Dean Stockwell

Have any of the authors here interviewed Dean Stockwell?  I came across an article on the Internet that quotes Mr. Stockwell during the time Kim was being filmed and the quotes are quite crude.  I've come across other crude quotes by others who knew Errol and wonder why he would say such things to preteens, his own son included!  Maybe… (more…)

Who is this with Errol?

Can anyone identify when this was taken and who is with Errol? — Kathleen

Errol Flynn Society of Tasmania Inc.

Hello.  Just wanted to show off my certificate that I received from the Errol Flynn Society.  It is gorgeous, fun and a kick in the pants.  I had fun displaying it at work and received quite a few comments and a few “raised eyebrows”.  If you haven't joined yet, maybe this will entice you to do so! — Kathleen

Forest Lawn

I recently made a trip down south and incorporated a visit to Forest Lawn and a visit to Errol (my first).  I traveled Mulholland Drive and made it to Torreyson Place and Flynn Ranch Road.  What an adventure! — Kathleen

Taking a Guess on EF's Crusader

Being a fan of Errol Flynn has been so much fun this last year.  I mean I've always been a fan but now I am reading all the books there are, finding sheet music and magazines.  I just visited his grave (will write more later on that experience), but what I want to say now is:  when I was surfing… (more…)

What a Surprise!

Just viewed a clip of the game show The Big Surprise.  I had no idea that Mike Wallace would be the emcee.  Errol was fun to watch.  He was witty and handsome as ever.  And, he got all of the answers and won $30,000.  Does anyone know if there is a clip available of his return visit for $100,000? —… (more…)

Errol in Sheet Music – Uncertain Glory, Santa Fe Trail, Never Say Goodbye, San Antonio

I've bought sheet music that is more than 60 years old–it is so unbelievable.  I never thought of looking for Errol on the piano.  I've found four so far.  Never Say Goodbye (Remember Me); Santa Fe Trail (Along the Santa Fe Trail), San Antonio (Some Sunday Morning) and Uncertain Glory (Marianne).  They all have beautiful front covers and are suitable… (more…)

The Golden Shanty

After reading several books which touched on Flynn's last film and how difficult it was for the director and actors to work with him I was curious to watch The Golden Shanty.  Then I came across the attached review and it motivated me to obtain a copy.  I have to say that I agree with the reviewer.  Watching the interactions… (more…)

Hooker Oak v. Gallows Oak

This is a picture for Robert's Then and Now.  However, it may not be the tree used in scenes . . .it was taken in 1958. — Kathleen