Adobe Adobe Unveils Firefly, a Family of new Creative Generative AI

Adobe is Making its Firefly Generative AI Available to Big Businesses Throughout his career, Cem served as a tech consultant, tech buyer and tech entrepreneur. He advised enterprises on their technology decisions at McKinsey & Company and Altman Solon for more than a decade. He has also led commercial growth of deep tech company Hypatos that reached a 7 digit… (more…)

Sir! Magazine Article

I happened upon this site and although there are some inaccuracies there are pictures I had not seen.…… — Kathleen

I can't see any posts so I have to start a add on to the morgue discussion

Did you read the autopsy report?  If you read it then is that any different than viewing a morgue photo?  I felt very sorry for Patrice and EF to have his very personal health findings detailed and even published in a book.  I am curious about the photo but not desperately searching the web for it.  If it were here… (more…)

Some spooky fun

Fun reading…… — Kathleen

Pirate Latitudes

Well, I just finished reading Michael Crichton's Pirate Latitudes.  My husband, who I thought wasn't paying attention to my fascination with Errol Flynn read the book first.  He said “You and your blog friends need to read this–it was written for Errol Flynn.”  So when my turn came it took me about two weeks to finish 312 pages reading off… (more…)

From 1938

— Kathleen

The Big Boodle

Now available on Netflix–instant viewing! — Kathleen


I thought this was really beautiful . . . photo by Yans Arthus Bertrand — Kathleen

I feel cheated!

WTH . . . Netflix had Uncertain Glory, Northern Pursuit and Edge of Darkness available as of August 3.  Now they are sitting in limbo as unavailable.  Just like Linc's book which Amazon now says will be available in October.  One can hope . . . — Kathleen