Author Archive

Errol at the Berlin Film Festival

04 Dec

Errol – always at the forefront of things!

“After the Berlinale was officially given the same status as the festivals in Cannes and Venice in 1955, the festival was able to convene its first international jury in 1956. This jury awarded both a “Golden Bear” and “Silver Bears.” The president of the first International Feature Film Jury in 1956 was the French director Marcel Carné. Within just a few years, the Berlinale established itself on the international festival scene, and as early as 1959, 53 countries sent films to the festival.

Major stars like Gary Cooper, Sophia Loren, Richard Widmark, Jean Gabin, Henry Fonda, Errol Flynn, Cary Grant, Jean-Paul Belmondo, and Rita Hayworth were guests in the Berlinale’s early years. Along with the event’s glamour, however, the festival also showcased new cinematic trends. Directors like Akira Kurosawa, Ingmar Bergman, Satyajit Ray, Roman Polanski, and the “Nouvelle Vague” directors Jean-Luc Godard, Francois Truffaut, and Claude Chabrol enjoyed their first international successes in Berlin.”

1957 Film Festival

— Maria


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Robin Hood Figure

24 Oct

Robin Hood

— Maria

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Errol and the Princess

15 Oct

Errol and the Princess

I have not seen this one before.

— Maria


Carl and Errol + Beanie!

15 Oct


Errol makes the Beanie a fashion item.


— Maria


Errol and Anna Magnani on set of Vulcano

11 Oct

Errol Magnani and Lanza

This is the same photo but a different angle. Whatever Errol is eating -looks like he is enjoying it!


— Maria


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Errol and Prince Raimondo Lanza

11 Oct

Errol and Anna Magnani

Interesting article about Errol and Raimondo Lanza – (the page can be translated in google) He passed away in 1954 – some say mysteriously!

“Descending from Barbarossa and Frederick II of Swabia, the last Sicilian prince, heir to the most important family of the island, is not remembered by most, but even by his region, from his city, Palermo, who has not named a street, an alley this reckless Italian nobleman.”…

— Maria



03 Oct

This is a little poem (and not quite PC) I… respect stories and facts about Burma during the war.  I have copied the introduction (in italics).

Whilst on holiday in Cyprus last month, we met Bert Peers who turned out to be quite a character!  He entertained us for many hours with his poems and extracts from Kipling, etc.  One in particular took our fancy, “Errol Flynn and me” – so much so that he sent us a copy because of my Burma connection.  I have checked with Bert, and he is to quote:- “quite happy for you to spread his poem but wants to point out that he wrote it as a skit after seeing the film ‘Burma Victory’ (sic) ‘Objective Burma’ which apparently anyone who was there during the War absolutely hated.”

I thought Objective Burma was great!


-just Errol Flynn – and me.

The war in Europe was ending in the winter of ‘44

I thought that I had done my bit but the Air Force wanted more;

They said that now the Jerries had been beaten well and true,

It’s time the Japs were taught just what a Yorkshire lad can do;

And so they then decided before the battle could begin

They’d send for reinforcements – me and Errol Flynn.


They sent us off to Chittagong and on to Cox’ Bazaar,

We flew right down from Ramree, it wasn’t very far,

They said that we should both report to Burma GHQ

As the brass hats at the centre really hadn’t got a clue,

So they then decided we should help out General Slim

And so we went to meet him – me and Errol Flynn.


‘At last’, said Bill we’ve got a chance now that you lads have arrived,

We’ll give the Japs a shake up, a mighty big surprise;

We’ll chase the blighters all the way from Magwe down to Prome

Those little yellow perils will wish they had stayed at home

So come on lads get cracking if battle you would win

We only needed you to come – you and Errol Flynn

 So we chased them all the morning, – we were feeling very warm;

We chased through the evening, through night until the dawn,

We chased them through the jungle ‘till we came to old Pegu,

And the Japanese commander just knew not what to do

His Generals suggested that they might as well give in

When they were told that what they faced was me and Errol Flynn. 

A few snags we encountered as we advanced all that day,

A Nip armoured division we swept out of our way

Some Geisha girls the Japs then sent to try to halt our push,

And some 40,000 Japanese were trampled in the rush

And who was in the forefront with a beatific grin

None other than yours truly, yes me and Errol Flynn. 

Those Geisha girls were lovely, and we really made them swoon

They said that they would wait for us when we finally reached Rangoon

So we pressed on forward our just reward to take

We had Banana money and my mother’s Christmas cake

To take advantage of those girls, it really was a sin

But we were hard, the two of us – me and Errol Flynn. 

At last the Japs surrendered, you could see they’d had enough,

They had run the length of Burma, and were feeling pretty rough;

Mountbatten took their swords from them, for that really was his due

And looked around to see who he would present them to

And then he smiled; ‘They go to those who have set Burma free’

And so he gave those Nippon swords to Errol Flynn and me.


— Maria


Errol on Dive Bomber Set

03 Oct

U S Scooter Museum

— Maria


Posted in Photos


Errol and Colliers Magazine

30 Sep

Home today with one heck of a headache so I thought I would continue in my search for Flynnthings. I came across this story written by Errol in 1937-…


The article is written over several pages so I had to select the 1st page of the article and then the section that has the last few pages.  Enjoy!

— Maria


Errol and Patrice

24 Sep

Errol Flynn Wedding

In searching for information on Anthony Quinn I came across a web-site for Edward Quinn with a photo of Errol and Patrice at their civil wedding ceremony in Monaco.  This photo looks familiar to me so if it has already been posted – sorry.  Also- there is a clear watermark across it but I felt that as long as I credit the photographer I should be Ok. If not I won’t be offended if the photo is removed.

Mr. Quinn’s portfolio recalls the Golden days!


— Maria