exotic birds and animals. Later he even brought in chickens, goats, cattle, and even horses to the menagerie. There has also been heated speculation as to whether or not Errol ever built a house there. When I visited there last(oct-nov 2009) I vowed to explore the island by foot and solve this mystery once and for all. Aided by a detailed map and a large photo taken by satellite(Google Earth) I set out. Dear readers, I almost got in over my head! I found the remains of a large house at the S. end of the island, straight up the hill from the now deserted 'Admiralty Club' on the highest part of the island. It looked to have been a fairly large, substantial home with a proper foundation of concrete and a detached kitchen. This was not a 'rude slat house for a caretaker'. There was even a large cistern for storing water nearby. Hmm. So I pressed on. I did not have a machete, (Mistake) so I plowed on as best I could.

Anyone who has not had to make his way through sub-tropical jungle in 90+ degree heat has no idea just how hard it can be. The vines and branches(half of them stinging or poisonous) seem to reach out for you and a person can lose sense of direction very quickly. Add smothering, steaming heat, and you have a bad recipe. By dumb luck, I had brought a large bottle of drinking water and a compass, and believe me, I used them both. I finally made it out to the clear where I continued to the N. end. The foliage got shorter and more stunted until I suddenly broke out to the jagged, windswept cliffs. There I saw the remains of the Battery, but the cannon were long gone. Only a large metal tangent used for aiming remained.(Photo) I circled back around W. till the cliff ran out and jungle began. Having no choice, I dove in again. I saw a huge clearing that looked like a large manicured lawn, and what seemed like the way back. No such luck. The 'lawn' consisted of 3ft. deep vines that made the going impossible. What next?

I turned and made my way to the rocky beach, intending to wade my way out by following the W. coast. It was there I discovered a large concrete foundation.(Photo) I am still puzzled at it's origin. As I went on, I also discovered a fresh-water spring coming out of the side of the hill, and after gingerly testing it, refilled my now empty bottle. The going got easier and firmer and before long, I was in familiar territory on “Trembly Knee Beach”. I must confess my own knee's were more than a little 'trembly' at that point. From then, it was a short walk to the pier where a cell phone call brought the boat for the ride back to the mainland, in a tropical, pouring deluge of a rainstorm. Checking my watch, I was surprised that over 5 hrs. had passed! Other than being filthy, exhausted, and humbled by Mother Nature, I was O.K. (Although when I reached my apt., I stripped off my clothes and flopped on the bed in a dead sleep for about 12 hrs. and was sore all over for about two days afterward)

Two months later, I still have the scars on my shins, a new found respect, and a story to tell from this old Errol fan.  John 

P.S. There is a lesson to be learned from all this. I got lucky that day. If I had fell and broke an ankle, or hit my head or forgot water, or a hundred other things, I probably would not be writing this. I got to be 'Indiana Jones' for a day and the good Lord, who protects children and fools (in my case, old fools) cast his eye on me that day. My wife almost crapped (can I say that?) when she found out. For the record, never travel alone, and be prepared. Having said that, I can truthfully say I was never more alive than that 5+ hrs. I spent on my own. Sometimes you just have to go for it and 'Devil take the backside', eh? Errol would agree, I think. Nevertheless, I will cherish that memory for the rest of my days.  John


— john


100th Centennial Momento's

11 Dec

I  believe that your readers would like a glimpse of the tickets, etc. that I was given to attend the 100th centennial Errol Flynn celebration. These are “priceless” as far as I am concerned. You will notice that the corner was snipped off for securities sake. Talk about  “Rare”. That is an understatement as far as Errol fans are concerned. I think I'll keep them.  JON

— john

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The Errol Flynn/ Noel Coward/ Ian Fleming Connection

10 Dec

  Some people might be surprised that these three men, with their wildly different backgrounds were ever even acquainted, much less close friends, but friends they were and were part of the “British Mafia” as they were often jokingly referred to in Jamaica at that time. They made a habit of visiting each other for drinks and stimulating conversation.

  Usually, Errol and Patrice would make the drive from their base in Port Antonio to The sleepy town of Port Maria to Noels “Firefly” bungalow or Ian's “Goldeneye” beach house in Oracabessa. Other times, Errol and Pat would host the get together on the ZACA, which was moored at his Navy Island pier. Noel was better suited for visitors and owned the Blue Harbour hotel just down the hill from Firefly to accommodate his many famous guests.

  By all accounts, the get togethers were memorable, with Noel and Ian having diametrically different viewpoints on almost everything. i.e. Noel being unabashedly liberal and animated, and Ian just as apologetically conservative, stoic, and possessing a razor-sharp biting wit. Add Errol, who's views were someplace in the middle acting as defacto referee.(with Pat and Ian's longtime lover Annie Rothermere, whom Ian referred to as “Pussy Galore” in the cheering section) and you had the recipe for dynamite.

