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A MOST special day…

20 Apr

and a bit of a quiz!

This is a month marking the birth of 2 noble heroes~ one of which rivals this site’s VERY own inspiration and the other, well, we wouldn’t be here if not for…

That said, both have a certain bearing and authority and even resemble one another.

I have known one through his rich body of screen work, and the other by his richness of generosity in giving of himself to one and all and, (in taking up the baton of another fallen hero) to continue with DETERMINATION to nurture a RENAISSANCE OF NEW appreciation.

So, without further adieu, ’tis time to present an image and a song to see what you might do with it…

I’ll begin with Ha…..…


— Karl


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An important (pending) announcement

15 Mar

I have the distinct privilege, and the blessings of the powers that be, to pass on some news.

An emeritus member of this group (and in the hierarchy of STELLAR Flynn SUPER contributors which  include the likes of Conrad, Thomas, Freedland, Morris, Valenti, Moore, McNulty, Matzen, Mcaleer and, of course, Hurst), Robert Florczak has shared that he is in talks to publish, FINALLY, his magnum opus effort on “Errol Flynn, The Illustrated Life Chronology”.

And… borrowing from a familiar quote: “His Highness, Prince “Robert”, will make further public pronouncement tomorrow.”

Tomorrow being, possibly, “a long time” but hopefully, NOT!

Suffice it to say it may well be sooner rather that LATER!


— Karl

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Andre Previn (1929-2019)

01 Mar……

A man not unlike the inspiration for this site…

The passing of a Flynn film alumnus who scored the rousing music for the film Kim among others…

Previn also made this recording:

“Previn Conducts Korngold: The Sea Hawk”

Suites from film scores. Andre Previn, London Symphony Orchestra. DG 289 471 347-2.

And finally, there is a charming little story involving Flynn and Previn on the Kim set that I can’t recall nor find referenced in the books at hand… perhaps someone else will come through?

— Karl


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The passing of an icon himself…

06 Sep

and a MOST generous contributor to the memory of Flynn in his “witnessing” in the Adventures of Errol Flynn Documentary (2005); RIP Burt:…

— Karl


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You asked for it…

13 May

First of all, Happy Mother’s Day… and this person of interest was one!

She was a romantic “distraction” in a Flynn film.

Went by her REAL name throughout her professional career.

Born in the southern USA.

Minor double threat… in screen, stage, and more so (in her time) on tv.

Married 3 times; 2 were publicly known and they BOTH outlived her.

Shared, with Flynn, a LOVE for a location outside the US (mainland).

— Karl


Beverly interviewed… circa 1966

27 Apr

— Karl


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Olivia de Havilland to be honored

20 Mar

Back in July of 2016, Olivia de Havilland gave a interview with People Magazine on turning 100.…

During the course of that interview came an inevitable question:

Asked if there’s any advice she’d give to her younger self, she replies, “Take a long leave of absence from the Warner contract and go to Mills College, where the scholarship I had won in 1934 is still waiting for me!”

Now, I have a connection with this small women’s (undergraduate) and coed (graduate) college located in Oakland, California. And needless to say they were both DELIGHTED AND SURPRISED to have received this ultimate of complements.

I have since been informed that this complement is to be returned and the missed opportunity corrected of a sort:

“We are so thrilled to honor Olivia de Havilland at commencement this year on May 12th. Her daughter will be here to receive the honorary degree on her behalf. Such exciting times!”

So congratulations, in advance, to the soon to be GRADUATE!




— Karl


Hollywood and the Stars…

31 Oct

Back in 1963, there was the aforementioned series produced by David L Wolper. Those lucky enough, might catch a look at a particular program in the series titled “The Swashbucklers” (which featured Fairbanks Sr and…) sometimes MIGHT be found on a compilation tape of Flynn miscellaneous items (Pirate Party, etc.).

Always on the look out for a better copy in the hopes that the series would be commercially reissued.

With the passing of Wolper comes a change in that situation and its appearance on Youtube; narrated by Joseph Cotton and worth a look.

— Karl

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What 1 actor…

05 Jan

also appearing on the Perry Mason series, has a most unusual connection to Flynn. A quadruple threat in the arts: stage, screen, radio and (of course) television. Pondering the full import of his name, gives a strong indication as to not only a special location, but also its special contribution to a MOST SPECIAL film. Any one up for a SPECIAL challenge this evening?

— Karl


Passed in 2016 …

02 Jan

Did I miss it or did no one report on the fact that 2 Flynn alumni, from his very last dramatic appearance (The Golden Shanty), passed last year:

Patricia Barry (Adie Walker)

Arthur Hiller (Director) below with Errol.

  • golden-shanty_correct-ar

— Karl