  Errol being Errol, would play one off on the other and it was “off to the races”. The squabbling would begin and just when it was whipped up to a fever pitch, Errol would burst into raucous laughter, fall out of his chair and roll on the floor while Noel and Ian would look on dumbfounded, and the situation was defused.

  Although the three truly loved and respected one another, it almost didn't happen. Noel wrote,”I was very hesitant about meeting Errol as I had heard many things about him, and not all of them were good, but I found him to be most gracious and pleasant, one of the most charming individuals I've ever met, So it worked out fine”

  Sometimes Noel and his long-time partner Graham Payne would make the trip to see Errol and Pat. An entry in Noel's diary dated Tuesday 27 March, 1951: “Left for Port Antonio 7:30 A- arrived 9:30 A. Rafted down the Rio Grande. Lovely weather. In the evening dined with Errol Flynn and his wife Pat. Drinks on his yacht, which is beautiful, then barbecue dinner on his island – palm trees – lit by torches. Both of them extremely nice; a really lovely evening.”

  Today, much has changed but a few things have luckily been preserved. Firefly is a virtual time capsule, looking for all the world as if Noel has just stepped out for a moment. Twin baby grand piano's in the living room, Noel's typewriter with paper still inside and unfinished correspondence, towels with Noel's monogram “NC” hanging in the bath, and even shirts still hanging in the closet, waiting for an owner who will never return. Ian's Goldeneye is much the same, with letters and memento's under glass in the living room, typewriter ever handy and my favorite: Ian's outdoor bathtub gracing the back yard.

   Navy Island and Port Antonio haven't fared as well, with the island overgrown and deserted. (Although the 100+ Royal palms that Errol had planted are doing fine) and the grand old Titchfield Hotel, long gone by a devastating fire in 1969. To visit those places is to visit history and memories that I, when going there today, could easily imagine and feel, even 50+ yrs. later.

— john


Hello Everyone

07 Dec

   Dear fellow Errol enthusiasts, I want to say I'm honored to be one of your authors. I have traveled to Jamaica off and on since 1978 and like Errol, My favorite place is the stunningly beautiful Port Antonio area. In my two dozen or so trips, I have accumulated a fair amount of knowledge and insight on both Errol and the area by way of first hand experience and interviews with surviving friends and acquaintances of Errol. On my last trip, I was fortunate enough to attend Errol's 100th centennial, and have a good long chat with Patrice Wymore Flynn. I was at once struck by her approachability and charm. I must say that her mind is sharp as a tack and seemingly untouched by her 83 years.

    I was introduced to Patrice by Robert Golding, the son of Jamaica's Prime Minister and a close friend of Patrice. The conversation at the table started on the subject of whether or no Errol had ever built a house on Navy Island. Pat said that as long as she and Errol owned the property, there was only a caretaker's shack that was crudely knocked together. I asked about the probability of commercial development on Navy Island, and she replied that due to a large depression in the middle of the Island, she was advised that developers would have a difficult time building a large structure there. We also talked about the ZACA, which was lovingly restored and currently resides in the Monaco marina basin. “Damn, Errol loved that boat and we would get into some of the worst fights over it” she said. “Every time the shipwrights wanted to replace a board, Errol wanted to double the size of it for 'safety's sake', as he put it”. I had a number of old enlarged photos of her and Errol, and one was of her, Errol and Sean. In that photo she had glasses on and Robert remarked about it. “I was born with glasses on”. she laughed.

   The party itself was a virtual “Who's Who” of the Jamaican upper crust with a majority of guests driving over from Kingston, but the local regulars were in attendance also. Margeurite Guarone was a feature and I estimate that there were well over 500 guests. The heads of Jamaica's Government were there in force also. In fact, I shared a table with the head of Transportation Ministry and his family. Everyone was pleasant and friendly. I also notice a large number of thinly disguised bodyguards roaming about, although there were no incidents I could see.

   After 30 minutes or so, Pat, Robert, and some other ladies took there place at their table in the front of the dance floor and Pat gave a short speech and lead the first dance. The band was fabulous and belted out those old classic songs like they invented them. When not dancing, Pat kept company at her table while enjoying a rum and coke, and a cigarette or two. I only got to dance with her once but she proved to be the better dancer, although I did not step on her feet. She was dressed in a red long sleeve blouse, black pants and high-heels. I was surprised at how tall she was. I am 6'1″ and she could almost look me in the eye when dancing. One other thing. Pat has the most beautiful, liquid blue eyes I've ever seen. Even though the lighting was very low at the party, Her eyes were the first thing I noticed about her. Errol sure knew how to pick em!

    I stayed on for about 3 hr.s and had a great time. The weather was warm and humid and I was surprised at how most of the guests, while dressed to the nines in suit and tie could dance away in never seem to break a sweat, while I, in my “tropical whites”, was trying remain un-soggy. Acclimatization will tell I guess. The next morning, I ventured down to the Marina beach again for my morning swim and as I passed the pier, nothing remained but a few wind blown scraps of paper and my memories of a once in a lifetime experience for this old Errol fan.   Jon 

— john